Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Call for Papers: Asian Society of International Law
I have been asked to post the following announcement:
Call for papers: Second Biennial General Conference of the Asian Society of
International Law (Tokyo, 1-2 August 2009)The Second Biennial General Conference of the Asian Society of International
Law (following its inaugural conference in Singapore in 2007) will take up
the important issue of Asia's relationship with the international legal
order under the main theme of "International Law in a Multi-polar and
Multi-civilizational World - Asian Perspectives, Challenges and
Contributions." The Organizing Committee cordially invites paper proposals
and/or submissions for the event which will be held on 1-2 August 2009 at
the University of Tokyo, Japan. The deadline for panel proposals is 31
December 2008; the deadline for papers for "regular" panels is 31 January
2009; and the deadline for discussant papers in the plenary session and
agorae papers is 28 February 2009.Please visit the following website for details of the Tokyo Conference 2009.