Friday, August 26, 2022

Nominations for the CLEA Board of Directors – Due Oct. 1, 2022

The CLEA Elections Committee -Crystal Grant (Duke), Lauren Bartlett (SLU), Shobha Lakshmi Mahadev (Northwestern), and June Tai (Iowa)) is soliciting nominations through October 1, 2022, of individuals to serve on the CLEA Board starting in January 2023. This year, there are several Board positions open. All positions require a three-year commitment. I am attaching a memo which sets forth the activities and responsibilities of CLEA Board members in more detail. Current CLEA members are invited to nominate themselves or other CLEA members as candidates for one of these open positions. The committee also encourages "new clinicians" (defined as clinicians with fewer than 6 years of experience) to self-identify as such as they run for the CLEA Board. Our Bylaws create a process for candidates identified as "new clinicians," to ensure that, if the existing Board lacks new clinician representation, the identified "new clinician" candidate who receives the greatest number of votes will be assured a place on the Board. 

 Read more about the board and its responsibilities here.

The Committee strongly encourages CLEA members to nominate individuals from groups that are currently underrepresented within the leadership of various clinical institutions, including CLEA, the AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education, and the Clinical Law Review. The nomination process is simple. Nominate yourself or someone else by contacting the chair of the CLEA Elections Committee, Crystal Grant at [email protected]. If you are nominating yourself, please include a paragraph or two about why you are running and a link to your faculty profile, which will be included with the election materials to be sent later in the fall. If you are nominating another CLEA member, there is no need to include such a paragraph; the name alone will suffice, and the Elections Committee will contact the nominee for further information. If you have less than six years of clinical teaching experience and wish to be identified as a "new clinician" candidate, or if you want to nominate a candidate for the "new clinician" category, please indicate that as well. 

Now that school is back in session, it’s a great time to check whether your school has renewed your CLEA school bundle membership for the 2022-23 school year (or, if you don’t have a school membership, if you have renewed your individual membership), especially because you must be a current CLEA member in order to vote, as well as to run for the board. You can check your membership status at Those who have not renewed by Sept. 30 will be considered lapsed and ineligible to vote or serve. 

Although the process of nomination is easy, our Bylaws set a strict deadline for receiving nominations. All nominations must be received by October 1, 2022. If you have questions about the CLEA Elections process, please feel free to contact committee chair Crystal Grant at [email protected]

August 26, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Northwest Clinical Law Conference, Oct. 21-23, 2022

via Paul Holland

Register by September 9 for the 24th Annual Northwest Clinical Law Conference, October 21-23, 2022

Hosted by Seattle University School of Law at Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort in Leavenworth, Washington

The clinicians from the Pacific Northwest are excited to be gathering again after these years of undesired separation, and we welcome colleagues from all parts to join us.

Our location, Sleeping Lady, in Leavenworth, Washington, is a fabulous place for gathering, reflecting, dining, and simply breathing in glorious cool fall mountain air.

Our program will address topics such as Standard 303, emerging from COVID, and other timely and/or perennial matters.

The registration fee includes lodging at Sleeping Lady on Friday and Saturday nights, and meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch.

Please contact Paul Holland at Seattle University ([email protected]) for the registration form or use the form at the link below.

There is a relatively short turnaround time (September 9) so that we may confirm these valuable rooms in advance.

Click to Download 2022 NW Clinical Conference Registration Form

August 25, 2022 in Conferences and Meetings | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Midwest Clinical Conference - Oct. 28-30, 2022

Via Prof. Nickole Miller:

Register for the Midwest Clinical Conference (October 28-30, 2022)

Drake University Law School is pleased to announce the in-person return of the Midwest Clinical Conference planned for October 28-30, 2022 at the Neal and Bea Smith Law Center in Des Moines, Iowa. This year’s theme is Honoring the Past, Evaluating the Present, Shaping the Future, which will allow attendees to celebrate the development and progress of clinical pedagogy in the law school curriculum while preparing for the next generation of experiential education.

The Planning Committee invites proposals for Concurrent Sessions (60-minute sessions) and Teaching Spotlights (20-minute presentations highlighting innovative or successful teaching strategies or ideas) that expand on the conference theme. The Planning Committee also invites authors to submit works-in-progress or incubator ideas and conference attendees to serve as commentators for the WIP sessions.

Deadline for proposal submissions is 12 p.m. Central Time September 1, 2022 at this website under “Request for Proposals.”

Additional conference information and registration is available at this site.

Please direct any questions to Suzie Pritchett, Director of Clinics and Experiential Education, [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you this fall!

August 24, 2022 in Conferences and Meetings | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 5, 2022

Very Important Updates and Changes re Externships 11, Oct. 7-8 at Pepperdine

The Externships 11 Organizing Committee shares this important update about the conference on October 7-8, 2022, in Los Angeles. Pepperdine and UCLA had been planning to host the conference together, but because of some leadership and staff departures, UCLA has decided that it will not co-host the conference. Pepperdine will continue, and we are shifting our plans now.

Externships 11 now will be two full days, Friday, Oct. 7, and Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022, on campus at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law in Malibu. The organizing committee will reach out to all the speakers to confirm the schedule. Registration continues through this Pepperdine site. (We're updating it as quickly as possible.) To accommodate this change, if necessary, speakers may appear by video, although we earnestly hope everyone will still attend in person. We will continue to offer online video access for people to attend sessions if they cannot attend in person, and remote attendees still need to register for the conference. 

We are working on lodging and transportation options and guidance. This may be our biggest challenge. We currently have blocks of rooms available at the Villa Graziadio hotel on Pepperdine's campus and a block of rooms at the Hilton in Woodland Hills (about 16 miles away). We are working on providing shuttle service from the Woodland Hills Hilton and campus for both days of the conference. These are a total of about 60 rooms, so please register and book them soon! If we exhaust those blocks, later folks will need to secure their own lodging and provide their own transportation, and we will provide suggestions in Malibu, Santa Monica, and the Conejo Valley.  (Please do not book rooms at the Luxe; those plans have changed. It's not close enough or accessible for shuttles to Pepperdine. If you have booked there, you'll likely need to change plans.)

We're grateful for everyone's patience, understanding, and participation, in the spirit of scrappy, creative, resilient, and adaptive clinicians in this vibrant community. We are eager and excited to host the conference at Pepperdine Caruso School of Law in Malibu, and we are confident that it will be an excellent conference. It may be a little harder to get here, but it will be worth it. In addition to excellent, timely content, we're working on building community through food, sunsets, beaches, mountains, and friendship.

The organizing committee has been responsive, creative, and committed to the conference. We are grateful to and for them. Please reach out to any of them or me with questions or ideas.

August 5, 2022 | Permalink | Comments (0)