Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The Latest Boomer Book: Ka-Boom!
Governing has published a free e-book about the boomers. Governing Generations: An Earth Shattering Ka-Boom "tells the story of baby boomers aging in place and what that means for states and localities." The book can be downloaded as a pdf or is available in formats suitable for e-readers.
Here is a description of the book:
The challenge is unprecedented in many respects, the response to which will necessarily require thoughtful collaboration among levels of government, private sector players across the economy and non profit groups that lock arms in providing services today and help create communities that are good places to live regardless of age over the long term. That massive transition marks an unprecedented demographic upheaval -- and a historic challenge for government. Much of the discussion about the so-called silver tsunami involves the impending pressures on federal entitlement programs, including Social Security and Medicare. But the wave of aging Americans poses sweeping challenges to states and localities as well. Many communities are coming to terms with this demographic bow wave. In telling their stories, the Governing eBook provides a field guide for policy makers, practitioners and anybody who is getting older to think about our immediate future.