Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Rep Payee Interdisciplinary Training

Social Security has released a video series for Rep Payees that is an interdisciplinary training "to educate individuals and organizations about the roles and responsibilities of serving as a representative payee, elder abuse and financial exploitation, effective ways to monitor and safely conduct business with the banking community, and ways to recognize the changes in decisional capacity among vulnerable adults and seniors."  There are 5 videos (1 of which is a short introduction) with the 4 training videos running in length from 15-35 minutes, depending on the topic. The topics include technical training as a rep payeerecognizing financial exploitation and vulnerable adult abuse, strategies for dealing with the financial community and changes in a beneficiary's decisional capacity. A transcript is available in addition to the video.



Consumer Information, Current Affairs, Federal Statutes/Regulations, Social Security | Permalink


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