Appellate Advocacy Blog

Editor: Charles W. Oldfield
The University of Akron
School of Law

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Democracy and Deference

In U.S. v. Skrmetti, the United States Supreme Court will determine whether Tennessee Senate Bill 1, which prohibits all medical treatments intended to allow “a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex” or to treat “purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity,” violates the Equal Protection Clause.

On December 4, 2024, the Court held oral argument, and the attorneys for Petitioner and Respondent presented strong arguments. Among the issues under consideration is whether the prohibition on gender-affirming care discriminates based on age or sex, the latter of which would require heightened scrutiny under the Court’s jurisprudence. Petitioner and Respondent’s attorneys also presented competing arguments regarding, among other things, the benefits and harms that upholding Tennessee Bill 1 would engender. In so doing, the justices acknowledged that both sides presented compelling arguments and that reasonable people could disagree on whether Tennessee Bill 1 furthered legitimate and salutary purposes.

Given this fact, a few justices questioned why the Court, rather than the legislature, should resolve this issue through the democratic process. For example, during oral argument, Justice Kavanaugh stated:

I want to ask about our role here and pick up on the Chief Justice's questions at the beginning, who decides. You've put forth forceful policy arguments to allow these medical treatments, and Justice Sotomayor's questions elaborated on that. But the 20-plus states on the other side put forth very forceful arguments against allowing these medical treatments for minors. So it seems to me that we look to the Constitution, and the Constitution doesn't take sides on how to resolve that medical and policy debate. The Constitution's neutral on the question. At least that's one way to look at it. I want to get your reaction to that. You know, if the Constitution doesn't take sides, if there's strong, forceful scientific policy arguments on both sides in a situation like this, why isn't it best to leave it to the democratic process?[1]

As Justice Kavanaugh stated, “[y]ou say there are benefits from allowing these treatments,” but given that “there are also harms … how do we as a Court choose which set of risks is more serious in deciding whether to constitutionalize this whole area?”[2]

The concern that the democratic process, rather than the Court, should resolve this issue—particularly when reasonable people differ on whether the law is beneficial or harmful and where the Constitution’s text is ambiguous—will likely carry the day. If it does, the Court will rightfully embrace a principle that promotes democracy and bottom-up governance: where reasonable people can disagree about a law’s constitutionality, the democratic, not judicial, process is the proper forum to resolve policy disputes. In other words, when the Constitution’s text is broadly worded and reasonable people can interpret such text differently, the Court should defer to the democratic process. Deference is essential to democracy, the Court’s legitimacy, and the right of citizens to determine whether specific unenumerated rights should be recognized.

Unfortunately, in many instances, the Court has taken the opposite approach and issued rulings in cases that have undermined the democratic process and invalidated legislation promoting participatory democracy and addressing important economic and social issues. For example, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Court by a 5-4 margin invalidated a provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act that limited corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in elections.[3] In so doing, the Court overturned Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and held that corporations enjoy First Amendment protections.[4] But what language in the First Amendment supported this holding? At the very least, reasonable people could differ on whether, for example, the First Amendment applies to corporations. As such, why didn’t the Court defer to the coordinate branches and uphold a law that sought to reduce the corrupt influence of money in politics? There is no answer—at least not a good one.

Similarly, in Kennedy v. Louisiana, the Court considered whether a law authorizing the death penalty for child rape violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.[5] Neither the Eighth Amendment’s text nor its original purpose answered this question; at the very least, reasonable people could differ on whether such a punishment was cruel and unusual. Notwithstanding, the Court ruled 5-4 that the law violated the Eighth Amendment and thus prohibited the states from resolving this issue democratically. In Roper v. Simmons, the Court made the same error, holding that the Eighth Amendment categorically prohibited the execution of minors even though the Eighth Amendment could not possibly be interpreted to support this result, or the “evolving standards of decency” upon which the Court relied to reach its decision.[6]

Improvident intervention in the democratic process is the norm, not the exception, in the Court’s jurisprudence. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Court invalidated a Connecticut law prohibiting contraception, holding that although the Constitution’s text did not resolve this question, there existed invisible “penumbras” in the Constitution’s text that enabled the Court—and only the Court—to recognize unenumerated rights, such as the right to privacy, and thus impose its policy views on an entire nation.[7] In Roe v. Wade, the Court compounded this error by holding that the right to privacy encompassed a right to terminate a pregnancy, even though nothing in the Constitution’s text could be interpreted to support its holding.[8] To be sure, a deferential approach is not about promoting a particular political viewpoint. Whether one supports a right to abortion is irrelevant; what matters is that nine unelected judges decided that their views should remove this issue from democratic choice.

In contrast, some decisions have demonstrated appropriate deference to democratic processes. For example, in Washington v. Glucksberg, the Court declined to create a right to assisted suicide, holding that because the Constitution’s text was silent on this issue, it should be resolved democratically.[9] Additionally, in National Federation of Independent Investors v. Sebelius, Chief Justice Roberts cast the deciding vote upholding the Affordable Care Act, concluding that the Act’s individual mandate constituted a tax, not a penalty.[10] The primary reason underlying Roberts’ decision was arguably to preserve the Court’s institutional legitimacy by deferring to the coordinate branches and avoiding a decision that appeared politically motivated. In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, the Court remedied the harm that Roe caused to the Court’s legitimacy by returning the issue to the states.[11]

Of course, the Court has the power to say what the law is, but how can the Court say what the law objectively is when a constitutional provision is ambiguous and subject to differing interpretations? It cannot. In such circumstances, saying what the law is requires the justices to determine subjectively what the law should be. That is the problem. In a democracy, the people have the right to say what the law should be, not nine unelected and life-tenured justices. Thus, where the Constitution is silent or capable of reasonably different interpretations, the Court should defer to democratic choice. A court with limited power is essential for preserving democracy, and the process by which the Court makes decisions is equally, if not more, important than the outcomes it reaches.


[1] U.S. v. Skrmetti, Transcript of Oral Argument,  (Dec. 4, 2024), p. 40-41, available at: 23-477_c07d.pdf

[2] Id. at 44-45.

[3] 558 U.S. 310 (2010).

[4] 494 U.S. 652 (1990).

[5] 554 U.S. 407 (2008).

[6] 543 U.S. 551 (2005).

[7] 381 U.S. 479 (1965).

[8]  410 U.S. 113 (1973).

[9] 521 U.S. 702 (1997).

[10] 567 U.S. 519 (2012).

[11] 597 U.S. 215 (2002).

December 15, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, Law School, Legal Profession, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Can You DIG It?

On Friday, the Supreme Court issued its first decision of the term in an argued case – and it was a DIG, dismissed as improvidently granted, in a one-sentence order. The effort and attention given the case until that resolution can seem frustrating and a waste of judicial resources, although respondents generally should be pleased given that their victory below is thereby preserved.

The case was Facebook, Inc. v. Amalgamated Bank, No. 23-980. The issue involved whether Facebook was sufficiently forthcoming in its securities filings when it failed to mention that a risk has materialized in the past, even if that past event presents no known risk of ongoing or future business harm?

The event in the past that animated this case was Facebook’s sharing of user data of some 30 million users without their permission with a researcher who founded the infamous Cambridge Analytica. The data was originally used by Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential primary campaign to target voters. The data was used to place political advertising on Facebook while covering up its cooperation in the effort. Eventually, Facebook’s role in sharing the data became public, and the Securities and Exchange Commission filed suit against Facebook for misleading investors about the risk it incurred from the episode. Facebook paid a $5.1 billion civil penalty in settlement.

When a class of investors sued to recover damages in a securities action, the district court dismissed, but the Ninth Circuit held that Facebook’s risk statements “represented the risk of improper access to or disclosure of Facebook user data as purely hypothetical when that exact risk had already transpired.” The gist of the opinion scored Facebook for portraying the risk of a breach of private users data as if it did not and could not occur, when it had and when it resulted in a significant drop in stock prices.

The Supreme Court granted certiorari after the petition suggested that a three-way split existed in the circuits. It claimed that the Sixth Circuit took the position that no disclosure of past instances was necessary. It then claimed that six other circuits require disclosure of past risks but only if the company knows it will harm the business. It then asserted that the Ninth Circuit, along required disclosure even if there is no known threat of business harm.

The Brief in Opposition, known as the BIO, asserted that the question presented assumed a factual premise that the Ninth Circuit rejected as unsupported by the record. According to Facebook, when it filed its disclosures with the SEC, the breach was public without adverse consequences. The claimed sequence of events and the lack of adverse public reaction, the BIO asserted, was inconsistent with the Ninth Circuit’s filings. It then claimed that the case did not qualify for certiorari, because the Supreme Court had recently advised that granting certiorari is “imprudent” when the premise of the issue presented “does not hold.” DeVillier v. Texas, 601 U.S. 285, 292-93 (2024).

Even so, the Court granted certiorari, received full briefing, and conducted oral argument earlier this month. When the Court decides to DIG a case, something that happens once or twice a term, it usually does not provide an explanation. The usual assumptions are that the case turned out to be a poor vehicle for resolving the issue, the issue granted turns out not to be the principal basis for the petitioner’s argument in a bait-and-switch stratagem, new developments either in the case or related to the issue changes the need for a decision, or the justices are so divided on what the real issue is that the case no longer looks to them to be what it was when certiorari was granted.

In this case, it seems likely that the arguments about what the Ninth Circuit did or did not decide that were made in the BIO became clearer to the justices and resulted in the DIG. Still, it often seems that a more careful review of the BIO would certainly result in fewer cases that are granted for plenary review only to be rejected without decision through a DIG with the result being the same as it would have been if certiorari had been denied.

November 24, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, November 17, 2024

How to Persuade Judges When a Constitutional Provision is Ambiguous

The ability to persuade judges—or anyone, for that matter—when a law is ambiguous and open to different interpretations is exceedingly difficult. Yet, it’s a challenge lawyers often face, especially when arguing cases that hinge on interpreting broadly worded constitutional provisions. For instance, in Kennedy v. Louisiana, the U.S. Supreme Court considered whether imposing the death penalty for child rape violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishment." Reasonable minds could—and did—differ on what constitutes such punishment.

Similarly, in Snyder v. Phelps, the Court examined whether the First Amendment’s protection of free speech allowed individuals to display signs like “Fags Doom Nations” and “Thank God for 9/11” outside a soldier’s funeral, despite the severe emotional distress this caused the bereaved family. Whether the First Amendment shields such offensive speech posed a profound challenge.

In Riley v. California, the Court had to decide whether searching a cell phone without a warrant during an arrest constituted a “reasonable” search under the Fourth Amendment.

And in Roe v. Wade, the Court tackled whether the right to privacy—previously recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut as part of the “liberty” protected by the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause—extended to a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy. This theme of interpreting broad and ambiguous constitutional language also appeared in cases like National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, which questioned whether the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate was constitutional under the Commerce Clause, and Clinton v. New York, which challenged whether the Presentment Clause permitted the president to use a line-item veto.

These examples highlight how the Court has repeatedly interpreted ambiguous constitutional provisions to resolve significant legal issues that affect citizens’ rights and liberties. In these cases, reasonable judges and legal scholars have reached different conclusions. What can a lawyer do to persuade a court to adopt their interpretation? Here are three strategies to maximize the likelihood of success:

 1.    Know your audience and adopt an incremental approach.

When advocating for a particular interpretation of an ambiguous constitutional or statutory provision, it’s essential to understand the judges' ideological leanings and policy preferences. For example, before Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade, a state law banning abortions after 15 weeks would have faced skepticism from justices who supported Roe, like Justices Sotomayor, and Kagan. Conversely, Justices Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett would have been more sympathetic.

Given this landscape, how can you bridge the ideological divide? One effective approach is to emphasize that your interpretation is a modest, incremental departure from existing precedent rather than a radical overhaul. Acknowledge that precedent may not fully support your position but argue that it aligns with the underlying purpose of those prior decisions. This can make your argument more palatable to justices inclined to oppose you while also appealing to those who might favor a more substantial shift in the law.

