Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CFP: Gardens of Justice

What are constitutions if not plans for gardens?

476px-Frederick_Carl_Frieseke_-_Femme_dans_un_jardinA wonderful and imaginative call for papers for a critical legal conference in Stokholm this September, via Kate Sutherland at Osgoode Hall's law.arts.culture.

From the CFP: "The theme for next year’s Critical Legal Conference is “Gardens of Justice”. Although the theme may be interpreted in different ways, it suggests thinking about law and justice as a physical as well as a social environment, created for specific purposes, at a certain distance from society and yet as an integral part of it. The theme also invites you to think about justice as a concrete metaphor rather than an abstract concept. Just like any ordinary garden, legal institutions affect both people working in them and people who are just passing through their arrangements."


Critical legal conference 2012

to be held in Stockholm, 14-16 September, 2012

deadline for submissions
streams, roundtables and workshops: 31 March 2012; individual papers: 31 May 2012

[image: Frederick Carl Frieseke's Femme dans un jardin, 1912 via]


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