Monday, September 17, 2012
Contracts Limerick of the Week: Lucy v. Zehmer
Speaking of Lucy v. Zehmer, I had never taught the case until this year. I don't know why so many casebooks no longer include it. My students responded very well to it, and we had a very interesting discussion both of the joke/dare issue and of the drunkenness issue. How drunk does one have to be to be adjudicated incompetent to enter into a contract? Zehmer claimed he was "high as a Georgia pine." That might have been enough, but the court didn't buy it.
Lucy v. Zehmer Limerick
come to Virginnie
to dine
come to draft contracts and sign.
did Zehmer, and so
was bound even though
was high as an old Georgia pine.
Loving the limericks! This one is my favorite so far. Hope to have a chance to contribute some soon... Great fun!
Posted by: Chris Osborn | Oct 3, 2012 10:42:17 AM
What a fun limerick! And I say that as a "recovering lawyer" and a limerick writer who runs a weekly Limerick-Off competition. Nice job!
Here are a couple of my legal limericks:
A fellow was famous worldwide:
His two wives had suspiciously died,
And wife number three,
Catching on to his spree,
Turned him in. Now he’s fit to be tried.
“The chances are good that you’ll win,”
Said the lawyer, betraying a grin.
“But you know either way
You will still have to pay
Me the fee that is set forth herein.”
And here's a 3-verse limerick:
A fellow whose car had been towed
Freaked out when he heard what he owed.
“Highway robb’ry,” he yelled.
Then he sued — price upheld,
Plus penalties — made him explode.
So he threatened to file an appeal,
Though his wife said, “Enough! Make a deal!”
He responded, “No way!
I simply won’t pay.
Let them keep my damn automobile.”
But then he was hit with a lien.
And his wife said, “You see what I mean?
End this now or perforce
I will sue for divorce.”
That’s what comes of the stubbornness gene.
Posted by: Madeleine Begun Kane | Sep 21, 2012 3:02:12 PM