Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Make Your SSA Advance Designation Now, Just In Case?

Last week I got an email notification of a recent blog post from SSA Advance Designation: Choose a Representative Payee for Social Security to Consider Before You May Need One

Here's the info

The future can be uncertain. However, Social Security’s Advance Designation program can help put you in control of your benefits if a time comes when you need a representative payee to help manage your money.

Advance Designation enables you to identify up to three people, in priority order, whom you would like to serve as your potential representative payee.

The following people may choose an Advance Designation:

  • Adults applying for benefits who do not have a representative payee.
  • Adult beneficiaries/recipients who do not have a representative payee.
  • Emancipated minors applying for benefits who do not have a representative payee.
  • Emancipated minor beneficiaries/recipients who do not have a representative payee.

The blog post continues to explain more about how to do this and when it is used. The accompanying FAQ about the Advance Designation is available here.


Consumer Information, Current Affairs, Federal Statutes/Regulations, Social Security, Weblogs | Permalink


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