CrimProf Blog

Editor: Stephen E. Henderson
University of Oklahoma


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gabel & Champion on Regulating the Science of Forensic Evidence


Jessica D. Gabel (pictured) and Ashley D. Champion (Georgia State University - College of Law and Georgia State University - College of Law) have posted Regulating the Science of Forensic Evidence: A Broken System Requires a New Federal Agency (Texas Law Review, See Also, Vol. 90, p. 19, 2011) on SSRN.  Here is the abstract: 

Professor Gabel and Ms. Champion agree with Mr. Goldstein's argument that serious validity and reliability problems plague forensic science, but, using the recent Troy Davis case in Georgia as an illustration, they argue for federal rather than state oversight. Gabel and Champion assert that many states lack the funding to construct an adequate system and that the fragmentation caused by different state systems would be a significant impediment to reform. They suggest a federal agency that, like the Environmental Protection Agency, would set minimum standards but allow states to experiment with enhanced regulation.

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