Monday, January 24, 2005
Visitors Wanted at Catholic
The Columbus School of Law of the Catholic University of America is currently considering applicants for full-year and one-semester visiting faculty positions for the 2004 - 05 academic year. Subject areas of particular interest may include civil procedure, criminal law/procedure, property, contracts, trusts & estates, and federal tax. Law school teaching experience is preferred. The Catholic University of America was founded in the name of the Catholic Church as a national university and center of research and scholarship. Regardless of an individual's personal religious affiliation, all faculty are expected to support the University's mission. Persons interested in being considered should submit a resume and letter describing their qualifications for an interest in the position as soon as possible to:
Dean William Fox
The Catholic University of America
The Columbus School of Law
3600 John McCormack Road, NE
Washington, D.C. 20064
FAX: (202) 319-5473