Monday, August 17, 2009
Welcome, Alan White!!
I am pleased to welcome to the blog my friend and colleague, Alan White. Avid fans of the blog might think that name sounds familiar. And sure enough, we have had reason to mention Professor White's scholarship previously on this blog here, and we've advertized one of his conferences here (he's got another one planned for later this semester, so stay tuned!), But now the real excitement begins, because Alan has agreed to do a guest blogging stint this semester in which he will blog about his first-year contracts course.
I will be posting Alan's comments as he writes them. In separate posts, I will then add my own blow-by-blow account of what is going on in my contracts course. Alan and I both adopted the same casebook last year, so we started out in a relatively similar place, but this year our teaching approaches are diverging, as we supplement the casebook we are using with our own ideas about what first-year students need from a contracts course. I think we both have found the three-way conversation involving the two of us and our casebook a fruitful one. We hope it will interest readers of the blog as well.
In any case, we here at the blog are grateful to Alan for his willingness to share his thoughts and experiences. Our readers will enjoy getting inside the mind of a still young contracts prof who is still willing to try new ways to stimulate his students and to prepare them for practice.
[Jeremy Telman]