This incremental strategy can be particularly effective when the court’s ideological balance is against you. While some cases, like Dobbs, show that the Court can make sweeping changes, in many situations, a minor adjustment to the legal landscape is more likely to gain broader acceptance.

 2.    Emphasize pragmatic consequences and underlying purposes.

Judges are not robots; they care about the real-world impact of their decisions. Highlighting the practical implications of a ruling against your position and emphasizing the broader purposes behind constitutional or statutory provisions can be persuasive.

For example, in Riley v. California, the Court had to determine whether the Fourth Amendment allowed warrantless searches of cell phones during arrests. Previous rulings like U.S. v. Robinson and Arizona v. Gant had expanded the scope of searches incident to arrest. However, the lawyers in Riley argued that the original intent of the Fourth Amendment was to protect the most private information of citizens—traditionally found in the home. They drew a parallel between modern cell phones and the private papers the Fourth Amendment was designed to protect, emphasizing that cell phones store extensive personal data, such as photos, emails, and financial records. This argument, grounded in the purpose behind the Fourth Amendment, led the Court to unanimously rule that searching a cell phone without a warrant was unconstitutional.

By framing your argument around the broader purposes and pragmatic outcomes, you increase your chances of persuading judges who are concerned with both the letter and spirit of the law.

 3.    Appeal to common sense and fairness.

Judges, like all of us, value fairness and reasonableness. An argument that aligns with common sense can be highly effective, especially when dealing with controversial issues.

Consider Snyder v. Phelps, where the Court was asked whether the First Amendment protected the hateful speech of the Westboro Baptist Church outside a soldier’s funeral. Despite the repugnant nature of the speech, the Court upheld its protection under the First Amendment, emphasizing the broader principle of a marketplace of ideas where even offensive speech is tolerated. The underlying concern was that restricting such speech could lead to a slippery slope where the government might censor other unpopular opinions, thereby undermining the fundamental right to free speech.

Appealing to common sense and the broader implications of a ruling can help you frame your argument in a way that resonates with judges' innate sense of fairness.


In some cases, there may be little you can do to change a judge’s mind, especially if a judge is firmly committed to a particular ideological stance. However, by taking an incremental approach, emphasizing pragmatic considerations, and appealing to common sense, you can maximize your chances of persuading a court to adopt your interpretation.

November 17, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, Law School, Legal Profession, Legal Writing, Moot Court, Oral Argument, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The “Boneless” Chicken Case

Borrowing a line from Oliver Twist, Justice Brennan once wrote that “[t]o say that ‘the law is an ass, a idiot’ is not to impugn the character of those who must administer it.”[1] Imperfections in the law, he wrote, do not reflect on the judges, but on a system judges are powerless to change when they adhere faithfully to what is required of them. Still, there are times when a fair reading of the law and a judicial decision seem so at odds with each other that one must wonder whether the judges in such a case occupy a universe of their own making. An opinion issued in July by the Ohio Supreme Court seems likely to evoke that type of response. The case has come to be known as the “‘boneless’ chicken” case.

The dispute originally arose when the plaintiff ate his usual order of “boneless” wings at a restaurant he frequented. He suffered serious medical problems when a chicken bone lodged in his throat while eating that meal. Doctors at the emergency room found 5-cm long chicken bone had torn his esophagus and created a bacterial infection along with other medical issues.

A deposition of the restaurant’s cook explained that the wings were made from pre-butterflied, boneless and skinless chicken breasts, which were cut into one-inch chunks before being served to customers. In suing, the plaintiff claimed that the restaurant and its supplier were negligent by serving a boneless wing with a hidden bone in it and no warning of any kind that it may contain a bone.

The trial court initially granted judgment on the pleadings to the defendants, but an intermediate appellate court reversed and remanded the case as plausibly stating a cause of action for negligence. The defendants moved for summary judgment, which the court granted because “common sense dictated that the presence of bone fragments in meat dishes—even dishes advertised as “boneless”—is a natural enough occurrence that a consumer should reasonably expect it and guard against it.”[2] The intermediate appellate court affirmed, holding that “the bone was natural to the boneless wing.”[3]

The Ohio Supreme Court considered the case in light of another it had decided in 1960, where it had applied a reasonable-expectation test to ingesting a foreign substance. Under that test, a court considers what a reasonable consumer would expect to encounter in the food and thus guard against, so that its presence does not impose a duty of care on the supplier when the substance should not be a surprise. That determination, the Court held, is reflected in a companion “foreign-natural” test, which assesses whether the substance in the food was natural to it and thus not a foreign substance. In the 1960 decision, the Court ruled that a piece of oyster shell in or attached to any oyster should be anticipated and not impose a duty on the restaurant.[4]

The Court then found no error in the appellate court’s determination that a chicken bone was natural to chicken meat and thus not an “unnatural or ‘foreign substance.’”[5] That the meal was sold as “boneless” did not change the Court’s conclusion, given that “’everyone … knows that tiny bones may remain in even the best fillets of fish.’”[6] The Court also held that the bone was large enough that, “as a matter of law, he reasonably could have guarded against it.”[7]

Further dismissing the argument that the food was advertised as a “boneless wing,” the Court characterized that representation as “merely a description of  the cooking style.”[8] The Court then adopted a strange analogy, saying that a:

    diner reading “boneless wings” on a menu would no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones in the items than believe that the items were made from     chicken wings, just as a person eating “chicken fingers” would know that he had not been served fingers. The food item’s label on the menu described a cooking style; it was not a     guarantee.[9]

The majority also defended against a criticism in the dissent about food advertised as lactose- or gluten-free: the  presence of lactose or gluten in a food that was advertised as lactose-free or gluten-free is not something a consumer would customarily expect and be able to guard against.[10]

As the dissent pointed out, the decision allowing a court to determine as a matter of law what the reasonable diner might expect appears to put “another nail in the coffin of the American jury system.”[11] It further argues that the existence of three dissenting justices demonstrates that a reasonable person could reach a conclusion contrary to the majority’s.[12]

The dissent’s points about the determination falling within the jury’s constitutionally guaranteed prerogative are well taken. The Ohio Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial as “inviolate.”[13] Even so, one finds it difficult to understand how the sale of  “boneless chicken” does not create an expectation that it is bone-free because it is being sold as devoid of bones. Nor can it be justified as a mere “cooking style,” a terminology that I would associate with Southern, French, Basque, or Chinese cooking as examples. Boneless is not a cooking style. In an era in which public respect for the courts is perilously low, the decision will confound the public and suggest that words do not mean what they say – at least as a matter of law, which is why most commentators have had a bone to pick with the Ohio Supreme Court.


[1] In re Sawyer, 360 U.S. 622, 634 (1959).

[2] Berkheimer v. REKM, L.L.C., 2024-Ohio-2787, ¶ 9 (characterizing ruling).

[3] Id. at ¶ 10.

[4] Id. at ¶ 17 (characterizing Allen v. Grafton, 170 Ohio St. 249, 251, 164 N.E.2d 167 (1960)).

[5] Id. at 20 (quoting 2023-Ohio-116, 206 N.E.3d 90, at ¶ 26 (12th Dist.)).

[6] Id. at ¶ 21 (quoting Mathews v. Maysville Seafoods, Inc., 602 N.E.2d 764 (12t Dist. 1991)).

[7] Id. at ¶ 22.

[8] Id. at ¶ 23.

[9] Id.

[10] Id. at ¶ 24.

e[11] Id. at ¶ 27 (Donnelly, J., dissenting).

[12] Id.

[13] Ohio Const. art. I, § 5.

November 10, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Legal Writing, Rhetoric, State Appeals Courts | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 20, 2024

A View of the Supreme Court

In this post, I’m going to be a little self-indulgent. This past week saw the publication of a new book that I wrote with my friend, Anthony Champagne, a professor emeritus of political science at the University of Texas at Dallas. Tony and I served together as Supreme Court Fellows in 1990-91 and became lifelong friends. We discovered early on that we each had collected scores of anecdotes about the Supreme Court and its justices. We each deployed these stories in speeches and lectures, finding that audiences loved the tales. Eventually, we resolved to compile the stories in a book.

Last Monday, the book was published. It is called “Supreme Anecdotes: Tales from the Supreme Court.” Part of the reason for its lengthy gestation period is that we resolved to cover every justice to ever have served on the Court. That meant rifling through judicial biographies, law review articles, tributes, and a variety of other sources to cover even justice. Our original publisher became a victim of business failure during the pandemic. Once we found a new publisher, we needed to update our manuscript to cover some new appointees.

We are heartened by the reception the book has had. Dean Erwin Chemerinsky of the Berkeley School of Law said he could not “think of another book on the Supreme Court that I enjoyed reading more or learned more from.” Former Texas chief justice Wallace Jefferson called it a “must read for all who care about the majesty and frailty of the rule of law.”

Political science professor James Riddlesperger, Jr. of Texas Christian University lauded its appreciation of the Court’s history, as well as “a chuckle a page.” Research professor Royce Hanson of the George Washington University Institute of Public Policy enjoyed the peek it gave at the “foibles, follies, and occasional withering wit of the Supremes.” And Alan Morrison, associate dean at George Washington University, wrote that it “gives the reader a very different side of the Justices, including the fact that many of them did not come close to fitting our ideal of members of the Highest Court.

Certainly, the book tells many funny stories about the Court over the years and that is enjoyable in its own right. Still, it also highlights the ways the Court has changed since its early days – and the ways in which it remains very much the same. I hope that readers of this blog find it useful, as well as an enjoyable romp through Supreme Court history.

October 20, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Books, Current Affairs, Humor, Oral Argument, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (4)

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Thing About Dicta

Two weeks ago, my post featured a book that detailed procedural differences between the federal circuits. Since then, the Ninth Circuit handed down an en banc opinion in which the concurring opinion highlighted a strange position unique to that court concerning the treatment of dicta. My colleague on this blog, Stephanie Williams, highlighted that concurrence in a post on September 28. She found it a highly useful discussion of dicta and indicated she would be adding it as required reading in her course. I, too, found it interesting, especially against the backdrop of other pronouncements about dicta. Because I took a different approach to thinking about dicta and the Ninth Circuit’s opinion than Stephanie did, I’m going ahead with posting about it as well.

Dicta, as every law student quickly learns, is not precedent, but an aside that the court makes nonetheless even though unnecessary for the disposition of the case. Though it may be cited, its usefulness normally depends on its persuasiveness. Often what emanates from the court as dicta expresses views on issues that the parties neither briefed nor argued. Because it lacks adversarial vetting courts often treat it somewhat gingerly. Its value arises from its ability to shape issues and the law down the road.

In one case, for example, Justice Breyer, writing for the Court, rhetorically asked: “Is the Court having once written dicta calling a tomato a vegetable bound to deny that it is a fruit forever after?”[1] Answering his own question, he wrote, “we are not necessarily bound by dicta should more complete argument demonstrate that the dicta is not correct.”[2] In support, he cited another case that found the Court was “not bound to follow our dicta in a prior case in which the point now at issue was not fully debated.”[3]

More tellingly, the Court, in dictum, once declared, “[d]ictum settles nothing, even in the court that utters it.”[4] Judges have also warned about the misuse of dicta. Justice Frankfurter, in dissent, wrote that something of a “progressive distortion” takes place by which “a hint becomes a suggestion, is loosely turned into dictum and finally elevated to a decision.”[5] The Sixth Circuit’s Judge Kethledge wrote “dictum is usually a bad idea, because judges think differently—more carefully, more focused, more likely to think things through—when our words bring real consequences to the parties before us.”[6]

So what did the Ninth Circuit do that is so different from its sister circuits? In a False Claims Act case, where the Court had previously found that the first plaintiff to file is the only private party that may file a claim because it is “jurisdictional,” an en banc court overruled its earlier “precedent.”[7] The majority noted that the original designation of being first deprived the court of jurisdiction over subsequent plaintiffs with similar claims even though it occurred “without any analysis,” which subsequent decisions accepted without analysis as well.[8] Yielding to the Supreme Court’s criticism of “profligate use of the term ‘jurisdiction,’”[9] and the modern requirement that only Congress through a clear statement can designate a statutory requirement as jurisdictional,[10] the Ninth Circuit deemed it necessary to convene en banc and overrule its earlier panel decision.

