Saturday, July 9, 2005

Montana Implements Unconstitutional Stop Program

A new program in Montana requires police officers on roving patrol to stop at least one car an hour, regardless of whether the driver did anything wrong.  They don't yet have a name for the program, but should consider calling it "The Totally Unconstitutional Car Stop Program of Montana."  Story.  [Mark Godsey]

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» Linkfest -- Special "Hear/See/Speak No Evil" Edition from A Stitch in Haste
Assorted questionable laws and lawsuits with the common thread of controlling and being controlled --

ITEM: Montana plans to implement a "pull over quota" for its police -... [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 9, 2005 10:08:43 AM

» Police Stopping Drivers Unconstitutionally from Objective Justice
Mark Godsey over at CrimProf Blog has a post that is of great interest to anyone who has wondered whether the police have a quota system for pulling over drivers. He relates a news story from ABC's News 10 that purports that the Montana police have a q... [Read More]

Tracked on Jul 9, 2005 11:03:18 AM