Monday, September 16, 2019
Announcing the Third Annual Business Law Prof Blog Symposium - "Connecting the Threads"
I am pleased to announce that The University of Tennessee College of Law is again hosting editors of this blog for a symposium focusing on current topics in business law. The website for the symposium, which is sponsored by UT Law's Clayton Center for Entrepreneurial Law, is here. Faculty and students from UT Law will comment on presentations given by my fellow BLPB bloggers. Participating editors of the BLPB in this year's program include Colleen Baker, Ben Edwards, Josh Fershee, me, Doug Moll, Haskell Murray, and Stefan Padfield. The lunchtime panel features me and two of my UT Law colleagues exploring the legal meaning and understanding of mergers and other business combinations from various perspectives, including business associations law, bankruptcy and UCC law, and federal income tax law. That, alone, is surely worth the price of entry!
If you live in or near Knoxville, please come and join us. Continuing legal education credit is available to members of the Tennessee bar. If you cannot make it to the symposium, however, a video recording of the proceedings will later be available on UT Law's website, with an expected option for online continuing legal education credits. (Last year's program is available here with a continuing legal education credit option.) In addition, the written proceedings of the symposium are scheduled to be published in the spring volume of Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law.
I am looking forward to having many of my BLPB co-editors in town for this program. It's always a special time when we are together.