ContractsProf Blog

Editor: Jeremy Telman
Oklahoma City University
School of Law

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tenured Law Professor Seeks Declaratory Judgment that She Was Wrongfully Terminated

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 11.52.56 AMProfessor Lauren Gilbert (left) has taught at the St. Thomas University School of Law since 2002, with tenure since 2009.  On July 18th of this year, she was informed by letter that her employment was terminated, effective July 19th. Here attorney tells the story over at The Faculty Lounge. The termination letter stated grounds for her termination.

Last week, Professor Gilbert filed a complaint seeking a declaratory judgment stating that she was wrongfully terminated.  She seeks reinstatement and back pay.  According to the complaint, Professor Gilbert was not terminated in accordance with procedures set out in the University's Faculty Handbook.  Until such procedures are complied with, according to the complaint, Professor Gilbert is entitled to retain her position and her salary.  

The grounds for the termination have a something old, something new, something troubling, something trivial aspect to them.  There was a serious incident in 2010 which resulted in her suspension without pay for two weeks.  There are serious allegations of a non-chalant response to an active shooter situation in 2022, which resulted in a written reprimand.  And then there were a number of incidents in the past academic year that sound to me like what happens when a faculty is factionalized and some faculty think that the administration is taking actions without proper consultation with faculty.  I have been on such a faculty, and many of us behaved badly at times.  Nobody was fired.  And in fact, much as we bickered behind close doors, faculty members continued to do their jobs, and I think we presented a united front for the students for the most part.  The last straw for St. Thomas's administration  (I'm not making this up) was that Professor Gilbert did not attend graduation.  Although she gave one month's notice that she would not attend, she neither sought nor received permission to skip the event.  This, the administration characterized as "yet another act of insubordination by you." Cue the gif of a soccer player pretending to writhe on the pitch in pain after tripping over a blade of grass.

The termination letter then goes on to quote something called the St. Thomas University Employee Handbook, which the University claims trumps the Faculty Handbook with respect to matters "outside of the classroom and/or academic pursuits." This case will have faculty members running to check out their own university's employee handbook, of whose existence they are, at most, dimly aware.  In any case, it is some sort of a problem, although perhaps not a justiciable one, if there is significant daylight between what the Employee Handbook permits the University to do and tenure guarantees required by the relevant accrediting agencies.

Stay tuned.  Let us hope for a happy resolution for all involved.

Current Affairs, Law Schools, Recent Cases | Permalink


Gilbert was tenured in 2009 but Gilbert began her role as a Professor of STU Law in 2002. Patel graduated from STU Law in 2009. Tarlika graduated from STU Law in 2010.

It’s unusual that Tarlika and Ricky Patel might easily be former students of Gilbert herself and are now essentially doing their utmost to destroy Gilbert’s reputation/career/life.

(I want to say they are essentially chasing her around with pitchforks and scarlet letters … especially considering their new accusation against Gilbert engaging in ‘an inappropriate relationship with a student.’ This is so ludicrous that it’s laughable. Anyone who’s met or googled Gilbert would immediately agree that this accusation is transparent and preposterous.)

(It’s even more unusual that Tarlika’s letters and Patel’s letters are so poorly written that it’s a wonder they ever passed any Legal Writing courses at STU Law, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Posted by: Coop | Sep 1, 2024 1:07:29 AM

This article is behind a paywall but it covers our latest lawsuit for defamation nicely. We learned on Friday the basis of the "inappropriate relationship" charge during a meeting with President Armstrong, and it is ludicrous. They said they had not intended to imply a romantic or intimate relationship, which is so not credible because that's how it was interpreted by anyone asked. Their smoking gun was me responding in an email to a question about whether they needed to know formulas for my Family Law final where I told the student who eventually received the best student award and who subsequently worked as my research assistant that if I tested on child support, I would provide the child support worksheet, I would not test on grossing up, and that the best way to prepare was to practice by plugging in numbers into the worksheet. They accused me of releasing my exam question in advance when this was what I told everyone. They had that email on the top of their pile of documents along with the final grading roster. Their evidence against me was laughable and actually helped prove our case, including their release of personal information involving a disciplinary matter in violation of the University's own policies.

Posted by: Lauren Gilbert | Sep 30, 2024 7:42:32 AM

Here's the link to the article.

Posted by: Lauren Gilbert | Sep 30, 2024 7:44:11 AM