Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New Report on Educational Barriers for African American Girls

Tuesday, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the National Women's Law Center released a critical report on African American Girls and Education.  They offer this summary:

The report, titled Unlocking Opportunity for African American Girls: A Call to Action for Educational Equity, is aimed at eliminating barriers that are rooted in racial and gender discrimination so that African American girls and other children of color have meaningful access to equal educational opportunities. The report first provides a historical perspective that captures the critical role that African American women played in desegregating schools and ensuring that all students, irrespective of race, have access to a high quality education. The report then discusses how racial and gender stereotypes permeate classrooms today; other barriers that African American girls face; and academic indicators that show African American girls are being left behind. Finally, the report sets forth a series of recommendations for eradicating the barriers that African American girls and other students of color face.

Discrimination, Gender | Permalink


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