Monday, September 23, 2024

Call for Papers - American Business Law Journal Special Issue on Rescuing Organizations in Financial Distress

Dear BLPB Readers:

"The American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) is seeking manuscripts for a special issue on “Rescuing Organizations in Financial Distress.”

Organizations around the globe, both private businesses and public entities, are currently experiencing extraordinary financial pressure and distress. A panoply of internal and external causal factors are contributing to the financial distress. While some organizations can overcome their financial predicament through continued operations, others require legal mechanisms to facilitate a path to rescue. The failure of a private business or the collapse of a public organization has a cascading impact on a host of stakeholders and interests, leading to significant detrimental outcomes well beyond the organization in financial distress. The special issue explores what businesses, regulators, lawmakers, and attorneys should do to provide effective rescue regimes and tools for organizations in financial distress."

The deadline for submissions is February 3, 2025.  The complete call for papers is here:  Download Updated ABLJ 2025 Special Issue Call for Papers - Sept 2024.

September 23, 2024 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, September 9, 2024

American Business Law Journal Currently Accepting Submissions

Dear BLPB Readers:

"The American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) is currently accepting submissions for Volume 62 (2025).  

The ABLJ is a faculty-edited, double blind peer-reviewed journal, continuously published since 1963. The journal is ranked is ranked #2 in the 2023 Washington & Lee Law Journal Rankings for journals in Business, Corporations and Securities Law. It is ranked as an “A” journal by the Australian Business Deans Council.

Our mission is to publish only top quality law review articles and essays that make a scholarly contribution to all areas of law that impact business theory and practice, either U.S. or comparative in scope. We search for those articles that articulate a novel research question and make a meaningful contribution directly relevant to scholars and practitioners of business law. The blind peer-review process means legal scholars well-versed in the relevant specialty area have determined selected articles are original, thorough, important, and timely, and peer editors provide expert feedback and support throughout the editorial process. 

The ABLJ is published quarterly. Articles should be between 16,000 and 20,000 words (inclusive of footnotes). Essays should be between 7,000 and 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes). 
Authors may submit their manuscripts and CVs/resumes through Scholastica or directly via email to Ruth Jebe, Managing Editor at [email protected]
For more information on submissions, please review Author Guidelines information on the ABLJ Wiley website."

September 9, 2024 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

2025 Law and Society Association Annual Meeting

The following comes to us from friends-of-the-BLPB J.S. Nelson and Geeyoung Min:

Dear Business Law Professor Blog readers,

This is a call to participate in Law & Society CRN 46's programming. CRN 46 broadly covers Corporate and Securities Law in Society.

The 2025 Law & Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting is scheduled for Chicago, Illinois, USA from May 22-25, 2025. The meeting will be hosted at the Hyatt Regency. This year’s sessions will take place in-person.

If you are a member of our CRN and on our CRN email list, we will send you several reminders of deadlines as they approach from our CRN's email list. Of course, if you would like to be removed from these emails at any point, simply let us know.

If you have been forwarded this message, are not on our direct CRN 46 mailing list and want to be, please fill out your information here.

Meanwhile, the 2025 LSA Call-for-Participation submission window is now open. 

Submissions Now Open!

>> Click Here to Visit the 2025 Conference Website!

>> Submit an Abstract or Session!

The deadline for our Call for Submissions is October 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET (USA and Canada).

There are three types of sessions: (1) Paper Presentations; (2) Author-Meets-Reader Sessions; and (3) Roundtable Sessions.  Please note that you are limited to participating only once at LSA as a paper presenter, book author, or roundtable participant (full rules here). 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. J.S. happens to be organizing both our LSA CRN and the ComplianceNet2025 conference in NYC that will be held the end of the same week as LSA so that international scholars can travel easily from one conference to another. If you are writing, please include "LSA CRN 46" in the title of your email.

We look forward to seeing you next summer! 


J.S. and Geeyoung  

Paper Presentations 

If you would like to present a paper (either completed or in progress) as part of one of our CRN’s paper sessions, please:  

(1) By October 15, 2024 at the very latest, submit your paper title and abstract directly to LSA via this link.

