ContractsProf Blog

Editor: Jeremy Telman
Oklahoma City University
School of Law

Friday, September 28, 2012

Contracts Law Theory in London, 2013

Prince Saprai (UCL), George Letsas (UCL) and Greg Klass (Georgetown) are organising a conference on the Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law to take place next May (Friday 10th and Saturday 11th May 2013) in London at the University College London Laws Faculty.  The organizers will be producing a volume to be published by Oxford University Press from the papers at the conference.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Aditi Bagchi (Fordham)
  • Randy Barnett (Georgetown)
  • Lisa Bernstein (Chicago)
  • Curtis Bridgeman (Florida State)
  • Mindy Chen-Wishart (Oxford)
  • Charles Fried (Harvard)
  • Avery Katz (Columbia)
  • Dori Kimel (Oxford)
  • Gregory Klass (Georgetown)
  • Jody Kraus (Columbia)
  • George Letsas (UCL)
  • Daniel Markovits (Yale)
  • Liam Murphy (NYU)
  • David Owens (Reading)
  • James Penner (UCL)
  • Margaret Jane Radin (Michigan)
  • Joseph Raz (Columbia / KCL)
  • Prince Saprai (UCL)
  • Robert Scott (Columbia)
  • Stephen Smith (McGill)
  • Nicos Stavropoulos (Oxford)
  • Robert Stevens (Oxford)
  • Charlie Webb (LSE)

Here is a link to the conference website.

Come for the conference; stay for the Jeremy Bentham auto-icon!


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