Monday, June 26, 2006
Texas Starts a Mental Health Court With Hopes of Smarter Justice
From Harris County, Texas has started a mental health court, an intensive supervision program that was started in March to help people with mental health problems complete their probation and continue treatment.
People assigned to the court have violated the rules of their probation because of mental illness, state District Judge Marc Carter said. Sending them to jail does little to protect the community, he said, if they are released without correcting their problems.
Officials hope the new program eventually will help ease crowding in the county jail and state prisons, where probation violators often end up."It's win-win for everybody," said Kathleen Williams, manager of special programs for the county's Community Supervision and Corrections Department.
Rest of Article. . . [Mark Godsey]
the Texas Starts a Mental Health Court With Hopes of Smarter Justice. is People assigned to the court have violated the rules of their probation because of mental illness, state District Judge Marc Carter said.One weekend, Michael got in trouble when other teens heard him direct a flurry of racial epithets at a staff member.
Posted by: Mack | Jul 16, 2008 11:50:40 PM
Corruptions and criminals are fastest increasing in the world. Texas Starts a Mental Health Court With Hopes of Smarter Justice.Officials hope the new program eventually will help ease crowding in the county jail and state prisons. how our government would prevent on it.Every country is under the terrorism attacks.Anytime they can attack on anywhere. So we should make unity and protest against it.
Subhash Pandey
Posted by: Subhash Pandey | Jul 24, 2008 4:31:22 AM
The Mental Health Court represents an effort to increase effective cooperation between two have traditionally not worked closely together. The Mental Health Court
reserves the right not to accept cases
into its jurisdiction if a person does
not meet eligibility criteria.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual Diagnosis
Posted by: jana | Jun 20, 2008 5:00:32 AM