Monday, December 15, 2014

Bill of Rights Day 2014

December 15 is Bill of Rights Day.

President Obama's proclamation this year includes this passage:

On the anniversary of the Bill of Rights, we reflect on the blessings of freedom we enjoy today, and we are reminded that our work to foster a more free, more fair, and more just society is never truly done. Guided by these sacred principles, we continue striving to make our country a place where our daughters' voices are valued just as much as our sons'; where due process of law is afforded to all people, regardless of skin color; and where the individual liberties that we cherish empower every American to pursue their dreams and achieve their own full measure of happiness.

Wondering how - - - and why - - - Bill of Rights Day began?  Or why it is not a paid holiday (like "Independence Day")?  Or which President decided not to issue a proclamation for the day?  Or why the Bill of Rights as the proposed initial amendments were not all about "rights"?  And why we do - - - like Obama - - - tend to "read in" a notion of equality although it is noticeably absent?
Some answers are here in my column that begins: "Forgive yourself if you haven't made any special plans for Bill of Rights Day again this year."
National Archives image via

Current Affairs, Equal Protection, History, Interpretation | Permalink

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