Friday, October 3, 2008
Interpersonal and Physical Dating Violence Among Teens
The death of a 16 year-old girl, shot and killed by her 17 year-old boyfriend in Oakland, California, epitomizes the potential of interpersonal violence to escalate to a tragic extreme (Contra Costa Times, 2008). Exposure to interpersonal violence often begins in early adolescence and continues into adulthood (CDC, 2006). In the US alone, approximately 1 in 3 adolescent girls (estimates up to 35%) is a victim of interpersonal violence (Bonomi & Kelleher, 2007; CDC 2006 & 2007; Marcus, 2005). This Focus attempts to bring to light various aspects of a little-studied issue of critical importance, especially to youth.
Interpersonal violence is physical, emotional, or verbal abuse by one partner towards another in a dating relationship. It is referred to by a variety of names—relationship violence, date ghting, and intimate partner violence—terms used interchangeably in this report. This de nition also includes any abusive behavior aimed at controlling or hurting a dating partner and thus includes threats and acts of intimidation (WomensLaw. org, 2007; CDC, 2007). The physical aspect of interpersonal violence—intentional hitting, slapping, or physically hurting by a boyfriend or girlfriend—is referred to as physical dating violence (PDV) and is emphasized in the following report. [Mark Godsey] Continue Reading "Interpersonal and Physical Dating Violence Among Teens"