Sunday, March 2, 2008
"Light at the End of the Pipeline?: Choosing a Forum for Suspected Terrorists recently published S.J Quinney College of Law CrimProf Amos N. Guiora and Lewis and Clark College of Law CrimProf John T. Parry's piece Light at the End of the Pipeline?: Choosing a Forum for Suspected Terrorists. Here is the abstract:
Despite the fact that six years have
passed since 9/11, the Pentagon's recent decision to try six Guantanamo
detainees for capital crimes such as terrorism and support of terrorism
made national headlines. William Glaberson, U.S. Charges 6 With Key
Roles in 9/11 Attacks, N.Y. Times, Feb. 11, 2008, at A1. In this
Debate, Professors Amos N. Guiora, of the University of Utah, and John
T. Parry, of Lewis & Clark Law School, attempt to settle the
question of what sort of forum is most appropriate to try the thousands
of individuals in U.S. custody who are suspected of terrorism.
Guiora considers three forum options: treaty-based international terror
courts, traditional Article III courts, and a hybrid option he calls
domestic terror courts. Ultimately, Professor Guiora argues in favor of
domestic terror courts, which he describes as being able to balance[]
the legitimate rights of the individual with the equally legitimate
national security rights of the state. He considers this option to be
the most practical and expedient policy solution, necessitated by an
untenable tension between the understanding that some of the detainees
present a genuine threat to American national security, and an
awareness that indefinite detention violates constitutional principles
and fundamental concepts of morality.
Professor Parry agrees
that current U.S. policy toward detainees has been misguided, but does
not believe that innovations of the sort proposed by Professor Guiora
are necessary. Rather, he suggests that policymakers should choose
Article III courts rather than hybrid courts for trials of suspected
terrorists, with military courts as a fallback option. Professor Parry
points to research that shows that the federal government is often able
to prosecute suspected terrorists in federal court, and therefore
considers alternative proposals to Article III courts to be solution[s]
in search of a problem. Professor Parry realizes that trial in federal
court will not be possible for every suspected terrorist, and concludes
that, [f]or people who pose a risk but whose conduct may not violate
federal criminal law, prolonged preventive detention is the best choice. [Mark Godsey]