ContractsProf Blog

Editor: Jeremy Telman
Oklahoma City University
School of Law

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Welcome to the Blawgosphere: LSU Law Energy Blog

Call for Blog Entries

Lsu1The newly formed LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources (JELR) at the Louisiana Sate University Paul M. Hebert Law Center invites submissions of articles for the Journal’s companion blog, The LSU Law Energy Blog. The blog will launch in August 2012 and will continue to publish pieces on a rolling basis. JELR is a student-edited journal devoted to the promotion of legal scholarship in energy law.   The Journal is committed to publishing a variety of topics within the purview of energy law, including interdisciplinary pieces. The LSU Law Energy Blog will supplement the Journal by providing shorter articles on recent developments in energy law and the surrounding fields published by students, practitioners, and professionals in these fields.

Submissions: To be considered for publication on The LSU Law Energy Blog, please submit an entry on a current, relevant energy law topic or a case note on a major energy law case. Topical entries should be around 500 words and case notes may be longer. Please email these entries to [email protected]. For publication on the blog in Fall of 2012, please submit a polished entry by July 15, 2012.


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