Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Midwest Clinical Conference (Nov. 5-7, 2021) and CFP for the Drake Law Review Symposium Issue on Clinical Legal Education

Via Prof. Suzan M. Pritchett:

While it was wonderful to see many of you virtually at the AALS Clinical Conference last week, we are excited to extend an invitation to you to attend the Midwest Clinical Conference in person this fall (circumstances permitting) at Drake Law School. We hope you can join us.

The Midwest Clinical Conference will be held on November 5-7, 2021 in Des Moines Iowa.  Additional information regarding the conference theme and a request for proposals will be circulated early this summer.

In addition, 2021 marks the Drake Legal Clinic’s 50th anniversary. The Drake Law Review is sponsoring a symposium issue celebrating clinical legal education and invites submissions for its Spring 2022 volume. Please see the attached Call for Papers for additional details. Authors will be invited to present at the Midwest Clinicians Conference in November.

Please contact Suzie Pritchett, Director of Clinics and Experiential Education, ([email protected]) with any questions, and we hope to see you in November.

May 5, 2021 in Conferences and Meetings, Scholarship | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, May 3, 2021

Next GAJE/ IJCLE/ ACCLE Conference: June 16-18, 2021 (Virtual)


Global Alliance for Justice Education

International Journal of Clinical Legal Education

Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education


Worldwide Online Conference

Hosted by Northumbria University


16th-18th June 2021 

"Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Justice Education in Times of Crises"

A reminder of the GAJE/IJCLE/ACCLE Worldwide Online Conference which will take place on 16th, 17th and 18th June 2021. The conference is hosted and organized with the technical support of Northumbria University (UK).  
Information about the conference is attached and available here: or
If you wish to make a proposal (using the new symposia or our usual interactive workshops format), please click here:
à Proposal Deadline: 7th May 2021
If you wish to register, please click here: 
à Registration Deadline: 21st May 2021
The conference will offer – amongst others – the following highlights: 

International Clinicians’ Café: Sharing and Reflecting on Stories of Transformation and Resilience Susan L. Brooks, Associate Dean and Professor, Drexel University Kline School of Law; Neil Gold, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor.  This interactive workshop will provide a lively and enjoyable forum for our international clinical community to share and reflect on our stories of transformation. An opportunity to bring along the beverage of your choice and meet clinicians in small groups. By listening deeply to each other’s stories of transformation and resilience we will identify common themes and threads. These will lead us to more tools and strategies for continuing to thrive as we face ongoing conditions of uncertainty.
Lightning Talks
The conference will offer rooms for “Lightning Talks”. Here anyone can book a space/time for a maximum 5 minutes presentation in order to give others a quick glimpse at a work in progress in your clinic, or seek out for fellow campaigners to join you in an access to justice project, or share an innovative legal education method etc. It will be the ideal space to share ideas, projects, funny moments and of course to get in contact with other legal educators/justice activists from all over the world. 
At this conference, an e-TOT course program including three 90-minute interactive sessions will be held with experienced instructors and facilitators. The titles of these three sessions are:1- Designing a Clinic; 2- Lesson Plans and Interactive methods; 3- Supervision and Student Assessment.
Newcomer’s rooms
GAJE and IJCLE conferences have always been important meeting points in order to connect and to get engaged with other justice educators around the world. Albeit online, we are planning to create specific rooms/spaces at the conference, where “newcomers" can connect to each other and to already connected clinicians/educators/justice activists from all over the world.

- SHARE INFORMATION OF THE CONFERENCE: Please help us spreading the information about the conference around!
- GET INVOLVED: GAJE conferences have always been ideal occasions of GAJE members to get involved. We are still looking for persons who would be available to support the conference planning, in particular linked to the “Conference Program - Stream Coordination”. If you are interested, please send a us a message (email to [email protected])!
- SEEKING OUT FOR CONFERENCE SUPPORT: Inspired by the experiences of the prior successful GAJE conferences, we believe that GAJE conferences - also the upcoming online edition - are ideal occasions to create collaborative opportunities with interested institutions and organizations. Support could include but are not limited to: (1) Undertaking part of the technical costs of holding the Conference online, (2) Supporting the registration fees of some participants, who are otherwise unable to attend, etc. Please contact us, if you have any idea related to potential supporters (email to [email protected]).


May 3, 2021 in Conferences and Meetings | Permalink | Comments (0)