Thursday, December 17, 2020

JOBS: Georgetown Health Justice Alliance Law Clinic Fellowship

Via Prof. Yael Cannon

The Georgetown University Health Justice Alliance Law Clinic is seeking a clinical teaching fellow to teach and supervise law students through a medical-legal partnership between Georgetown University's Law and Medical Centers, which provides poverty law advocacy to low-income children and families in Washington, D.C.  We have extended the deadline for applications to Friday, January 15, 2021.
The fellowship runs from summer 2021-summer 2023, and the posting can be found at:
From the site: 

The Health Justice Alliance hires one individual to serve as a clinical teaching fellow and supervising attorney each year, for a two-year term.

Fellows have several areas of responsibility, with an increasing role as the fellowship progresses. First, fellows supervise students in direct representation cases, as co-supervisors with experienced fellows and faculty and then on their own.

Second, fellows co-supervise one or more project teams of students.

Third, the fellows and faculty share responsibility for teaching seminar sessions. Fourth, fellows share in the administrative and case handling responsibilities of the clinic.

Finally, fellows participate in a clinical pedagogy seminar and other activities designed to support an interest in clinical teaching and legal education.

Job Opportunities & Fellowships, Jobs | Permalink


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