      • Choose "Individual Paper” in the "Submission Type" drop down menu. 
      • Paste your abstract in the "Proposal" portion of the submission form.  Your abstract must be under 2000 characters. 
    • [VERY IMPORTANT] Select CRN 46 where prompted.

(2) Also by October 15, 2024, please send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] with your paper title and abstract, notifying us that you have submitted your paper directly to LSA. This will help us track your submission and make sure we can find your paper if it doesn’t appear on the list of CRN 46 papers provided by LSA.

(3) Please only submit a paper if you plan to the conference. When paper authors drop out post-submission, it can put the entire panel at risk of cancellation. 

Chair/Discussant Once we have a list of paper presentations associated with CRN 46, we will organize those presentations into paper sessions. Each paper session will need a Chair and a Discussant (who can be the same person). If you would be willing to serve in one or both of those roles, please let us know by October 15, 2024.

Author-Meets-Reader Sessions 

If you have a book (excepting edited volumes or textbooks) that has been, or will be, published in 2024, please consider whether you’d like to arrange an “Author-Meets-Reader” Session around your book!  Here is how LSA describes AMR Sessions: 

“An Author-Meets-Reader (AMR) is a session in which discussion is focused on one to three recently published scholarly books. The session must include the author(s) of the book, three designated “readers” per book (as applicable) who provide comments, and a session chair (who may be one of the readers). AMR panels are limited to books published in the year prior to the LSA Annual Meeting. For the 2025 Meeting, the books must have a publication date in 2024.”

If you are interested in organizing an AMR Session, please contact us by October 1, 2024, and we will work together to submit an AMR Session as part of the CRN. 

Roundtable Sessions 

If you would like to propose a theme for a Roundtable Session, please contact us by October 1, 2024, and we will work together to submit a Roundtable Session as part of the CRN. Here is how LSA describes Roundtable Sessions: 

“A Roundtable is a discussion-centered session that is organized around a common theme and does not have papers presented. Roundtables are the most flexible format offered at the meeting. Participants might organize debates, visual and musical performances, workshops, films, and other innovative formats.”

September 5, 2024 in Call for Papers, Conferences, Joan Heminway | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

AALS 2025 - Section on Agency, Etc. - Calls for Papers

AALS Section on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Unincorporated Associations

Calls for Papers

The AALS Section on Agency, Partnerships, LLCs, and Unincorporated Associations is pleased to announce two calls for papers, one for a panel presentation and one for a works-in progress session geared to workshopping the research and writing of junior faculty.

Panel Presentation:

Up to three paper presenters will be selected for the section's principal panel to be held during the AALS 2025 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. The program is entitled Technology's Intersection with Agency, Partnerships, and Unincorporated Associations. Co-Sponsored by the Sections on Technology, Law and Legal Education and Transactional Law and Skills, the session is designed to explore research and teaching involving the interactions of principal/agent relationships, partnerships, and unincorporated business associations with artificial intelligence, blockchains, cybersecurity, and other technological developments.

Works-in-Progress Session:

The section seeks paper proposals from junior scholars for a works-in-progress program.  Submissions for this session may relate to any topic within the scope of the law governing agency, partnerships, LLCs, or unincorporated associations.

Submission Information: 

To respond to either or both calls for papers, please submit a substantial abstract (five or more pages) or draft of an unpublished paper to Joan Heminway at [email protected] before September 6, 2024.  Please remove the author's name and identifying information from the submission. Please include in the submission email your institution, your tenure status, and the number of years you have been in your current position, as well as a statement indicating whether the paper has been accepted for publication and, if not, when you anticipate submitting the article for publication. The subject line of the email should read: "Submission – Panel" or "Submission – WIP Program," as applicable.  Authors of selected papers will be notified in September. Presenters are responsible for paying their registration fee, hotel, and travel expenses.  Inquiries about the section's programs also should be directed to Joan Heminway at [email protected] or (865) 974-3813.

August 13, 2024 in Agency, Call for Papers, Conferences, Joan Heminway, LLCs, Partnership, Research/Scholarhip, Technology, Unincorporated Entities, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Call for Papers - American University Business Law Review

Dear BLPB Readers:

“The American University Business Law Review (AUBLR) is placing a call for submissions of original legal articles and scholarly commentaries for its forthcoming issues.  As a distinguished publication committed to advancing scholarship in business law, AUBLR is dedicated to publishing high-quality and impactful pieces that address the complex challenges facing business today.  AUBLR is the first law review in Washington, D.C. dedicated solely to business issues and is ranked #15 in Business, Corporations, and Securities Law journals by Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings.

