CrimProf Blog

Editor: Stephen E. Henderson
University of Oklahoma


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Execution Stats for 2006

From DPIC:  With the execution of Jesus Aguilar in Texas on May 24, there have now been 20 executions in 2006:

  • 50% of the executions have been in Texas
  • 75% have been in the South
  • 75% of those executed were of minority race
  • 62% of the victims in the underlying murders were white.

At the current pace, there would be 48 executions in 2006, a decline from the 60 executions in 2005, though many executions have been stayed while courts consider the lethal injection process.
(source: DPIC statistics, May 25, 2006).  See Executions and DPIC's Execution Database.

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