The author of the majority opinion also wrote a concurrence, joined by one other member of the court, declaring that this “case demonstrates that our dicta-is-binding rule is burdensome and misguided.”[11] The concurrence by Judge Danielle J. Forrest called the Ninth Circuit’s solitary approach to in-circuit dicta without “legal foundation” and a cause of “unnecessary inefficiency and waste[d] resources,” a reference to the need to overrule it en banc because no panel could do so.[12] She colorfully added, “[w]e stand out like a flamingo in a flock of finches in treating dicta as binding.”[13] Yet, Judge Forrest’s plea to change the circuit’s approach was in a concurrence, suggesting that she could not bring along a majority of her colleagues – yet.

Circuit differences also exist about how to treat Supreme Court dicta, although there exist a number of competing schools of thought. At one extreme stands the Fourth, Sixth, and Tenth Circuits. As an “inferior court,” the Fourth Circuit holds it must treat as authoritative “carefully considered language of the Supreme Court, even if technically dictum.”[14] That stance leaves a little wiggle room if the dicta is not “carefully considered.” The Sixth Circuit more straightforwardly states that “[l]ower courts are obligated to follow Supreme Court dicta.”[15] The Tenth Circuit similarly asserts “this court considers itself bound by Supreme Court dicta almost as firmly as by the Court’s outright holdings.”[16]

On the other hand, the previously on-board Eighth Circuit retreated from the same approach, declaring that it “goes too far.”[17]  Instead, the circuit will “afford deference and respect to Supreme Court dicta, particularly where, as here, it is consistent with longstanding Supreme Court precedent.”[18] Other circuits emphasize deference as well but with a thumb on the scale in favor of following the Supreme Court. The Third Circuit, for example, recognizes that Supreme Court dicta is not binding but strives to give it due weight because it understands that the Court “uses dicta to help control and influence the many issues it cannot decide because of its limited docket.”[19] That seems to credit the Supreme Court with an intent it may not have. The Seventh Circuit subscribes to an even stronger position, warning against “Appellate courts that dismiss these expressions [in dicta] and strike off on their own increase the disparity among tribunals (for other judges are likely to follow the Supreme Court’s marching orders) and frustrate the evenhanded administration of justice by giving litigants an outcome other than the one the Supreme Court would be likely to reach were the case heard there.”[20] That, too, seems to rely on a predictive model that may not obtain, given the Supreme Court’s own statement that “dicta settles nothing.”

Even the Ninth Circuit, despite its in-circuit attitude, applies deference with by providing Supreme Court dicta with a “weight that is greater than ordinary judicial dicta as prophecy of what that Court might hold.”[21] The D.C. Circuit takes a similar stance.[22]

One thing to keep in mind, though. Much of this is just dicta about dicta.


[1] Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 568 U.S. 519, 548 (2013).

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Jama v. Immigr. & Customs Enf’t, 543 U.S. 335, 352 (2005).

[5] United States v. Rabinowitz, 339 U.S. 56, 75 (1950) (Frankfurter, J., dissenting).

[6] United States v. Burris, 912 F.3d 386, 410 (6th Cir. 2019) (en banc) (Kethledge, J., concurring in the judgment)

[7] Stein v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., 2024 WL 4271950, *2 (9th Cir. Sept. 24, 2024).

[8] Id.

[9] Sebelius v. Auburn Reg’l Med. Ctr., 568 U.S. 145, 153 (2013).

[10] Santos-Zacaria v. Garland, 598 U.S. 411, 416 (2023).

[11] Id. at *3 (Forrest, J., concurring).

[12] Id. (Forrest, J., concurring).

[13] Id. at *6.

[14] Wynne v. Town of Great Falls, 376 F.3d 292, 298 n.3 (4th Cir. 2004).

[15] American Civil Liberties Union of Ky. v. McCreary Cnty., 607 F.3d 439, 447 (6th Cir. 2010).

[16] Gaylor v. United States, 74 F.3d 214, 217 (10th Cir. 1996).

[17] In re Pre-Filled Propane Tank Antitrust Litig., 860 F.3d 1059, 1064 (8th Cir. 2017).

[18] Id.

[19] In re McDonald, 205 F.3d 606, 612–13 (3d Cir. 2000).

[20] United States v. Bloom, 149 F.3d 649, 653 (7th Cir.1998).

[21] United States v. Montero–Camargo, 208 F.3d 1122, 1132 n.17 (9th Cir.2000) (en banc).

[22] Bangor Hydro–Elec.  Co. v. FERC, 78 F.3d 659, 662 (D.C. Cir. 1996).

October 6, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, Legal Writing, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Primer on Ninth Circuit Binding Dicta: Judge Forrest’s Stein v. Kaiser Concurrence

Early in law school, you probably learned that dicta is non-binding.  Later, you also probably realized that application of this dicta rule, like so many other rules, depends.  For example, our 1L persuasive writing assignment last semester included a case discussing when Supreme Court dicta can be controlling.  Moreover, the Ninth Circuit has sometimes employed a “binding dicta” rule.

This week, Ninth Circuit Judge Danielle Jo Forrest detailed the history of the Ninth Circuit’s “dicta-is-binding rule,” which she called “burdensome and misguided.”  Stein v. Kaiser Fdn. Health Plan, Inc., __ F.4th __, 2024 WL 4271950, slip op. at 9 (9th Cir. 2024)(en banc)(Forrest, J., concurring).  In an opinion tracing the use of dicta from Sir Frances Bacon to today, Judge Forrest, joined by Judge Bumatay, asked the Ninth Circuit to join every other circuit in not using dicta as binding precedent. 

Judge Forrest explained a rule demanding courts follow some dicta “lacks legal foundation,” “causes unnecessary inefficiency,” “wastes resources,” and “is contrary to the common-law tradition of judging, the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and every other circuit court in the nation, and the Constitution.”  Stein, Slip op. at 9.  According to the concurrence, the Ninth Circuit “stand[s] out like a flamingo in a flock of finches in treating dicta as binding.”  Id. at 16. 

Judge Forrest noted the Ninth Circuit initially took this “flamingo” approach to dicta without briefing or full discussion, stating:  “Irony upon irony, th[e] pronouncement about dicta was, itself, dictum,” as it came in an en banc case concurrence joined by only four total judges.  Id. at 16-17.  Moreover, she explained the authority “cited [in the dicta-rule-creating concurrence] do not support the dicta-is-binding rule.”  Id. at 17-18.  Thus, “the dicta-is-binding rule did not have the numbers to be real law,” yet “it quickly begat progeny.”  Id. at 18. 

Moreover, even if there had been a justification for a binding dicta rule, perhaps “because [the Ninth Circuit] thought the expansion of judicial decision-making authority would be limited” by the rule, in practice “it has not turned out that way.”  Id. at 18-19.  The history and application of the Ninth Circuit’s rule left Judge Forrest to “wonder:  if all the other federal appellate courts can figure out what is and isn’t dicta without destabilizing their law, why can’t we?”  Id. at 19.

As appellate lawyer Cory Webster wisely notes, Judge Forrest’s Stein concurrence could be required reading in a course on the law of judicial precedent.  Cory Webster, LinkedIn,  The opinion is also a very interesting read on dicta, and on persuasive opinion writing.  I will definitely be making the opinion required reading for my class, and I hope you enjoy reading it too.

September 28, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Court Reform, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Law School, Legal Profession, Legal Writing | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Recognition is Nice, But Results and a Compelling Story is What Counts

Advocates enjoy receiving recognition. We like to think that a job well done is a reward in itself. When the effort establishes an important new precedent, the satisfaction ought to be even better. A week ago today, I was privileged to receive the 2024 Appellate Advocacy Award from the National Civil Justice Institute for a 2022 victory in the Ohio Supreme Court. When the award was announced, I received a nice email of congratulations from a justice on another state’s supreme court, indicating that the award was well deserved based on my win. I appreciated the congratulations that the award and the many emails I received represented, but it also had me pondering what makes a judicial victory sufficiently different that it merits this type of recognition.

Certainly, there are many run-of-the-mill appeals that are taken as of right but do not move the needle on the case or on the law. These appeals are important to the clients, but perhaps to few others. Still, others have great potential to answer issues not yet addressed by the courts or to change the law. My recognition came in a case that successfully challenged the constitutionality of a state law as it applied to our case. It overcame considerable odds to reach that conclusion. The skill and effort I employed, and even the inventiveness of the arguments and strategy I utilized, would have been no different had the sharply divided court come out the other way. So, plainly, one element that counts, disproportionately, is victory. We celebrate winners and not equally important losing efforts that may pay off later.

Another element necessary for recognition is a compelling story. Without one even the most surprising win, the creation of a leading precedent in an area of law, and an innovative approach to the argument may not inspire the recognition that carries with it even broader impact. I was lucky enough to have a case come to me with compelling underlying facts and a cry for justice that melted even the most hardened hearts. It was the story of a young girl, lured to sleepovers at a friend’s home, only to have a nighttime drink spiked to put her in a deep sleep and sexually assaulted by friend’s father – 34 times. He also videotaped the assaults of both this plaintiff and others. He went to prison, but the psychological injury to the plaintiff led to homelessness, drug addiction, and a long road to finding a more normal life.

Despite a substantial jury verdict, consisting entirely of noneconomic damages, state law required that the court reduce it to $250,000, which the trial court did. The reduction sent a message that the value of the plaintiff’s life was a small fraction of what the jury determined. An intermediate appellate court also rejected the constitutional challenge. At the state supreme court, a bare majority agreed that the state damage cap law’s exemption for permanent physical injuries of a catastrophic nature, irrationally excluded permanent, catastrophic psychological injuries, in violation of due process. Dissenters sought to avoid the question by latching onto the idea that the issue was moot because the defendant was judgment-proof. Another dissenter complained that the nine months from oral argument to decision was insufficient time for him to research and write a proper dissent by a majority determined to issue the decision before the end of the year. To me, that seemed an odd complaint, given that appellate advocates normally have but 30 days to brief the issue (especially as I had been brought into the case at the reply-brief stage).

But the dissent was a bid to encourage a motion for reconsideration. The chief justice, who had written the majority opinion, was stepping down at the end of the year due to hitting the mandatory retirement age. If reconsideration spilled over to the new year, a new and very different majority would decide the motion.

Reconsideration was filed late at night on December 26. Anticipating that motion, my response was largely written. I tweaked it to address some unexpected citations and filed the next morning. Reconsideration was denied December 29. The case is Brandt v. Pompa, 171 Ohio St. 3d 693, 220 N.E.3d 703 (2022). And the now-adult plaintiff knows the value of her life was vindicated even if she never sees any of that money – and others in similar circumstances know that their claims will not be artificially degraded.

July 28, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, State Appeals Courts | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Neurodiversity and Legal Advocacy: ADD


I.     Introduction

Attention Deficit Disorder is another type of neurodivergence, or different way of thinking and processing, that impacts a large segment of the population. About 8% of the population has ADD. But according to one study, over 12% of attorneys have ADD.

For years, ADD was primarily referred to as hyperactivity. It was seen as a moral problem - a failure to focus - until recent advancement have shown that it is another heritable series of traits that leads to a different way of thinking, with manageable deficiencies and valuable strengths.

II.     Strengths

Bob Lobel is a legendary sports personality in Boston. He is known for his integrity, his ability to ad-lib, and his creativity. He attributes these strengths to his ADD.

“What makes me unique come straight from my ADD. I’m like the cut up in sixth grade. I thrive on chaos. I love to ad-lib. I think outside the box. Geez, I can’t think inside the box. I can change leads three seconds before airtime and make up the copy as we go on the air. This is just who I am. It comes naturally to me. That’s why I think of ADD as a gift, not as a liability.”

Edward M Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D., Delivered from Distraction - Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder 30 (2005).

Many attributes of people with ADD are gifts. Helping them see and nurture those gifts is key to helping them thrive in their practice.

    A.    Creativity
Whether because of their divergent interests, or simply because they see things differently, people with ADD are often creative in their approaches to life. As problem solvers, they tend to be holistic, and often think outside of the box. They also tend to think quickly.

    B.    Charisma
People with ADD are often described as being charismatic. They are empathetic, because they have had to deal with their own struggles, and tend to approach life with a sense of humor. When they focus on a person, that person knows they are being seen. And their energy and creative approach to life can be contagious.

    C.    Energy
Many, but not all, of those with ADD have a strong sense of energy that they have learned to harness over the years. This energy can be motivation and inspirational in a team setting, and certainly valuable in long trials and other legal efforts. In fact, many people with ADD consider themselves to do better when under pressure. They thrive on the chaos that so often arises in our legal practices.

    D.    Focus
When a person with ADD gets into a focused “flow” state, it is hard to shake it. Many successful scientists, writers, artists, and attorneys with ADD attribute their success to their ability to enter into a state of flow for hours on end. In fact, lawyers with ADD often say one of their strengths is the ability to focus on their work under extreme pressure.

    E.    Tenacity
By the time a person with ADD has their law degree, they have overcome a great deal of adversity. They have developed grit. And they are unlikely to experience serious setbacks the next time they encounter difficulty.

III.    Weaknesses

For most of history, the primary effects of ADD - distractability, impulsivity, and restlessness - were seen as moral failings. As science progressed, it was discovered that ADD was a heritable trait, with physiological differences in certain regions of the brain that caused these issues. If you have a student or coworker with ADD, just telling them to “buckle down and pay attention” probably won’t work. They physically may not be able to do so. But they can learn coping mechanisms and structure.

By the time someone with ADD reaches law school, they likely have a successful suite of coping skills. But law school poses a unique challenge. There are few places where focus and discipline are more valued, and certain addictions more fostered, than in law school and the legal academy in general. And often, students and new lawyers have been plucked from their social safety nets to be placed into that environment.

One of the primary things those students need is the structure that a mentor, or group of similarly neurodivergent peers, can bring. Structure, accountability, and encouragement are important for everyone, but particularly those with ADD. Providing that in some way is vital.

In addition to providing that social support, the following are some areas of difficulty that those with ADD have found successful ways to manage.

    A.     Distractability
“Attention Deficit Disorder” is something of a misnomer. There isn’t so much a “deficit” of attention as a surplus that is spread a bit too thin. Coping with that surplus can take many forms.

First, good health can reduce distractability. Adequate sleep, daily exercise, and a good diet have all been shown to improve focus for those with ADD. Some supplements (like Omega 3 fatty acids) have been suggested to help as well. These all require structure, planning, and likely some encouragement. But it is worth the effort.

Many people with ADD benefit from medication. However, 20-30% of those with ADD say medication does not help. And there have been recent shortages in some medications, like Adderall. As a result, when, what, and how to take medication is a highly personal choice for those with ADD.

There are practical structural steps to take as well. ADD law students on Reddit recommend maximizing your word-processing screen so you won’t be tempted by other apps, or even just taking handwritten notes to escape electronics entirely. Some even try to turn each case into a full narrative, or illustrate the margins, just to keep themselves engaged.

    B.    Impulsivity
It can be difficult for a person with ADD to resist certain impulses. This includes addictions already dangerous to our profession, like drugs and alcohol. But it can also result in risk-taking and other damaging activities as they seek to scratch an itch they can't seem to identify.

Some people with ADD may also have a condition known as Reward Deficiency Syndrome. Regular dopamine release just doesn’t quite produce the same feeling of satisfaction or pleasure for people with RDS. As a result, they are more prone to addiction and risk-taking. Diagnosis of that condition can lead to important coping skills and training, and awareness of that potential susceptibility can make it easier to confront.

    C.    Restlessness
When your mind wants to focus on everything, it can be hard to maintain focus on one thing at a time. In men more than women, this can manifest in hyperactivity. In women it can instead appear as “zoning out.”

The opposite side of this coin is hyper focus, or “flow.” There are time when a person with ADD is so engaged that everything else disappears and time seems to stand still. But of course, it doesn’t. And so the flow state can be equally problematic if not managed, leading to the neglect of other important things.

    D.     Time management
ADD makes time management difficult. This is particularly true in the law, where you need to be sure you have read through and analyzed every detail in a given case or exam question. Law students with ADD recommend seeking accommodations for extra time on exams for this reason. They must read the questions several times to catch all the details, then outline and structure the answers carefully to address them all. Then, at the end, they need time to edit out the rabbit trails.

Similarly, law students with ADD stress the need to set early deadlines. In other words, if a paper is due December 1, and that is the only deadline, there is a strong temptation to wait until November 30th to start. So setting earlier deadlines for research completion, first draft, and final edits, for instance, is key.

The same holds true in practice. Deadlines are best broken down and set at earlier increments than what is imposed by the court. And extra time and attention to reading, organizing, and editing is essential.

To help, many students and attorneys with ADD recommend apps. There are free and paid apps that help with scheduling and reminders. The “pomodoro” technique of setting timers for tasks, followed by set breaks, is often helpful, and can be managed with apps.

    E.    Organization
ADD and organization are not friends. Messy desks, disjointed writing, and scattered schedules are fairly common. So purposeful organization is important.

Many lawyers with ADD recommend apps for assistance with organization. As with time management, there are free and paid apps to assist with organization and to keep you on target.

    F.   Emotional Tolls
Being labeled an underachiever with moral failings rather than a different way of thinking takes a toll on many people with ADHD. While they have accomplished much by the time they reach law school, or get their law license, they may be saddled with a great deal of insecurity or fear of criticism.

Perhaps one of the most important things a professor, mentor, or law partner can do is encourage their student or employee with ADD. Acknowledge and see their strengths and weaknesses, help them with time management and organization and focus, and see them thrive.

Additional Reading:

Edward M Hallowell, M.D. and John J. Ratey, M.D., Delivered from Distraction - Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder (2005).

(Photo attribute: Bill Sanderson, 1997. Credit: Wellcome Collection. CC BY 4.0)

July 16, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Law School, Legal Profession, Science, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Will Former President Donald Trump’s Conviction Be Overturned?

On May 30, 2024, a Manhattan jury convicted former President Donald Trump of falsifying business records with the intent to defraud voters in the 2020 election. The conviction involves, among other things, a non-disclosure agreement that adult film actress Stormy Daniels signed in 2016, which prohibited Daniels from discussing the alleged sexual conduct that, in 2006, occurred with her and Trump.

After the sentencing hearing, which is scheduled for July 11, 2024, Trump’s attorneys will file an appeal seeking to overturn the decision. Below is a brief discussion of the issues that Trump’s attorneys will likely raise on appeal, and a prediction of whether they will be successful.

    1.    The failure to remove Judge Merchan from the case.

Judge Merchan allegedly donated $15 to President Joe Biden’s 2016 election campaign and $10 to an organization called Stop Republicans. A state ethics panel subsequently cautioned Merchan against making such contributions to avoid the appearance of bias. Also, Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren, works for Authentic Campaigns, a political marketing agency that serves Democratic political candidates, and for a time, Loren was Authentic’s president and Chief Operating Officer. Loren also allegedly displayed an image of President Trump behind bars on her Twitter page, which was later removed. Based on these facts, Trump’s attorneys requested that Judge Merchan be removed from the case. That request was denied.

Perhaps Judge Merchan should have recused himself, but whether he was legally required to do so is a different matter. Judge Merchan donated a small amount to Biden’s campaign eight years ago. Also, Loren’s job at Authentic does not mean that Judge Merchan, because of his daughter’s political activities, will be biased in the trial or have an actual or apparent conflict of interest.

            Prediction: Unsuccessful.

    2.    The failure to change venue.

To many legal scholars and commentators, President Trump faced an uphill battle in this trial because Manhattan is a decidedly liberal city where over eighty-five percent of residents voted for President Biden in 2020, and where a bias toward Trump exists. Indeed, when jury selection began, half of those called for jury duty immediately stated that they could not be impartial in their deliberations. And of the twelve jurors selected, it is highly likely that the majority voted for Biden and harbored negative feelings toward Trump. Given these facts, Trump’s attorneys argued for a venue change, which Judge Merchan denied.

However, the law did not likely require a venue change. To hold that the political orientations of the jurors justify a change in venue in every or most cases would upend the jury system and make criminal trials incredibly inefficient.  Every criminal defendant could argue that the political demographics of a county, city, or state justified a venue change. Moreover, a venue change would not guarantee that existing biases in another venue would be eliminated; also, jurors can certainly assess the facts and evidence objectively despite their political affiliations.  Simply put, it is quite speculative to assume that jurors, who take an oath to be impartial and base their decision on the facts and evidence, would yield to and convict or acquit based upon their political biases. One should have more faith in the citizens of this country.

            Prediction: Unsuccessful.

    3.    Judge Merchan’s decision to allow Stormy Daniels’ testimony.

At the trial, Stormy Daniels testified about a sexual encounter that she had with President Trump in 2006 and, in that testimony, she provided graphic details about the encounter that did not relate to any of the elements of the charges against Trump. Daniels’ testimony also contradicted her prior statements, where she denied that such an encounter ever occurred. Based on the explicit sexual details that Daniels provided in her testimony, the defense will argue that this testimony was unduly prejudicial.

But during the opening statements President Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, told the jury that Trump never had a sexual encounter with Daniels, thus justifying the prosecution’s decision to call Daniels to refute this assertion, which was the alleged motive for the non-disclosure agreement. However, the graphic details to which Daniels testified, such as what President Trump was wearing, how long their sexual encounter lasted, and what sexual position he preferred (Judge Merchan sustained an objection to this part of the testimony), were unnecessary. Surprisingly, the defense did not object to certain portions of this graphic testimony, which prompted Judge Merchan to criticize the defense for not making such objections.

Regardless, as stated above, because Trump specifically denied having a sexual encounter with Daniels, the prosecution was justified in calling Daniels to refute this statement. The question on appeal, therefore, will turn on whether the lurid details that Daniels provided–and which were irrelevant to the prosecution’s case–were sufficiently prejudicial to deprive President Trump of a fair trial.

The answer is, most likely, no. The appellate courts will decide that this was a harmless error.

            Prediction: Unsuccessful.

    4.    Judge Merchan’s evidentiary rulings.

Trump’s attorneys will argue that Judge Merchan’s evidentiary rulings reflected a pro-prosecution bias throughout the trial and compromised President Trump’s right to a fair trial.

Some of the objections that Judge Merchan sustained for the prosecution were questionable. For example, the way Judge Merchan limited Robert Costello’s testimony–not to mention his hostile demeanor toward Costello, calling him contemptuous and threatening to strike his testimony–was concerning. Of course, Costello did himself no favors by acting disrespectfully when Judge Merchan sustained one of the prosecution’s objections. You would think that a lawyer of Costello’s caliber would refrain from such conduct, which severely compromised his credibility.

Additionally, Judge Merchan also restricted the testimony of former Federal Election Commission Chairman Brad Smith, who would have testified that Trump’s payments to Cohen did not constitute a campaign finance violation.  In fact, the restrictions were so significant that the defense decided not to call Smith, Furthermore, Judge Merchan allowed the prosecution to tell the jury that Cohen had pleaded guilty to a campaign finance violation – which was among the charges that Trump faced.[1] When Judge Merchan allowed this, he should have permitted Brad Smith’s testimony to refute the prosecution’s argument. Judge Merchan’s failure to do so is very problematic because it enabled the jury to think, “If Cohen pleaded guilty to a campaign finance violation, then Trump must be guilty too.”

Also, Judge Merchan’s decision regarding the permissible scope of cross-examination if Trump testified was troubling. Specifically, Judge Merchan ruled that the prosecution could ask Trump about the verdict finding him liable for defaming E. Jean Carroll, about the four-hundred-and-fifty-four-million-dollar verdict that Judge Arthur Engeron imposed in President Trump’s civil fraud trial, and about Trump’s numerous violations of Judge Merchan’s gag order. None of these questions related to the charges facing Trump, and allowing the prosecution to ask such questions was more prejudicial than probative. And these rulings played a significant role in Trump’s decision not to testify.

Judge Merchan’s decision regarding the scope of cross-examination may be problematic given the Court of Appeals of New York’s recent decision in People v. Weinstein, where the Court, by a 4-3 decision reversed the conviction against Harvey Weinstein on sexual assault charges. In that case, the Court of Appeals held that the trial court improperly allowed several women to testify that Weinstein had sexually assaulted them, even though Weinstein was not on trial for assaulting those women. As the majority stated, “[u]nder our system of justice, the accused has a right to be held to account only for the crime charged and, thus, allegations of prior bad acts may not be admitted against them for the sole purpose of establishing their propensity for criminality.”[2]

To be clear, this is not to say that Judge Merchan was consciously biased against President Trump. It is to say that some of his evidentiary rulings, including when considering the Court of Appeals’ decision in Weinstein, might constitute reversible error.

            Prediction: Possibly successful.

    5.     Whether Michael Cohen’s testimony should not have been given any weight by the jury, thus justifying a directed verdict for President Trump.

Michael Cohen was not a credible witness.  He lied to Congress.  He pleaded guilty to tax evasion and bank fraud (which were unrelated to Trump), which led to his disbarment and incarceration. He lied to a federal court. He called a deceased federal judge corrupt. He secretly recorded President Trump–his client at the time–during a meeting where they discussed the payment to Daniels. He stole thousands from the Trump Organization. And he lied to or omitted material information about an October phone call with Trump’s bodyguard, Keith Schiller. Also, during his testimony, Cohen blamed his legal troubles on being “knee-deep in the cult” of President Trump, showing that he lacked any sense of personal accountability. Lest there be any doubt about Cohen’s character, watch his belligerent rants online, where he states how much he wants Trump to go to prison while wearing a shirt depicting Trump behind bars.

Cohen had about as much credibility as those claiming that the government faked the moon landing or that Elvis faked his death.

Incredibly, however, the jury believed at least some of Cohen’s testimony because Cohen was the only witness who could testify to, among other things, Trump’s specific intent to defraud voters and promote or prevent the election of any person to public office.[3]  Given that the trial occurred in Manhattan and that at least some jurors despised Trump, this should not be surprising. Moreover, although some commentators made much of the fact that there were two lawyers on the jury, this did not bode well for President Trump. One attorney, who moved to New York from Oregon, has lived in Chelsea for five years, which is notoriously liberal.  The other lawyer worked as a civil litigator at a firm in New York City, and firms in New York City are overwhelmingly liberal.

Regardless, is the jury’s reliance on Cohen’s testimony a basis to reverse the decision? No. Jurors are given wide latitude to credit or discredit the testimony of a witness, and an appellate court will not second-guess the jury’s fact-finding.

            Prediction: Unsuccessful.

    6.    The charge that Trump falsified business records.

Based on the evidence, the jury concluded that President Trump falsified business records. The facts suggested that after Stormy Daniels threatened to go public with her story, Cohen established a corporation, from which he paid $130,000 to Daniels after obtaining a home equity loan. Trump subsequently reimbursed Cohen for the money that he paid to Daniels.

President Trump’s accountant designated these payments as “legal expenses,” using a drop-down menu on a computer to make this designation. Why this designation was improper given that Trump made the reimbursement in connection with a legally enforceable non-disclosure agreement is unclear. And one can certainly question precisely how President Trump “caused” the records to be falsified—if they even constituted falsification. What’s more, the entries into the business records were made after the 2016 election. Thus, how can President Trump be found guilty of falsifying business records to promote or prevent the election of a candidate when the election is already over?

The appellate courts, however, will probably not focus on this issue because it will likely defer to the jury’s fact-finding.   

            Prediction: Unsuccessful.

    7.    Judge Merchan’s jury instructions.

This is where President Trump will succeed on appeal.

Judge Merchan allowed the jury to reach a non-unanimous verdict on the underlying crime(s) that elevated a misdemeanor barred by the statute of limitations into a felony.

To best explain this, consider the following examples: The crime of armed robbery typically requires a person to: (1) take the property of another; (2) without their consent; and (3) with the use of force. To obtain a conviction, all three elements must be satisfied. But the jury need not be unanimous on, for example, how the defendant used force. Some might conclude that the defendant used a gun, while others may conclude that the defendant used a knife. Unanimity on the underlying means is unnecessary if all jurors agree that the defendant used force because the use of force is the element that must be satisfied. Likewise, first-degree murder requires that the defendant: (1) intentionally; (2) kill another person. To convict, the jury must only agree that the defendant acted intentionally to cause the death of another person. It need not agree, however, on whether the defendant killed a person with a gun, a knife, or an ax.

The New York election law is different. It prohibits a candidate from: (1) promoting or preventing the election of a candidate; (2) by unlawful means. Unlike the robbery or murder examples, which specify the conduct needed to satisfy each element (e.g., the use of force), the New York law, in using the vague term “unlawful means,” does not delineate what conduct constitutes “unlawful means.” As such, the “unlawful means” element arguably permits a jury to choose among numerous crimes to convict the defendant without agreeing unanimously that the elements of any single crime were satisfied.

In President Trump’s trial, this is precisely what occurred. The prosecution stated in its closing argument that in deciding whether Trump was guilty of a second underlying crime, the jury could conclude that Trump violated campaign finance law, federal tax law, or engaged in additional falsification of business records. To make matters worse, Judge Merchan instructed the jury that they must only reach unanimity on which underlying crime was committed—not on whether the elements of any underlying crime were satisfied.[4]

In so doing, Judge Merchan permitted the jurors to convict Trump without unanimous agreement that the elements of any single crime were satisfied. Thus, if four jurors agreed that Trump was guilty of a federal campaign finance violation, four agreed that he was guilty of violating federal tax law, and four agreed that he was guilty of falsifying additional business records, Trump could be convicted. In fact, to date, we still do not know what underlying crime(s) the jury found Trump to have committed. This instruction arguably violated the United States Supreme Court’s decisions in Ramos v. Louisiana and Richardson v. United States.[5]

That instruction was a reversible error. And it may not be the only one.

By allowing the prosecution to proceed on an indictment that never specified the underlying crime that elevated the misdemeanor (falsification of business records) to a felony, the prosecution deprived President Trump of his Sixth Amendment right to know the nature of the charges that he was facing. That is precisely why, to this day, we have no idea what underlying crime the jurors reached an agreement upon.

That is the point – and the problem.

Additionally, the law upon which Trump was convicted–N.Y. Election Law 17-152–should be deemed unconstitutional because the term “unlawful means" is vague and essentially permits a jury to convict a defendant even if they do not agree on the underlying crime constituting the "unlawful means," and even if they do not agree unanimously that the underlying elements of any single crime have been satisfied.  

            Prediction: Successful.


One must wonder why these charges were ever brought. Convicting a former and possibly future president based on conduct occurring eighteen years ago, which involved an alleged “falsification of business records” that occurred eight years ago, is concerning. It suggests that the legal system is being weaponized against a political opponent. After all, if President Biden had engaged in this conduct, do you think that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg would have brought these charges? Of course not.

That, again, is the point – and the problem.[6]

Trump’s conviction will be overturned.


[1] Specifically, during its opening statement, the prosecution told the jury that “Cohen will also testify in this trial that he ultimately pled guilty and went to jail for causing an unlawful corporate contribution in connection with the Karen McDougal payments and for making an excessive campaign contribution in connection with the Stormy Daniels payoff.” 

[2] See Peter Sterne, Why Did New York’s Highest Court Overturn Harvey Weinstein’s Conviction? (April 29, 2024), available at: Why did New York’s highest court overturn Harvey Weinstein’s conviction? - City & State New York (

[3] See N.Y. Election Law 17-152.

[4] Consider by analogy the following law: “It shall be unlawful to physically harm a person through unlawful means.” This would allow a jury to convict a defendant even if four jurors agreed that the harm occurred through kidnapping, four others agreed that the harm occurred through assault, and four others agreed that the harm occurred through battery. In such a circumstance, the jurors would not agree unanimously that the defendant’s conduct satisfied the elements of any single crime. That should prohibit a conviction.

[5] 590 U.S. 83 (2020); 526 U.S. 813 (1999).

[6] Recently, Judge Merchan notified the parties that, on May 29, 2024, a cousin of one of the jurors allegedly posted on a social media website stating as follows: "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted! Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!" See Ella Lee, Trump Hush Money Judge Flags Facebook User Claiming Early Knowledge of the Verdict (May 29, 2024), available at: Trump hush money judge flags Facebook user claiming early knowledge of verdict (


June 8, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Law School, Legal Ethics, Legal Profession, State Appeals Courts, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (4)

Sunday, June 2, 2024

New Rules on Appealing Factual Findings under the Clear-Evidence Rule

Advocates usually face tough sledding if their appeal merely disputes factual findings. Those appeals confront the “clear-evidence” standard, a demanding test that requires the appellate court to find that the findings are not plausible given the evidentiary record. Appellate courts assume that trial courts have greater expertise in evaluating the facts because experiencing the presentation of the case in the living courtroom allows a judge to assess credibility, among other things, that a cold written record cannot convey.

In Cooper v. Harris (2017), the Supreme Court, in an opinion written by Justice Kagan, applied that rubric to uphold a three-judge panel’s decision that invalidated a North Carolina congressional redistricting plan under the “deferential standard of review” that applies to factual findings. The Court held that a “plaintiff may make the required showing [to demonstrate that race was the predominant factor in drawing district lines] through ‘direct evidence’ of legislative intent, ‘circumstantial evidence of a district’s shape and demographics,’ or a mix of both.” The decision distinguished an earlier favorable review of one of the same districts in  Easley v. Cromartie (2001), because the majority read that decision to involve a particularly week evidentiary record of racial considerations that could only be overcome if the plaintiffs had offered an alternative map. That map would have to demonstrate that the legislators’ political goal could have been achieved without regard to race. In Cooper, the Court held sufficient strong evidence, including direct evidence, existed so that an alternate map was unnecessary.

Justice Thomas concurred, writing that the analysis in Cooper “represents a welcome course correction to this Court’s application of the clear-error standard.”

Justice Alito wrote the dissent. He asserted that the majority had treated the earlier precedent “like a disposable household item—say, a paper plate or napkin—to be used once and then tossed in the trash.” He labeled the absence of an alternative map “a critical factor in our analysis” in Cromartie and asserted its absence in the Cooper record required that North Carolina’s new map be upheld.

What a difference a few years and a few justices make! On May 23, the Supreme Court reinstated a South Carolina congressional map that the district court had found to be the product of racial gerrymandering. This time, the writers switched sides. Justice Alito wrote the majority opinion, Justice Thomas concurred with the new majority, and Justice Kagan authored the dissent. The majority’s treatment of the clear-evidence standard suggests a new wrinkle for the clear-evidence rule that likely affects a wide swath of cases.

In Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, No. 22-807, the Court held that politics permissibly informed the map-drawing task even if the political motivation correlated with treating race as a predominant factor in the maps. Because the district court did not disentangle race and politics, the Court said, its findings of fact were clearly erroneous. To prevail on the racial-gerrymandering issue, the Court required a plaintiff to rule out the competing explanation of politics. It insisted, as it asserted Cromartie required, that a plaintiff would have to draw a partisan map consistent with the legislature’s intent to favor the dominant political party but with greater racial balance. In other words, the plaintiff had to do a better job of creating the same partisan advantage without evidencing any racial discrimination, a requirement that probably sounds the death knell for racial gerrymandering cases. The Court declared that the district court committed “clear factual error in concluding that race played a predominant role in the legislature’s design,” and the absence of an alternative map warranted an “adverse inference against the Challengers.”

The opinion further called the plaintiffs’ expert reports “deeply flawed” for much the same reason. The “tens of thousands of maps [produced] with differently configured districts” did not include “a single map that achieved the legislature’s partisan goal” of keeping the challenged districts Republican, the majority held.

In the majority’s version of the evidence, no direct evidence suggested the legislature’s map was drawn with a racial “target,” as the district court found. The Court also criticized the district court for “infer[ring]” that, by keeping the racial percentages in the districts the same as previously existed (17 percent), race played a predominant role in the districts’ shape. It noted that no map offered by the plaintiffs “would have satisfied the legislature’s political aim” without increasing the concentration of minority voters, which would have created a Democratic majority. Thus, the majority concluded the 17-percent standard was “simply a side effect of the legislature’s partisan goal” and not constitutionally suspect.

The majority also rejected the dissent’s criticism that clear-error review is essentially perfunctory, declaring that “appellants are entitled to meaningful appellate review” of factual findings.

Justice Thomas concurred but protested the searching factual review that the majority undertook because, in his view, it “exceeds the proper scope of clear-error review” and was unnecessary to resolve the case. It is worth noting that the bulk of the Thomas dissent argues against the Court’s involvement in racial gerrymandering cases altogether. Within that stance, Thomas criticizes a “boundless view of equitable remedies” that he traces to fallout from Brown v. Board of Education and the decision’s “impatience with the pace of discrimination,” seemingly treating that as an original sin, which may have been justified at the time but that has brought about “extravagant uses of judicial power” well beyond the “Framers’ design.”

Justice Kagan’s dissent mounted more withering criticism, starting with the majority’s portrayal of the plaintiffs’ evidence in only the “sketchiest of terms.” She pointed out that evidence established that the software used by the mapmakers was configured to show how any change in the district lines affected the district’s racial composition and achieved “to the decimal point” the exclusion of African-American citizens to accomplish their partisan goals. Perhaps more importantly for appellate advocates, she accused the majority of abandoning the clear-error standard that substantially defers to plausible factual findings, by choosing the evidence that supports its preferred outcome, “ignores or minimizes less convenient proof,” and errs in its reading of expert opinions, while asserting a better understanding of the evidence than did the three-judge district court.

Kagan’s critique also asserts that the majority’s new clear-evidence rule defers, not to the district court, but to the losing defendant because the majority interposed a presumption that legislatures act in good faith. She adds that the alternative-map requirement constitutes a new invention by the majority, in whose absence an adverse inference is drawn “no matter how much proof of a constitutional violation [plaintiffs] otherwise present,” describing this as judicial “micro-management of a plaintiff’s case . . . elsewhere unheard of in constitutional litigation.” She then suggests that the majority opinion is an adoption of Justice Alito’s dissent from Cooper so that the “dissent becomes the law.” Only in that dissent, she points out, did an alternative map requirement receive support before. She also lambasted the majority for reformulating her own majority opinion in Cooper.

The bottom line outside the context of gerrymandering cases is that the majority endorsed a more powerful review of evidence by appellate courts, particularly when legal presumptions exist that support the appellant, creating a level of deference to their evidence over that found by the district court. Any advocate seeking clear-evidence review should now search for favorable presumptions that would support greater appellate scrutiny of the evidence.

June 2, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, State Appeals Courts, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Is the United States Supreme Court a Political Institution?

Public opinion of the United States Supreme Court has declined recently, with some commentators arguing that the Court is a political institution. Below is a brief analysis of why the Court is perceived as political, and how the Court can avoid this perception in the future.

A.    Is the Court a “political” institution?

When one labels the Court as a “political” institution, how is “political” being defined? For this article, “political” is defined as reaching decisions that coincide with a justice’s policy preferences. This does not mean, of course, that a decision coinciding with a justice’s policy views is inherently political, or that the justices are basing their decision on political considerations, as there may be legitimate textual or statutory bases to reach those decisions. Notwithstanding, public perception of whether the Court is acting in a political capacity is often influenced by whether the Court’s vote in particular cases split along ideological lines.

Given this definition, is the Court a political institution? Yes and no. 

To begin with, most of the Court’s cases do not involve divisive social issues. Rather, they involve issues such as choice of law provisions in maritime contracts, trademark issues, the bankruptcy code, the takings clause, and the Federal Arbitration Act. Such cases do not result in decisions that most people would consider politically motivated.  

Furthermore, the Court’s cases are often decided unanimously or by six, seven, or eight-member majorities. From 2008 to 2019, for example, the Court’s unanimous decisions ranged from thirty-six to sixty-six percent of its cases.[1] Conversely, the percentage of 5-4 decisions ranged from five to twenty-nine percent.[2] Rulings with six, seven, and eight-member majorities ranged from twenty to fifty-one percent.[3] Additionally, in 2021, the Court reached unanimous decisions in sixty-seven percent of its cases, and in 2022, the Court was unanimous in forty-eight percent of its cases.[4]

Therefore, in most cases, politics does not likely influence the Court’s decisions. As such, in most cases, are the justices basing their decisions on their political preferences? No.


However, this does not end the inquiry. In the relatively small number of cases that involve divisive social issues, whether the Court’s decisions were political depends on your perspective.  For example, many conservative legal scholars would consider Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade, and Obergefell v. Hodges to be political decisions, because in their view they were based on an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that had no basis in the Constitution’s text, and that resulted in outcomes consistent with the liberal majority’s policy views regarding contraception, abortion, and same-sex marriage. Likewise, many liberal legal scholars would consider Bush v. Gore, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, and Students For Fair Admissions v. Harvard to be political decisions because in each case, the Court’s majority was comprised of conservative justices.

The point is that, in a small number of cases, the justices’ opinions consistently reflect their political views, regardless of whether they are conservative or liberal. Thus, to the extent that the Court is perceived as a political institution, both conservative and liberal justices bear some blame. Consider the following:

  • Would Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Jackson, or Justice Sotomayor ever vote to restrict access to abortion?
  • Would Justice Thomas or Justice Alito ever vote to restrict when the death penalty can be imposed?
  • Would Justice Sotomayor and Justice Jackson ever vote to invalidate an affirmative action policy?
  • Would Justice Thomas or Justice Alito ever vote to restrict partisan gerrymandering?
  • Would Justice Kagan or Justice Sotomayor ever hold that the Constitution does not protect the right to same-sex marriage?

The answers to these questions should be obvious.

To make matters worse, when the political affiliations of the Court’s members change, the Court’s view of the Constitution – and fundamental rights – often changes. For example, for nearly fifty years, Roe v. Wade, where the Court held that the right to privacy encompasses a woman’s choice to terminate a pregnancy (in most instances), was considered settled law, particularly after the Court in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey reaffirmed Roe’s central holding. But after Justice Kavanaugh replaced Justice Kennedy, and Justice Barrett replaced Justice Ginsburg, the Court in Dobbs overturned Roe and suddenly discovered that the Constitution did not protect a right to abortion.

Why was Roe overturned? Because the Court now had more conservative than liberal members. One must wonder how the majority could not possibly realize that their decision would be perceived as purely political. The same goes for the justices who voted in Roe to find that the Constitution protects the right to terminate a pregnancy – a right found nowhere in the Constitution.

Cases such as Roe, Obergefell, and Dobbs show why the Court is perceived as a political institution and why its institutional legitimacy is affected negatively. Indeed, when the Court accepts for review cases involving issues such as abortion or the death penalty, most people know exactly how the justices will vote. They know that the justices will reach outcomes that so conveniently comport with their policy preferences. That is the reality, and even if it is not accurate, it is the perception. And perception is reality.

Additionally, conservative and liberal media commentators worsen the situation because they report on only the most controversial cases and, depending on the result that the Court reaches, promote the distorted perception that the Court is primarily a political institution. This is a recipe for undermining the Court’s legitimacy.

Ultimately, in Griswold, Roe, Obergefell, and Dobbs, were most justices basing their decisions on their political preferences? Yes.

B.    Solutions to increase public perception of the Court’s legitimacy.

Regardless of the Court’s many unanimous and super-majority decisions, its decisions in cases such as Roe and Dobbs undermined the Court’s legitimacy. Is there a solution that could help to restore that legitimacy? Below are two suggestions.

    1.    Deny certiorari unless the challenged law likely violates the Constitution’s text.

The Court should not grant certiorari unless a challenged law likely violates the Constitution’s text – not its “penumbras” or whatever unenumerated “right” that the substantive due process might invent. For example, in Citizens United v. FEC, did the First Amendment’s text clearly support the invalidation of a statute that strived to reduce the influence of money on federal elections? In Clinton v. New York, did the Presentment Clause clearly support invalidating the Line-Item Veto Act, which sought to reduce wasteful government spending? In Kennedy v. Louisiana, did the Eighth Amendment clearly prohibit the imposition of the death penalty for individuals who raped children under the age of twelve? In Roe v. Wade, did the Fourteenth Amendment clearly prohibit states from prohibiting abortion?

The answer is no.

So why did the Court decide these issues for an entire nation, often by a 5-4 vote? Your answer is as good as mine. Unless you believe that the Court should be guided by “evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of a maturing society.”[5]

When the Constitution is ambiguous and subject to alternative interpretations, the Court should not intervene. It should allow the states to resolve these issues democratically or, in the case of federal legislation, defer to the coordinate branches. When nine unelected and life-tenured judges decide an issue for an entire nation, especially by a 5-4 margin where the majority’s decision so conveniently aligns with the justices’ political beliefs, you have a recipe for disaster.

If you believe that this suggestion is unwise, consider Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion in National Federation of Independent Investors v. Sebelius and what may have motivated his decision.

    2.    Require a six-vote super-majority to overturn a lower court decision.

When the Court decides cases by a 5-4 vote, and those votes reflect little more than partisan division, that decision is likely to undermine the Court’s legitimacy. Put differently, should the law for an entire country depend on a one-vote majority at the Court, where those votes align with each justice’s policy preferences? No.

Instead, to overturn a lower court decision, the Court should be required to reach a six-vote super majority. Doing so would encourage compromise, consensus, and moderation, and lead to incremental, not drastic changes in the law. And it would prohibit a bare liberal or conservative majority from changing the law for an entire nation, particularly on divisive social issues. Indeed, had a six-vote supermajority been in effect when Dobbs was decided, abortion would still be legal until fifteen weeks of pregnancy. If a six-vote supermajority had been in effect when Citizens United was decided, money would likely not have the corruptive influence in politics that it does today.

Some might argue that this approach would prevent the Court from resolving circuit splits on matters of public importance. So what? There are many circuit splits where the Court denies certiorari, thus leaving them unresolved. We should not pretend that the Court’s responsibility is to resolve every circuit split or injustice that affects the country because the reality is quite the opposite. Furthermore, if there is a circuit split, such that the law is interpreted and applied differently in different states, why is that necessarily undesirable? This is already the norm, not the exception, and the incredibly small number of cases that the Court decides each term has only a marginal impact on that reality. And if you believe that the Court should defer to democratic choice at the state and federal level when the Constitution is ambiguous, a six-vote supermajority requirement would facilitate achieving that objective – as would an originalist approach to constitutional interpretation.

If the Court had less power, and intervened less often, the people, not nine unelected justices, would have “the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”[6]


Attacks on the Court’s legitimacy reflect little more than disagreement with decisions that conservatives or liberals do not like. As Justice Kennedy stated, “[a]n activist court is a court that makes a decision you don't like.”[7] The conservative and liberal media – and politicians – do a terrible disservice when they attack the Court with inflammatory comments that influence the public’s perception of the Court’s legitimacy. Having said that, if the Court wants to shed the perception that it is a political institution, it should stop deciding cases that are so politically divisive. Along with a super-majority requirement, this will help to insulate the Court from attacks on its legitimacy, however unfair such attacks may be.


