Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Image by DALL-E
As Amanda Holpuch reports in The New York Times, Fired Up Fabrication, LLC (Fired Up) sued JMF Enterprises LLC, a Colorado welding company, and its principal, John Frank (collectively JMF). Fired Up alleged that it had done sub-contracting work for JMF and had not been paid in full. The parties settled, and JMF agreed to pay $23,500. Judge Joseph Findley of Larimer County approved the settlement in July.
In August, JMF purported to make good on the settlement by delivering 6,500 pounds of mixed coins that it had dumped in a metal container. Fired Up refused delivery on the ground that its freight elevator could only handle 3000 pounds. There are images of the coins on The New York Times article and also on this video that JMF, for some reason, posted on its Facebook page. Some people's senses of humor peak in middle school.
The judge was not amused. He ordered. JMF to pay in full and add costs for Fired Up's trouble dealing with the coins. Fired Up estimated those costs at $8000.
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