Wednesday, May 27, 2009

AoA’s National Center on Elder Abuse Launches Movie Theater Elder Abuse Awareness Message

As part of the Administration on Aging’s (AoA) ongoing recognition of Older Americans Month, Acting Assistant Secretary for Aging Edwin L. Walker today announced that beginning May 22 through June 18, 2009, AoA’s National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) will run a 15-second elder abuse information piece on approximately 700 movie screens in 27 major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. This is the first time that one unified message regarding elder mistreatment will be echoed simultaneously throughout the country.

In a brief video that will appear before movie trailers and previews, actor William Mapother of the television show “Lost” asks viewers to “Join Us in the Fight Against Elder Abuse.”  NCEA created the “Join Us” campaign as part of the first-ever national effort to raise awareness of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.  

"Our older Americans deserve our respect and honor, not abuse and neglect," HHS Secretary Sebelius said. "This landmark awareness effort will help us focus on an important issue that has received far too little attention.  Public awareness is a significant first step toward reducing the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of seniors." 

As part of this coordinated effort, the NCEA is building upon its “Join Us” theme by asking community organizations and the public to carry out simple activities that can address elder abuse in their communities. AoA’s national network of community-based aging organizations plays a critical role in ensuring that older Americans remain independent, healthy, and safe in their homes and communities for as long as possible. However, the independence of many seniors is limited by abusive situations ranging from financial exploitation to severe neglect.                  

“Each year, hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected, and exploited; yet, only about one in five of those crimes is ever discovered,” said Acting Assistant Secretary Walker. “The NCEA’s sobering message, to be viewed by millions in theaters across our country over the next four weeks, is an opportunity to shed light on the tragic problem of elder abuse and perhaps save lives.”

Another opportunity will occur on Monday, June 15, 2009, which is the annual acknowledgement of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, when communities worldwide are holding events to recognize the problem of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

The NCEA is a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment, and operates as a multi-disciplinary consortium of collaborators with expertise in elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.  Current grantees of the NCEA are the National Adult Protective Services Association, the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, and the University of Delaware’s Center for Community Research and Service. 

The elder abuse information piece that will be seen in theaters starting tomorrow was produced for the NCEA by the University of Delaware, a leader in elder abuse information and prevention efforts for over 20 years. The State of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services also played a vital role in securing the services of Mr. Mapother and producing a series of public service announcements upon which the elder abuse information piece is based. 

To learn about the location of the theaters where the elder abuse informational piece will run, visit:

For more information about the NCEA “Join Us” campaign, visit: . You may also contact the NCEA by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (302-831-3525) to learn more about other public awareness activities.

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