Monday, July 7, 2008

Reality TV's new target: Flipped-verdict dramas

Dnastoryx Reality television, which has probed virtually every aspect of American life, is looking to enter a gritty part of the criminal justice system: the campaign to exonerate the innocent.

GRB Entertainment, whose clients include National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, has discussed a proposal with the California Innocence Project, GRB Executive Vice President Michael Branton says.

A separate, undisclosed company is negotiating with the Innocence Project of Texas, says Jeff Blackburn, the Texas project's chief counsel.

In New York, the national Innocence Project is approached nearly every week with a new proposal to allow cameras access to a long and confidential process that may — or may not — result in exoneration, spokesman Eric Ferrero says. The national and state groups have represented prisoners, including some facing life in prison or death, whose claims of innocence were proven by DNA testing or other evidence.

"It's a story where the stakes are often life or death," Branton says. "I don't think there is anything like this on television." [Mark Godsey]

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GRB Entertainments is acting in a very valiant manner...Kuddos!

The American Juducial System has, for many years, condoned the attitude of many prosecutors whom favor a win over justice. In my opinion, because of this behavior, "justice" means a process from suspect, conviction, sentence, parole, to probation whether the convicted are innocent or not.

Out system in not a perfect one; but a good one, only because the guilty are incarcerated. Unfortunately, innocent are convicted because of the unwillingness of a prosecutor(s) accepting a loss, especially after investing numerous hours to prove a case. Even after, during this proccess, discovering the suspect innocent.

Our judicial system certainly needs to be put under a magnifying glass so that they may employ their conscience.

"A guilty rich man is proven to be innocent by a great attorney whereas an innocent poor man is proven guilty."

A. Dennis Lopez

Posted by: Andrew Dennis Lopez | Jul 9, 2008 7:53:22 AM

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