Thursday, May 20, 2010

Colloquium Reminder: How Democratic is the Constitution?

Loyola University (Chicago) School of Law is organizing a constitutional law colloquium titled How Democratic is the Constitution? on Friday and Saturday, November 5 and 6, 2010, at the Philip H. Corboy Law Center in Chicago.

Organizers Professors Alexander Tsesis and Michael Zimmer invite abstract submissions of 150 to 200 words from constitutional law professors interested in contributing to the current debates under the broad rubric of this topic.  The goal of the conference is to allow professors to develop new ideas with the help of supportive colleagues on a wide range of constitutional law topics.

The submission deadline is May 31, 2010; submit topics, abstracts, papers, questions, and comments to Program Administrator Carrie Bird at [email protected].

Organizers look to bring together constitutional law scholars at all stages of their professional development to discuss projects, developments, and future work.  They hope to schedule presentations for all who submit and to group presenters by subject for intensive discussions and critique.


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