Thursday, February 2, 2006

Findlaw's Supreme Court Awareness Survey

From "According to a December 2005 national survey conducted by FindLaw, only 43 percent of American adults can name at least one justice who is currently serving on the nation's highest court. Fifty-seven percent of Americans can't name any current U.S. Supreme Court justices.The percentages of Americans who could name each current justice were as follows:

  • Sandra Day O'Connor - 27%
  • Clarence Thomas - 21%
  • John Roberts - 16%
  • Antonin Scalia - 13%
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg - 12%
  • Anthony Kennedy - 7%
  • David Souter - 5%
  • Stephen Breyer - 3%
  • John Paul Stevens - 3%

The national survey used a representative sample of 1,000 adults nationwide, with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points." [Mark Godsey]

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