Sunday, January 24, 2016
Natural Disasters Know No Season
It seems that no matter the season, there is some type of natural disaster that occurs (example-tornados the week before last in Florida, a major snow storm in the Northeast a few days ago). We all need to be prepared for natural disasters, and it is important to realize that elders may be disproportionally affected in some cases. The New York Times on January 8, 2016 ran an article on the importance of being prepared. "Natural disasters, which appear to be on the rise in part because of climate change, are especially hard for older adults. They are particularly vulnerable because many have chronic illnesses that are worsened during the heat of a fire or the high water of a flood. And many are understandably reluctant to leave homes that hold so much history." The article references studies that reveal a disproportionate number of some natural disasters have been elders.
One key to survival, as the article notes, is advance planning. A number of resources, state specific or national, are available online to help prepare. Every year in Florida, the media alerts us to the approach of hurricane season and we purchase our hurricane supplies and prepare. Friends in California have told me about their earthquake kits. The article notes that local governments may have registries for those with special needs or may need assistance in an evacuation. Preparing in advance for shelter for pets in emergency evacuations is important, since not all emergency shelters take 4-footed family members. The article notes there is even an app for help when disaster strikes!
The article has some good ideas that are valuable to all of us. Here are just a few of my favorite websites for information.
Red Cross Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors. Seniors
CDC Personal Preparedness for Older Adults and their Caregivers
FEMA Elderly Special Needs Plans To Be Ready for Disaster
AoA Keeping Older Americans and People with Disabilities Safe and Healthy During Emergencies