Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Immigration Laws Passed by States: Information Available
A report issued today by the National Conference of State Legislatures compiles bills proposed, vetoed, and adopted by state legislatures regarding immigration-related issues. This is a great research tool for anyone doing scholarship or litigation in this area, as well as preparing for class.
Summaries of the enacted laws - - - one table organized by state and another table organized by subject matter - - - are available at the NCSL website here. (Note: the website warns that the "NCSL publication and PDF are registered with the NCSL copyright and may not be reproduced, uploaded or distributed in any way in its entirety" so only a link is provided).
There is a wealth of information in the pdf summaries and discussed on the website. The summaries are 70 plus pages, in table form, with a bit of information and the bill number (but no hyperlink to the actual bill text). There is also a helpful database search feature here which provides links to find the text and legislative history of bills.
The NCSL represents its members - - - state legislatures - - - as continuing to "lead the way" on immigration issues and entitles its findings "States Step Up to the Plate on Immigration." It acknowledges the controversy that Arizona SB1070 has provoked. It also notes that "state laws related to immigration have increased dramatically over the past decade," with 300 bills introduced (and 38 enacted) in 2005, and more than 1500 bills (and 222 enacted) in 2009.