We welcome submissions from academics, practitioners, and American University Law students, and we review submissions for possible publication on a rolling basis.  Submitting your work to AUBLR provides an excellent opportunity to contribute to the academic discourse in business law and to showcase your expertise to a wide audience. If you have pieces ready for submission or if you would like more information about our submission guidelines, please reach out to Zach Schumacher, AUBLR’s Senior Articles Editor at [email protected].  Additionally, you can find more details about AUBLR on our website:”

July 30, 2024 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 29, 2024

Call for Papers: ILE/Penn Law Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop

Institute for Law & Economics
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School




            The Institute for Law & Economics (ILE) at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School is pleased to announce its second annual Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop.  The Workshop will be held in person on November 22, 2024 at Penn Carey Law.

            The Workshop supports and recognizes the work of untenured legal scholars in the business and financial fields, including accounting, banking, bankruptcy, corporations, economics, finance, tax and securities, while promoting interactions with such scholars, selected tenured faculty and practitioners.  By providing a forum for the exchange of creative ideas in these areas, ILE also aims to encourage new and innovative scholarship in the business and financial arena.

            Approximately 6-8 papers will be chosen from those submitted for presentation at the Workshop.  One or more senior scholars and practitioners will comment on each paper, followed by a general discussion of each paper among all participants.  The Workshop audience will include invited untenured scholars, faculty from Penn Carey Law, The Wharton School, and other institutions, practitioners, and invited guests.

            We welcome submissions from scholars within the U.S. and abroad who hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment but have not yet received tenure as of the submission date. Scholars who do not yet hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment such as PhD or doctoral candidates, or visiting or academic fellows without a full-time tenure-track academic appointment are not eligible for consideration. Co-authored submissions are welcome so long as each of the authors individually meet the submission criteria. Work that is published or is expected to be published by the date of the Workshop is not eligible for submission. However, submissions may include work that has been accepted for publication so long as such work is still capable of incorporating substantive edits. ILE will cover reasonable travel, hotel, and meal expenses of all presenters.

            Those interested in presenting a paper at the Workshop should submit through this website: on or before September 6, 2024. Submissions may be in the form of an abstract, summary, or draft.  Please submit using the following format for your file name – author’s Last name.First name.Title (ex. Smith.Jane.BusinessLawPaper). Direct any inquiries related to the workshop to:

Professor Lisa M. Fairfax
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School 
3501 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204
[email protected] 

            Submissions will be selected after review by members of ILE. Authors of accepted submissions will be notified by October 4, 2024. Please feel free to share this Call for Papers with any colleagues who may be interested.

July 29, 2024 in Call for Papers, Joan Heminway | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Call for Papers - Journal of Financial Markets Infrastructures

Dear BLPB Readers:

I'm excited to share a Call for Papers from the Journal of Financial Markets Infrastructures, where I am an Associate Editor.  Here is a brief description of the Journal from its website:

"The economic and technological landscape of financial market infrastructures (FMIs) is rapidly evolving and changing how we conduct transactions globally. Efforts to renew and strengthen payment, clearing and settlement systems have been undertaken internationally and the role of new technologies, including digital money, CBDCs, blockchains and smart contracts, is being continuously reassessed.

The Journal of Financial Market Infrastructures was the first journal to specialize in publishing peer-reviewed research in FMIs. Today, over a decade after its first publication, the journal continues to offer its readers a selection of the best ideas, developments and analysis in this dynamic and exciting sector of the economy."

The call for papers is here: Download JFMI Call for Papers

June 5, 2024 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, May 6, 2024

2024 Corporate & Securities Litigation Workshop

Corporate & Securities Litigation Workshop: 

Call for Papers 

UCLA School of Law, in partnership with the University of Illinois College of Law, University of Richmond School of Law, and Vanderbilt Law School invites submissions for the Eleventh Annual Workshop for Corporate & Securities Litigation. This workshop will be held on September 20-21, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. 


