Monday, April 3, 2006
Eyewitness ID Conference, April 21
The Loyola Chicago Public Interest Law Reporter will sponsor a conference on New Policies, New Practices: Fresh Perspectives on Eyewitness Identification on April 21. Among the lawyers speaking will be Patrick Fitzgerald, Thomas Sullivan and Dan Webb. Among psychologists will be Gary Wells, Ebbe Ebbesen and Roy Malpass.
The topics will include a discussion of the new Illinois Pilot Program on Sequential Double-Blind Identification Procedures released this last week. One of the conclusions reached in the program report: "Surprisingly, the Illinois data did not bear out the research experiments that sequential, double-blind lineups produce a lower rate of known false identifications. Instead, the sequential, double-blind procedures resulted in an overall higher rate of known false identifications than did the simultaneous lineups."
For more information, visit the conference website: