Monday, March 11, 2019

Call for Papers - Takeovers and Value Creation: Comparative Perspectives

This "just in" from BLPB friends Beate Sjåfjell and Afra Afsharipour:

We are thrilled to co-organise a workshop at UC Davis School of Law on 26 April 2019, with the aim of facilitating an in-depth comparative analysis of the relationship between takeovers and value creation.

We invite submissions on themes concerning takeovers and value creation from any jurisdiction around the world as well as comparative contributions. Themes include but are not limited to:

What are the implications of a takeover on sustainability efforts?

What is the scope for using sustainability arguments as a defense by the target board in a takeover?

What should be the role of the bidder board?

What are the implications of large M&A transactions for building/growing a culture of sustainability at a firm?

Is there a distinct difference between planned mergers and uninvited takeovers?

How could takeovers be regulated to promote sustainable value creation?

We especially encourage female scholars and scholars from diverse backgrounds to submit abstracts. Participation at the workshop will be limited to the presenters, to facilitate in-depth discussions. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 27 March 2019!

Please feel free to send this call for papers on to colleagues who may be interested, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!

This looks like a great opportunity for those of us who work in the M&A space.  But the deadline is fast upon us!  Another thing to consider as a Spring Break activity . . . .

Call for Papers, Conferences, Corporate Finance, Joan Heminway, M&A | Permalink


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