This annual workshop brings together scholars focused on corporate and securities litigation to present their scholarly works. Papers addressing any aspect of corporate and securities litigation or enforcement are eligible, including securities class actions, fiduciary duty litigation, and SEC enforcement actions. We welcome scholars working in a variety of methodologies, as well as both completed papers and works-in-progress at any stage. Authors whose papers are selected will be invited to present their work at a workshop hosted by UCLA School of Law. Participants will pay for their own travel, lodging, and other expenses. 


If you are interested in participating, please send the paper you would like to present, or an abstract of the paper, to [email protected] by Friday, June 7, 2024 Please include your name, current position, and contact information in the e-mail accompanying the submission. Authors of accepted papers will be notified in early July. 


Any questions concerning the workshop should be directed to the organizers: Jim Park ([email protected]), Jessica Erickson ([email protected]), Amanda Rose ([email protected]), and Verity Winship ([email protected]). 

May 6, 2024 in Call for Papers, Corporations, Joan Heminway, Securities Regulation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Business Lawyer – Call for Papers, 2024

Call for Submissions

The Business Lawyer (TBL) is currently accepting submissions for Volume 79, Summer and Fall issues to be published in 2024. TBL is the peer-reviewed scholarly law review and premier publication of the ABA Business Law Section with over 19,000 readers. The Section welcomes article submissions to TBL on topics that advance the development, understanding, and analysis of business law. The Section also welcomes submissions of scholarly articles from legal academics who are looking for a large audience for their scholarship or who wish to adapt their prior research for use by the judiciary and the practicing bar. Pioneering articles originally published in The Business Lawyer have led to significant practice developments, notably in connection with standard practices for legal opinions and audit response letters.

In addition, the Section’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan encourages a diverse set of viewpoints and backgrounds for TBL authors. The plan includes the widest range of business law practitioners including but not limited to young lawyers, law students, senior lawyers, international lawyers, lawyers of diverse or underrepresented ethnic and racial backgrounds, lawyers with disabilities, LGBTQ2+ lawyers, and women lawyers.

All submissions should be in Word format, double-spaced (including footnotes), accompanied by author contact information, resumes, and an abstract. Manuscripts, including footnotes, ordinarily should not exceed one hundred pages in length (or about 25,000 words). In general, text and footnotes should follow the style and citation format prescribed in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st Edition). In addition, a manuscript will not be considered, and should not be submitted, if it is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

We look forward to reviewing your manuscripts. Please submit them to The Business Lawyer’s Production Manager, Diane Babal, at [email protected]. Direct any questions to [email protected] or 312/988-5507.

April 5, 2024 in Call for Papers | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

2024 National Business Law Scholars Conference - Extension of Submission Deadline

Please note that the deadline for submission of proposals for the National Business Law Scholars Conference has been extended to April 1!  The revised Call for Papers follows.  I hope to see many of you there.


 National Business Law Scholars Conference (NBLSC) 
June 24-25, 2024 
Call for Papers 

The National Business Law Scholars Conference (NBLSC) will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 24-25, 2024, at The University of California, Davis School of Law. 

This is the fifteenth meeting of the NBLSC, an annual conference that draws legal scholars from across the United States and around the world. We welcome all scholarly submissions relating to business law. Junior scholars and those considering entering the academy are especially encouraged to participate. If you are thinking about entering the academy and would like to receive informal mentoring and learn more about job market dynamics, please let us know when you make your submission. 

Submission Guidelines: 

Please fill out this form to register and submit an abstract by Monday, April 1, 2024. Please be prepared to include in your submission the following information about you and your work: 

E-mail address 
Institutional Affiliation & Title 
Paper title 
Paper description/abstract 
Keywords (3-5 words) 
Dietary restrictions 
Mobility restrictions 

If you have any questions, concerns, or special requests regarding the schedule, please email Professor Eric C. Chaffee at [email protected]. We will respond to submissions with notifications of acceptance a few weeks after the submission deadline. We anticipate the conference schedule will be circulated in late April. 

