Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Registration for SEALS Annual Meeting Begins February 1

For those who despair of the AALS ever holding a conference at a destination resort, mark your calendars to register for the 2012 SEALS (Southeastern Association of Law Schools) annual meeting at the Ritz-Carlton in Amelia Island, Florida as soon as registration opens on February 1, 2012.  Hotel rooms at the conference rate typically sell out fast for the wildly popular SEALS conference.  This year, SEALS is requiring you to register for the conference first before you will be allowed to reserve a hotel room.

The SEALS annual meeting will be held July 29 through August 4, 2012.  The program is available here.  Among many other offerings, Professor Ted Eisenberg will once again hold a three-day Empirical Studies Workshop (which requires separate advance registration).  Another session that looks interesting is “Federal Courts and Passive-Aggressive Virtues,” which will examine “the idea of courts engaging in arguably passive-aggressive behavior.”  There is also a discussion group on “Pedagogical Choices and Challenges in Civil Procedure.”



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