Cannabis Law Prof Blog

Editor: Franklin G. Snyder
Texas A&M University
School of Law

Monday, September 29, 2014

Colorado Readies Rules for Marijuana Edibles

WITH THE RASH OF RECENT NEWS STORIES about problems with marijuana edibles, Colorado is readying new portion-size and labeling regulations designed to help consumers understand the amount of "active ingredient" in each portion.

Under the new rules, single portions will be 10 mg of active THC for each unit of sale -- basically, a single "serving" -- and 10 servings per package.  Thus, a single candy bar might contain 100 mg, but would need to be divided into 10 of those little break-apart squares.  The regulations, which go into effect in February, were prompted by a spate of news stories involving what seem to be involuntary overdoses, including (according to FOX31 Denver:

* the death of a mother who was allegedly killed by a husband under the influence of marijuana edibles;

* a student who allegedly plunged to his death off a roof after consuming an edible during a spring break trip;

* three people who ended up in the hospital after ingesting a marijuana candy bar at a county fair and filed a lawsuit; and

* a New York Times reporter who had a serious psychotic incident in a hotel room after taking a few bits of a marijuana candy bar.

The new regulations, which run to 48 pages, can be found in full here.

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nice post

Posted by: julie | Dec 21, 2014 10:54:31 PM

nice post

Posted by: julie | Jan 14, 2015 7:48:21 PM

nice post....

Posted by: julie | Feb 3, 2015 3:31:46 AM

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