Conference Organizers: 

Afra Afsharipour (University of California, Davis, School of Law) 
Tony Casey (The University of Chicago Law School) 
Eric C. Chaffee (Case Western Reserve University School of Law) 
Steven Davidoff Solomon (University of California, Berkeley School of Law) 
Benjamin Edwards (University of Nevada, Las Vegas Boyd School of Law) 
Joan MacLeod Heminway (The University of Tennessee College of Law) 
Nicole Iannarone (Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law) 
Kristin N. Johnson (Emory University School of Law) 
Elizabeth Pollman (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School) 
Jeff Schwartz (University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law) 
Megan Wischmeier Shaner (University of Oklahoma College of Law) 

March 20, 2024 in Call for Papers, Conferences, Joan Heminway | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Global Conversations in International Business Transactions

Hat tip to Kish Parella regarding the following call for papers and roundtable!

DC Roundtable FINAL CFP

March 5, 2024 in Call for Papers, Conferences, International Business, Joan Heminway | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Call for Papers - Global Conversations in International Business Transactions

Monday, February 12, 2024

National Business Law Scholars 2024 - Call for Papers

National Business Law Scholars Conference (NBLSC) 

June 24-25, 2024 

Call for Papers 

The National Business Law Scholars Conference (NBLSC) will be held on Monday and Tuesday, June 24-25, 2024, at The University of California, Davis School of Law. 

This is the fifteenth meeting of the NBLSC, an annual conference that draws legal scholars from across the United States and around the world. We welcome all scholarly submissions relating to business law. Junior scholars and those considering entering the academy are especially encouraged to participate. If you are thinking about entering the academy and would like to receive informal mentoring and learn more about job market dynamics, please let us know when you make your submission. 

Submission Guidelines: 

Please fill out this form to register and submit an abstract by Friday, March 15, 2024. Please be prepared to include in your submission the following information about you and your work: 


E-mail address 
Institutional Affiliation & Title 
Paper title 
Paper description/abstract 
Keywords (3-5 words) 
Dietary restrictions 
Mobility restrictions 

If you have any questions, concerns, or special requests regarding the schedule, please email Professor Eric C. Chaffee at [email protected]. We will respond to submissions with notifications of acceptance a few weeks after the submission deadline. We anticipate the conference schedule will be circulated in late April. 

Conference Organizers: 

Afra Afsharipour (University of California, Davis, School of Law) 
Tony Casey (The University of Chicago Law School) 
Eric C. Chaffee (Case Western Reserve University School of Law) 
Steven Davidoff Solomon (University of California, Berkeley School of Law) 
Benjamin Edwards (University of Nevada, Las Vegas Boyd School of Law) 
Joan MacLeod Heminway (The University of Tennessee College of Law) 
Nicole Iannarone (Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law) 
Kristin N. Johnson (Emory University School of Law) 
Elizabeth Pollman (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School) 
Jeff Schwartz (University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law) 
Megan Wischmeier Shaner (University of Oklahoma College of Law) 

February 12, 2024 in Call for Papers, Conferences | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Call for Papers - 2024 Wharton Financial Regulation Conference

Dear BLPB Readers:

"The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania will host its annual Wharton Financial
Regulation Conference on April 5, 2024. A conference dinner will be held the night before, on
April 4, 2024.

We issue a call for papers to scholars from any discipline—law, economics, political science,
history, business, and beyond—to submit papers on the following topics related to financial

• Digital assets and the payments system
• Regional and community banking (including banking market structure)
• Central banking, monetary and fiscal policy
• Bank regulators & constitutional governance

To submit a paper, please include an unpublished manuscript not exceeding 25,000 words and a
CV to conference organizer Christina Skinner ([email protected]) by February 1,
2024. Selected presenters will be notified by email by February 15, 2024."

A pdf of this call for papers is Download 2024 Wharton FinReg Call for Papers.

December 13, 2023 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Call for Papers - ABLJ 2024 Special Issue: Doing Business in a Disaster Economy

Dear BLPB Readers:

"In 2022, the United States experienced 26 natural disasters, more than any other country in the
world. One storm alone, Hurricane Ian, cost the economy more than $110 billion dollars. Beyond
flooding, drought, and wildfire, in recent years the world has also seen the previously
unimaginable impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple areas of human conflict,
including the war in Ukraine, which has disrupted global food supply and upended life for
millions of people. Each of these disasters brings a unique mix of impact to local businesses,
human lives, and the global economy.

