Monday, October 19, 2009
Tsinghua China Law Review: call for submissions
I have received the following announcement, which may be of interest to readers. (I confess I am puzzled by their claim to be "the first law journal in China".) (Oct. 20 update: I am informed that they meant to say, "the first student-run law journal in China".)
The Tsinghua China Law Review is the first law journal in China and is
in association with Tsinghua University School of Law in Beijing,
China. The TCLR is an English-language academic journal aimed at a
global audience, publishing articles on legal topics relating to
China. The TCLR Board of Editors is a collaborative effort between
foreign students in the Tsinghua LLM Program in Chinese Law and
Chinese students at the Tsinghua School of Law. The journal follows a
U.S. law journal format. It is published bi-annually and distributed
to subscribers in the U.S., China, and throughout the world.
Call for Submissions
The TCLR is currently seeking high-quality scholarly articles for its
upcoming issue. Articles should be original works of legal analysis
on topics relating to Chinese law or other legal issues that pertain
to China. Citations are required for all points of law, assertions of
fact, or references to other works. Citations should be in footnotes
and formatted in accordance with the Bluebook
Articles may be submitted by email, in Word format, to
[email protected] or in hard copy, along with a CD-ROM electronic
copy, to the Tsinghua School of Law. Kindly email the preceding
address for postal information. Submitted articles will be
considered on a rolling basis.
A Note on the Language of Publication
The main body of articles should be written in English. However,
Chinese-language legal terminology, citations, or references to laws
or other original sources may be provided in Chinese, and will be
translated by the TCLR editorial staff. In addition, for articles
that regularly reference Chinese-language laws or other materials, the
TCLR editorial staff will translate the materials to English so that
they may be included as appendices to the article for publication.
Courtney L. Gould
[email protected]
It turns out they meant the first student-run law journal in China. I'm changing the post today to reflect this.
Posted by: Don Clarke | Oct 20, 2009 9:11:03 AM
Just read this article about China Gemdale Property Management Group Company was forced filming, secretly filming the residents and invasion of residents’ privacy right & Personal portrait right.
Posted by: JOHN | Feb 19, 2020 10:43:04 PM
I think they meant that it is the first ENGLISH-LANGUAGE law journal published in post-1949 China. The defunct Comparative Law School of China at Soochow University in Shanghai published an English-language law journal from 1922 to 1940 called "China Law Review." This was probably the first law journal published--in any language--in China.
Posted by: Roy L. Sturgeon | Oct 20, 2009 7:18:01 AM