[1] PolitiFact | Despite popular misconception, Supreme Court 9-0 rulings are not that rare

[2] See id.

[3] See id.

[4] Michael D. Berry, The Numbers Reveal a United Supreme Court – And a Few Surprises (Aug. 2, 2023), available at: The Numbers Reveal a United Supreme Court, and a Few Surprises | The Federalist Society (

[5] Trop v. Dulles, 356 U.S. 86 (1958).

[6] Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003).

[7] CBS News, Justice Kennedy: Senators Focus on Short-Term (May 14, 2010), available at: Justice Kennedy: Senators Focus on Short-Term - CBS News

May 26, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Law School, Legal Ethics, Legal Profession, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Lessons in Appellate Advocacy from the Supreme Court's Oral Argument in Trump v. United States

The recent oral argument before the United States Supreme Court in Trump v. United States, which concerns presidential immunity, provides several lessons about how to argue a case effectively and persuasively. Although the attorneys for the petitioner and respondent used their persuasive advocacy skills to varying degrees of effectiveness, both did so very competently and demonstrated why they are elite advocates. Below are a few lessons in advocacy that were on display at the oral argument.

1.    Have a strong introduction.

Make a great first impression with a strong introduction.  Begin with a powerful opening theme. Tell the court precisely what remedy you seek. And explain why, in a structured and organized way, the Court should rule in your favor. For example, use the Rule of Three, namely, provide the Court with three reasons that support your argument and the remedy sought.

In Trump, the lawyers for the petitioner and the respondent had effective and persuasive introductions. They opened with a strong theme. They got to the point quickly. They explained in detail and with specificity why the Court should rule in their favor. Doing so enabled both lawyers to, among other things, start strong, gain credibility with the Court, and frame the issues in a light most favorable to their side.

2.    Answer the Court’s questions directly and honestly.

Regardless of how persuasive your introduction is, the justices will express concerns about various legal, factual, or policy issues that impact the strength of your case. Thus, when the justices ask questions, particularly those that express skepticism of your argument, view it as an opportunity to address the justices’ concerns and present persuasively the merits of your position. In so doing, make sure to always answer the questions directly and honestly, as any attempt to evade the questions will harm your credibility. Additionally, if necessary, acknowledge weaknesses in your case (e.g., unfavorable facts or law), and explain why those weaknesses do not affect the outcome you seek. Also, be sure never to react defensively in response to a question; instead, act like you expected the question and use the question to enhance your argument’s persuasiveness.

During the oral argument in Trump, the lawyers for the petitioner and respondent were well-prepared, answered the Court’s questions effectively, and conceded unfavorable facts where appropriate. As a result, they maintained their credibility and enhanced the persuasive value of their arguments.

3.    Speak conversationally and confidently.

During oral argument with an appellate court, particularly the U.S. Supreme Court, adopt a conversational tone and confident demeanor. Recognize that the Court is trying its best to reach a fair result that is consistent with the law and the facts. The law and facts, however, often do not dictate a particular outcome, and sometimes judges are left with little more than a desire to reach what they believe will be the best result. Indeed, judges are human, and when they return home after a long day, and their partner asks how their day was, the last thing judges want to say is “Well, I decided several cases that led to horrible outcomes. Other than that, it was a wonderful day.”

As such, your role, while advocating zealously for your client, should be to have a conversation with the Court in which you acknowledge the Court’s concerns and the policy implications of the outcome you seek, and convince a majority of the justices that the result you seek is fair and equitable. Put differently, while you must advocate zealously for your client, you should also display some degree of objectivity that shows an awareness of, among other things, opposing points of view and weaknesses in your case.

During oral argument, both advocates spoke conversationally and confidently and never appeared uncertain, surprised, or equivocal. Projecting confidence is critical to maximizing the persuasiveness of your argument, and speaking conversationally ensures that you can communicate your argument effectively.

4.    Be mindful of your pacing, tone, and non-verbal communication.

It is not just what you say. It is how you say it. Thus, when making an argument, be sure not to speak too quickly. Do not use over-the-top language or attack your adversary. Use strategic pauses to thoughtfully respond to the Court’s questions and transition effectively to different arguments. Never show frustration, surprise, or combativeness in response to a question. Instead, show that you are a composed and thoughtful advocate who listens well, and forms reasoned responses to difficult questions.

Also, be mindful of your non-verbal communication, including your appearance, body language, facial expressions, posture, eye contact, and hand gestures, as non-verbal communication can enhance or detract from the persuasiveness of your argument.

During the oral argument, both advocates avoided speaking too quickly and rushing through their points. They never displayed a combative and adversarial tone. They spoke clearly and articulately, and in a manner that made their arguments straightforward, organized, and easy to understand.

5.    Adjust your argument strategy based on the Court’s questions.

When you begin an oral argument, you know what points you want to emphasize. But the justices may want to discuss other things, and a good advocate recognizes this and adjusts accordingly.

Consider the following example:

Advocate: Your Honor, the warrantless search of the suspect’s house in this case did not violate the Fourth Amendment because the victim’s body was visible to the officer and therefore the search falls within the plain view exception to the warrant requirement.

Justice: But counsel, the officer was unlawfully on private property when she saw the victim’s body, rendering the plain view exception inapplicable. However, it seems that the exigency exception applies because the victim was still breathing, although gravely injured when the officer encountered the victim and entered the home.

Advocate: Your Honor, the plain view exception applies because the officer was on public, not private, property, and as a result, it applies squarely to this case.

Justice: Well let’s assume that I conclude that it was private property. Doesn’t the exigency exception apply?

Advocate: Your Honor, this was public property. The plain view exception is clearly applicable.


The advocate’s performance in this colloquy was simply awful.

The justice is unquestionably signaling to the advocate that he or she believed that the exigency, not the plain view, exception to the Fourth Amendment applied to justify the warrantless search. But the advocate, for some reason, did not perceive or simply ignored this and adhered rigidly to his or her argument. That can be a fatal mistake. As stated above, although you may want to emphasize specific points, the justices may not care about those points and instead want to discuss other issues that, in their view, may be dispositive. When that happens, adjust your strategy in the moment and respond to the justices’ concerns. Do not be afraid to abandon your oral argument strategy if, as the argument unfolds, it becomes clear that the case will be decided on facts, law, or policy considerations that you did not anticipate.

During the oral argument, nothing like this occurred because the lawyers for the petitioner and the respondent were far too skilled, intelligent, and experienced to make this mistake.

6.    Be aware of the dynamics in the room and realize that there is only so much you can do.

Judges often have opinions on how to decide a case after reading the parties’ briefs and before the oral argument. Although oral argument can, in some instances, persuade the justices to reconsider their views, oral argument sometimes consists of the justices trying to convince each other to adopt their respective positions, without much regard for what you have to say.

Put simply, sometimes the outcome is preordained. For example, in Trump v. Anderson, it was obvious early in the oral argument that the Court would overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision holding that former President Trump was not eligible to be on Colorado’s primary ballot. If you are faced with this situation, realize that all you can do is make the best possible argument, knowing that losing the case is not a reflection of the quality of your advocacy but rather a reflection of the justices’ predetermined views. In Trump v. Anderson, for example, Jason Murray, the attorney representing the respondents, did an excellent job of making a credible argument despite the obvious fact that the Court would not rule in his favor.

Also, realize that you are not a magician or a miracle worker. Judges can have strongly held views and the results that they reach sometimes have little, if anything, to do with what you said or did not say during an oral argument. If you are arguing that Roe v. Wade was correctly decided and should be reaffirmed, nothing you say is going to convince Justices Thomas or Alito to adopt your position. Likewise, you are not going to convince Justice Sotomayor that affirmative action programs are unconstitutional. You are also not going to convince Justice Alito that the substantive due process doctrine should remain vibrant in the Court’s jurisprudence. Knowing this, focus on the justices that are receptive to your argument, particularly the swing justices, and tailor your argument to their specific concerns. And, if they ask ‘softball’ questions, be sure to seize that opportunity to make your case persuasively because they are using you to convince the swing justices.

Surely, during oral argument, the lawyers for the petitioner and the respondent knew which justices were receptive to their arguments, which were hostile, and which were undecided. And they addressed swing justices’ questions effectively and persuasively.

7.    Be reasonable.

If you want to retain your credibility, make sure that your argument – and the remedy you seek – is reasonable. Advocating for an extreme or unprecedented result that departs significantly from the Court’s jurisprudence, or that leads to a terrible policy outcome, will get you nowhere. For example, during the oral argument in Trump, Justice Sotomayor asked counsel for Trump whether his argument for absolute presidential immunity would allow a president to assassinate a political rival. Trump’s counsel responded by stating that it would depend on the hypothetical and could constitute an “official act,” thus triggering absolute immunity. Most, if not all, judges would reject this argument because it is simply ridiculous to contend that a president could assassinate political rivals with impunity.

Thus, be reasonable when presenting your arguments and requesting specific remedies. Every argument has weaknesses that those with different perspectives will expose. As such, in most cases, avoid absolute or categorical positions that eschew nuance and that prevent the Court from reaching a compromise. Doing so will enhance your credibility and show that you recognize the complexities of the legal issue before the Court.

During the oral argument, the attorney for Trump, although very skilled, arguably advocated for an unreasonable outcome, namely, that the president is always immune from prosecution for official acts done while the president is in office. The problem with this argument, as Justices Sotomayor, Jackson, and Kagan emphasized was that it would allow a president to engage in a wide array of criminal conduct, including the assassination of a political rival, with impunity. That result is simply not reasonable and consistent with the principle that no person is above the law. A better strategy may have been to adopt a more nuanced argument that recognized when, and under what circumstances, presidential immunity should apply, and to give the Court a workable test to distinguish between official and private acts. Adopting an unreasonable position detracted from the persuasiveness of Trump’s argument, and the Court signaled that it would reject this extreme, all-or-nothing approach.

8.    Realize that nothing you do is as important as you think.

Whether you win or lose, the world will keep turning and the sun will rise tomorrow. Sure, there are incredibly impactful cases, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Bush v. Gore, and Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which significantly affect the rights and liberties of citizens. Your role in influencing that outcome, however, is often far more insubstantial than what you believe, and inversely correlated to the absurd amount of hours you spent litigating the case. Think about it: do you believe that the oral arguments (or briefing, for that matter) in Brown, Bush, or Dobbs caused any of the justices to change their minds? Why do you think that, in some cases, anyone familiar with the Court can predict how the justices will rule before oral argument even occurs? You should know the answer.

Of course, you should still work extremely hard and hold yourself to the highest standards when arguing before a court. Persuasive advocacy skills do matter, particularly in close cases. However, your ability to affect the outcome of a case or the evolution of a court’s jurisprudence is, in some instances, quite minimal, and your inability to reach the outcome you seek is often unrelated to your performance or preparation. So do not put so much pressure on yourself. Have humility and focus on what you can control – and ignore what you cannot. Doing so will help you to cope with the unpredictable and unexpected outcomes that you will experience in the litigation and appellate process. And remember that no matter what happens, life will go on. You should too. And I suspect that the lawyers for the petitioner and the respondent will do precisely that.


Ultimately, what matters is not how many cases you win or how much money you make. What matters is the relationships that you form with other people, which are more important than anything that you will do in the law. So don’t sweat the small stuff, because, at the end of the day, it’s all small stuff.

April 27, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Current Affairs, Law School, Legal Profession, Oral Argument, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Absolute Presidential Immunity as an Appellate Strategy

On April 25, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Trump v. United States, the case in which former President Trump’s lawyers will argue, among other things, that a president has absolute immunity from the criminal charges that covers every action of a president. In this instance, they claiming that Trump was advancing electoral integrity when he urged supporters to go to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which resulted in violence that temporarily halted the tallying electoral votes so that Joseph Biden could take office as the incoming president.