What should businesses, regulators, lawmakers, and attorneys do to prepare for life in an
economy in which disasters are both more likely to strike, due to climate change, and more likely
to have profound multinational impacts, due to globalization? The American Business Law
Journal (ABLJ) seek manuscripts that address this question.

The “Doing Business in a Disaster Economy” special issue will take a broad perspective.
Submissions may cover a wide variety of topics addressing legal planning and regulatory
mechanisms for addressing disasters–before, during, and after the event. Paper topics may
include but are not limited to:
• Insolvency and financial aid, particularly for SMEs post-disaster.
• Meeting health care needs, particularly in underserved or rural areas.
• Addressing the impacts of systemic racism and ethnic bias on disaster preparedness and
the impact of disasters on communities of marginalized populations.
• Economic programs related to unemployment, loan repayment, or essential industry
protection or rebuilding.
• Land use and other environmental programs intended to mitigate predicted impacts of
natural disasters on local and national economies.
• The role of digital assets in a disaster economy.
• Evaluating previous relief programs (such as the American Rescue Plan) and making
recommendations for future programs.
• Valuation of property and insurance issues in high-risk areas.

Submissions incorporating interdisciplinary approaches and/or comparative and international law
are welcome, as are submissions from researchers based outside of North America. It is expected
that four papers will be accepted for the special issue; papers not accepted may be resubmitted to
the ABLJ for publication outside of the special issue.

Articles selected for the special issue will be published in Issue 4, Volume 61 (2024), of the
ABLJ. Submissions must be received by March 1, 2024 for consideration. Submissions should
be made to [email protected]. Authors will be notified of their acceptance by March 15,

The complete call for papers is here: Download ABLJ 2024 Special Issue Call for Papers

November 16, 2023 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Open Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor Position in Business Law - Babson College

Dear BLPB Readers:

"Babson College invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor position in our Accounting & Law division, beginning Fall 2024. We seek an intellectually curious colleague who is aligned with Babson’s mission of educating responsible entrepreneurial leaders who create economic and social value everywhere. Our commitment to diversity of all kinds empowers our students to consider possibilities beyond their own individual experiences – to design products and services, found companies and create value that will transform businesses, communities, and lives. As such, Babson is continually focused on attracting exceptional talent that will add richness to the academic experience. Babson is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer."

The complete job posting is here.

November 15, 2023 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Call for Papers - 2024 Michigan Junior Scholars Conference

Dear BLPB Readers:

"The University of Michigan Law School is pleased to invite junior scholars to attend the 10th Annual Junior Scholars Conference, which will take place in-person on April 12-13, 2024, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Conference provides junior scholars with a platform to present and discuss their work with peers and receive feedback from prominent members of the Michigan Law faculty. The Conference aims to promote fruitful collaboration between participants and to encourage their integration into a community of legal scholars. The Junior Scholars Conference invites papers in response to the 2024 theme or under the general call for papers in law and related disciplines. We welcome applications from graduate students, SJD/PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, lecturers, teaching fellows, and assistant professors (pre-tenure) who have not held an academic position for more than four years are welcome. We particularly invite submissions from scholars working on or located in the Global South and scholars from groups traditionally under-represented in academia.

Applications are due by January 5, 2024. For further details, see Conference's website "

November 1, 2023 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Financial Restructuring Roundtable: Call for Papers


The Third Annual Financial Restructuring Roundtable will be held in person on April 4, 2024 in New York City. Spearheaded by Samir Parikh, Robert Rasmussen, and Michael Simkovic, this invitation-only event brings together practitioners, jurists, scholars, and finance industry professionals to discuss important financial restructuring and business law issues.

The Roundtable invites the submission of papers. Selected participants will receive a $2,000 stipend and have the opportunity to workshop their papers in an intimate, collegial setting.

We seek papers exploring diverse topics and will be interested in interdisciplinary perspectives. Papers will be selected through a blind review process. Junior scholars (with one to ten years in academia) are invited to submit a 3 – 5 page overview of a proposed paper. Submissions may be an introduction, excerpt from a longer paper, or extended abstract. The submission should be anonymized, and – aside from general citations to the author’s previous articles – all references to the author should be removed.

