Friday, June 26, 2020

Workshop on Civil Procedure Pedagogy and Racial, Social and Economic Justice (July 22)

Following up on last week’s workshop on civil procedure pedagogy and distance learning, here’s an announcement from Dave Marcus about a second session for July:

[A]s mentioned last week, the co-organizers of the Civil Procedure Workshop wanted to put together a second session on how our courses can meaningfully engage with themes of racial, social, and economic justice during such extraordinary times.  I'm happy to announce that this session will proceed on Wednesday, July 22, from 1:00-3:00 east coast time.  The format will be similar to last week's, with several plenary presentations and breakout room discussions.  Deseriee Kennedy (Touro), Sarah Krakoff (Colorado), Jaya Ramji-Nogales (Temple), and Tobias Wolff (Penn) have very generously volunteered to present.

If you’re interested, email Dave at [email protected].

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