ContractsProf Blog

Editor: Jeremy Telman
Oklahoma City University
School of Law

Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Frivolity: Tricking AI Into Selling You a Car for $1

Chris Bakke posted the following on Twitter, which he calls X

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10.31.12 AMContracts hypo: did Chris Bakke buy a Chevy Tahoe for $1?
Real life question: if you could buy any car for $1, would it be a Chevy Tahoe?

Enrique Dans reports on Medium that Mr. Bakke achieved this result by feeding the Chevy dealer's rather primitive AI what tech people call "prompt injections."  As Mr. Dans explains, "Prompt injection is when an end user of an LLM application (or any generative AI application) gives it instructions to make it bypass those the developer of the application have provided."

Current Affairs, E-commerce, True Contracts, Web/Tech | Permalink