Please submit proposals by October 30, 2023. Invitations will be issued via email by December 1, 2023. Working drafts of papers should be available for circulation to participants by March 1, 2024.

Proposals – as well as questions and concerns – should be directed to Samir Parikh at [email protected].

October 3, 2023 in Call for Papers, Corporate Finance, Joan Heminway | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Call for Papers - American Business Law Journal

Dear BLPB Readers:


"The American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) is currently accepting submissions for Volume 61 (2024).  

The ABLJ is a faculty-edited, triple blind, peer-reviewed journal, continuously published since 1963. The journal is ranked #4 in the 2022 Washington & Lee Law Journal Rankings for journals in Business, Corporations and Securities Law, and #2 among all refereed journals. It is ranked as an “A” journal by the Australian Business Deans Council.Our mission is to publish only top quality law review articles that make a scholarly contribution to all areas of law that impact business theory and practice, either U.S. or comparative in scope. We search for those articles that articulate a novel research question and make a meaningful contribution directly relevant to scholars and practitioners of business law. The blind peer-review process means legal scholars well-versed in the relevant specialty area have determined selected articles are original, thorough, important, and timely, and peer editors provide expert feedback and support throughout the editorial process. In particular, our editors are looking for articles that explore contemporary legal topics with direct impact on business and commerce, including:--equality and discrimination in the workplace of the future--speech in the workplace--the future of the administrative state --technology and privacy--healthcare of the future and bioethics --the Metaverse--insolvency and SMEs--alternative currencies --the impact of AI on work and healthcare 


The ABLJ is published quarterly. Articles should be between 16,000 and 20,000 words (inclusive of footnotes). We do not accept notes (student articles), book reviews, or essays. 


Authors may submit their manuscripts and CVs/resumes through Scholastica or directly via email to Robert Landry, Managing Editor at [email protected]We strongly encourage ALSB members to submit their articles outside of the normal law review submission time periods to allow more time for our review to take place and to receive feedback from peer editors. That is, we encourage you to submit from October through January, and April through July. 


For more information on submissions, please review Author Guidelines information on the ABLJ Wiley website."

August 30, 2023 in Call for Papers, Colleen Baker | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Call for Papers: Second Annual Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop




The Institute for Law & Economics (ILE) at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School is pleased to announce its second annual Junior Faculty Business and Financial Law Workshop. The Workshop will be held in person on December 7, 2023 at Penn Carey Law.

The Workshop supports and recognizes the work of untenured legal scholars in the business and financial fields, including accounting, banking, bankruptcy, corporations, economics, finance, tax and securities, while promoting interactions with such scholars, selected tenured faculty and practitioners. By providing a forum for the exchange of creative ideas in these areas, ILE also aims to encourage new and innovative scholarship in the business and financial arena.

Approximately 6-8 papers will be chosen from those submitted for presentation at the Workshop. One or more senior scholars and practitioners will comment on each paper, followed by a general discussion of each paper among all participants. The Workshop audience will include invited untenured scholars, faculty from Penn Carey Law, The Wharton School, and other institutions, practitioners, and invited guests.

We welcome submissions from scholars within the U.S. and abroad who hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment but have not yet received tenure as of the submission date. Scholars who do not yet hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment such as PhD or doctoral candidates, or visiting or academic fellows without a full-time tenure-track academic appointment are not eligible for consideration. Co-authored submissions are welcome so long as each of the authors individually meet the submission criteria. Work that is published or is expected to be published by the date of the Workshop is not eligible for submission. However, submissions may include work that has been accepted for publication so long as such work is still capable of incorporating substantive edits. ILE will cover reasonable travel, hotel, and meal expenses of all presenters.

Those interested in presenting a paper at the Workshop should submit by e-mail on or before September 8, 2023. Submissions may be in the form of an abstract, summary or draft. Please submit using the following format for your file name – author’s last name.first name.title. Direct your submission, along with any inquiries related to the Workshop, to:

Professor Lisa M. Fairfax
University of Pennsylvania Carey law School
3501 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204
[email protected]

Submissions will be selected after review by members of ILE. Authors of accepted submissions will be notified by October 6, 2023. Please feel free to share this Call for Papers with any colleagues who may be interested.

August 24, 2023 in Call for Papers, Research/Scholarhip | Permalink | Comments (0)