Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Breaking Bad and the Law

My wife claims that I wasted quite a bit of time watching the Breaking Bad TV series on Netflix over the past few months, but given this recent call for papers, I may claim I was just doing professional development.

The editorial board New Mexico Law Review does not list any business law topics in their areas of particular interest, but I can think of a few.  Accounting fraud and money laundering feature prominently.  The IRS is involved in some episodes.  Magrigal (a global conglomerate), Los Pollos Hermanos (a restaurant chain), and A1A car wash (which becomes a family-owned business) are three businesses that take center stage.  There is a sale of a company (the car wash) in one episode and possible fiduciary duty issues throughout.  I may even see a benefit corporation angle to explore...

This is a fun idea for a special law review issue.

Business Associations, Conferences, Haskell Murray, Television | Permalink


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