Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Not today ....
The two Supreme Court cases most likely to interest jurisdiction-and-procedure nerds are still undecided, as the Court issues but one opinion today. Coverage of that decision can be found at SCOTUSblog. The two cases I mentioned above are Hein v. Freedom From Religion Foundation (taxpayer standing) and Watson v. Philip Morris (federal-officer removal statute). The links are to the Medill summaries. --RR
Don't forget a third big case for procedure geeks: Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., which deals with the heightened pleading requirements for securities fraud claims under the PSLRA and possibly (although not likely) with how the Seventh Amendment interacts with pleading requirements.
Posted by: Howard Wasserman | May 29, 2007 7:57:34 PM