The assertion of absolute immunity may seem incredulous as a strategic choice. Rare is the instance that an appellate advocate should elect to argue the most extreme position possible, particularly when the argument has no textual anchor, no precedential support, and obvious counterarguments. To place a president entirely above the law suggests that the American Revolution, the Constitution, and tradition renders the chief executive a king who wield every possible prerogative and can do no wrong, when we have been taught that the opposite is true.

During argument before the D.C. Circuit, one judge asked whether the president could order Seal Team 6, the elite unit of Navy Seals, to assassinate a political rival. Counsel responded that only impeachment and not criminal prosecution was available under that hypothetical. Judges and the public, expectedly, reacted harshly to that extreme and indefensible position.

The question then, from an advocacy perspective, is why adopt it? Certainly, there are times when a court splits the difference between the positions taken by the two parties, so that the party advocating the most extreme position, as in a negotiation, pulls the center closer to its view. Other times, a position is presented, not to prevail, but to plant a seed that may sprout at a later time. A powerful separate judicial opinion that seeks to justify the position in some instances provides an opportunity to fight another day and to generate more debate and scholarship in favor of the position.

In the Trump case, I doubt that either of these potential outcomes are what his counsel has in mind. Neither is likely to accomplish their client’s current need: the end of the prosecution. Instead, the argument fuels their delay stratagem, which hopes that the trials take place at a time when President Trump can make a triumphant return to the White House and order the Justice Department to drop the prosecutions, or that a defeated candidate who is no longer a threat receives a pardon or other beneficence from the victor to avoid the spectacle of a former president in prison. Still, the argument might produce language, helpful to a defense, about what constitutes the outer boundaries of official action, where the doctrine of qualified immunity provides some guidance.

I expect that this last point is why Trump’s counsel has argued that every act as president is an official act. This argument seeks to goad the Supreme Court into laying down criteria for evaluating when a president is engaged in an official act. Any guidelines are likely to be vague, creating room for exploitation when and if a case goes to trial. While election integrity sounds like official action, the presidency has no specific responsibilities on that issue and exhorting private citizens to march on the Capitol to keep an eye on Congress hardly sounds like official action in support of fair elections.

Still, it is worth noting that the absolute-immunity argument is not counsel’s untethered invention. It borrows from and seeks application of language adopted by the Supreme Court in Nixon v. Fitzgerald,[1] which held that former President Nixon was absolutely immune from private civil actions for “official conduct” even at the outer perimeter of presidential authority. In the case, a former air force employee sued the former president on a claim that Nixon had fired him over his whistleblowing testimony before Congress. The Court reasoned that a failure to immunize presidential actions would encourage lawsuits aimed at presidential actions to a degree that would distract a president from the duties of office and chill presidential choices to an extent that would “render an official unduly cautious in the discharge of his official duties.”[2] Although the Court took pains to distinguish criminal cases because of their greater public interest and importance, that type of marker can erode over time.

Notably, the Court found no distraction issue in 1997 when it held that then-President Clinton had no immunity from a lawsuit involving sexual allegations that predated his presidency in Clinton v. Jones.[3] Key to the decision was that the allegations concerned private actions unrelated to the exercise of presidential power, thus not creating a concern that it would induce hesitancy about official duties.

While I doubt that the absolute-immunity gambit will work in its purest form, Supreme Court decisions often create new issues that become fodder for future cases or arguments in the same case. In United States v. Nixon,[4] the Court unanimously held that the president could not claim executive privilege to avoid the Watergate special prosecutor’s subpoena for presidential audio tapes. Still, in the course of rejecting the executive-privilege argument, the Court gave executive privilege a firmer foundation than it had ever commanded before. Expect the same for presidential immunity in the opinions that come out of Trump v. United States.


[1] 457 U.S. 731 (1982).

[2] Id. at 752 n.32.

[3] 520 U.S. 681 (1997).

[4] 418 U.S. 683 (1974).

April 21, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, Oral Argument, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

An Argument Against Block Quotes

Recently, I saw a long listserv conversation about teaching first-year and LLM students to properly format block quotes. You might remember from your law review days that block quotes are long quotes of “fifty or more words.”  See The Bluebook, Rule 5.1.  Under The Bluebook and other citation manuals, we must set block quotes apart from other text, usually in a single-spaced block of text double-indented from the left and right, with no quotation marks.

Apparently, word processors have made it more difficult to do the left and right indenting needed for block quotes, and the original listserv poster asked for advice on helping students manage block quotes efficiently.  Having noticed the way our Typepad blogging system makes simple indenting more difficult now, and having banned my students from using most block or other long quotes for years, I was intrigued by this thread. 

Some professors on the thread suggested using quotation marks, even in a block quote, to deal with indenting difficulties.  Other professors offered great tips on various word processing program shortcuts and macros to help students properly indent their long quotes.  However, some contributors asked if teaching the format was worth the investment of class time.  The original poster later gave us all a summary of the info gained from the post, and explained that the majority of commenters suggested taking some class time to teach students a tech shortcut. 

To my surprise, I did not see any comments suggesting students simply break apart the quoted material into shorter, more digestible portions for the reader.  Thus, I acknowledge that I might be an outlier here.  Plus, a block quote is much easier to insert into a document–with mere cutting and pasting–than carefully crafted sentences with smaller pieces of the quoted material.  Nonetheless, I ask you to consider clarity and word limits (hopefully in that order), and ban most block quotes from your writing.  

First, think about how often you have actually read the material in a block quote.  Be honest.  If you are like many readers, you tend to skim tightly blocked text, like long brief point headings and block quotes.  See Even style manuals allowing the use of block quotes give many tips on how to make sure your reader still gets your point, despite the block quote.  For example, Bryan Garner’s The Redbook Rule 8.10 suggests that we always introduce a block quote with our own assertions, and let the block material simply support our claims.  Just removing the block entirely will increase your chance of the reader truly seeing your ideas.   

Next, think about the lack of clarity from fifty or more words from one source at one time.  Is the material you need from the quote really just on one point?  If so, you likely do not need fifty words or more from the source, added to your own introduction and analysis.  Consider placing the key parts of the quote, likely five to ten words, in your own sentence.  Additionally, if your rationale for using the long block is to cover several points at once, you might be asking too much of your reader.  Your reader will better understand two or three shorter sentences, each with one main point and a relevant short part of the former block quote. 

Finally, look for extra words in the block quote that you don’t need for your point.  Long block quotes are just that; these blocks are long pieces of text that often devour your word count without adding meaningful content.  My students spend a huge amount of time railing against word limits.  Nonetheless, we know word limits are part of any appellate practice.  Thus, I suggest removing long quotes and keeping only what you need.  Sure, you could keep the quote and add ellipses, but too many ellipses are distracting.  See also Jayne T. Woods, The Unnecessary Parenthetical (“Parenthetical”) (April 9, 2024) (explaining research on the way unneeded parentheticals mid-sentence distract readers).  Rather than obscuring your point in a closely-typed long quote with jarring ellipses, use your own words to present the ideas, working in key short quoted phrases.  

Of course, you might have an instance where the clearest and shortest way to convey your point truly is a block quote.  For this reason, I ban most, not all, block quotes.  I urge you to do the same. 

April 20, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Law School, Legal Profession, Legal Writing, Rhetoric | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Using Verbs to Help Avoid Bias under ABA Model Rule 8.4(g)

As many know, I push students to avoid passive voice as a way to increase clarity.  We can also use careful verb choice to help remove bias.  Under ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) (2016), “It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to” engage in biased conduct, including “discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or socioeconomic status in conduct related to the practice of law.”  Comment 3 explains “[s]uch discrimination includes harmful verbal or physical conduct that manifests bias or prejudice towards others.”  See

In my classes, we discuss recognizing express and implicit bias, and then I suggest some concrete ways to help avoid bias in our legal writing.  One concrete way to eliminate bias is to choose verbs carefully. 

We know from social science that our verbs matter.  For example, in 1974 Loftus and Palmer published their famous study on eyewitness suggestion via verbs.  See  Loftus and Palmer divided 45 students into 5 groups, asked them all to watch a video of a car crash, and then asked each group a slightly different question about the speed of the cars.  Loftus and Palmer manipulated the verb used in the question.  They asked the groups:  “How fast were they cars going when they smashed/collided/bumped/hi /contacted?”  Id.  Participants who heard “smashed” reported an average speed of 40.5 mph, while participants who heard “contacted” reported an average speed of 31.8 mph.  Id.  In other words, the eyewitnesses to the video crash responded to the verbs used by others to describe the crash.

When we hide the actor connected to our verbs, through passive voice, we can manipulate meaning even more.  See Robert C. Farrell, Why Grammar Matters: Conjugating Verbs in Modern Legal Opinions, 40 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 1, 13-14 (2008).  For example, saying an “enslaver often withheld foods from the enslaved people on his plantation” has a very different meaning than “sometimes, enslaved people were not given food.”  When we use the passive voice about enslavers in my example, we are presenting a biased view of reality by not naming the actor who withheld food.  Thus, by removing the passive verb construction, we also decrease bias. 

Case law also shows how passive voice can create issues.  For example, in United States v. Zavalza-Rodriguez, 379 F.3d 1182, 1183 (10th Cir. 2004), the outcome turned on two competing provisions of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.  The first provision used passive voice and allowed for a sentence enhancement “if a dangerous weapon” “was possessed.”  Id. at 1183-84.  The second clause allowed for a sentence reduction, under the active voice, if “the defendant” did not “possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon” in “connection with the offense.”  Id. The government argued because the defendant stipulated in plea agreement that a weapon “was possessed” under the first of these provisions, he could not assert he had not “possessed” a weapon under the second.  Id. at 1185. 

The Court of Appeals disagreed, noting, “[u]nder the first enhancing provision, the verb was ‘written in the passive voice, requiring a sentence enhancement “if a dangerous weapon (including a firearm) was possessed.”’  Id.  According to the court, “[t]his verb form did not identify who was doing the possessing and thus was broad enough to cover situations of ‘mere proximity’ to a weapon by a defendant, without a showing of ‘active possession.’”  However, “the verb form in the second, mitigating section, ‘did not possess . . . a firearm,’ is in ‘the active voice[,] requiring the defendant to do the possessing,’ or more accurately, requiring the defendant not to do the possessing.”  Id. at 1186-87.

Hopefully, these ideas will resonate with us as we do our best to avoid any express or implicit bias in our writing.  The more we choose verbs and verb construction carefully, the better chance we have of clearly conveying points for our clients in an unbiased way.

March 9, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Court Reform, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Federal Appeals Courts, Legal Ethics, Legal Profession, Legal Writing, State Appeals Courts | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Lessons in Advocacy from the Trump v. Anderson Oral Argument

Oral argument in Trump v. Anderson, the ballot eligibility case from Colorado pending in the Supreme Court, received enormous public attention – as well as attention from other contributors to this blog. Regardless of what you think of the merits of the case (I filed an amicus brief on behalf of Professor Kermit Roosevelt of the University of Pennsylvania Law School that I will describe at the end of this post), the pre-argument assessment of the University of Texas law professor Steven Vladeck seemed accurate: constitutional law was likely to give way to constitutional politics. In this post, however, I want to focus on the oral argument. Despite how well the advocates did on many levels, the difficulty of the case and the predisposition of the justices made some responses surprisingly insufficient.

Former President Trump’s counsel, Jonathan Mitchell, benefited from a heavy dose of softball questions – and little follow up as it became obvious early on that he would prevail, even if not on any ground he argued. He had chosen to rely heavily on the argument that the presidency is not an office subject to disqualification under the Fourteenth Amendment. Justice Kagan prefaced one question by declaring that she could think of many good reasons why those who wrote Section 3 would want to cover the presidency, but wanted to know what rationale would support exclusion of it as a policy choice.

Mitchell’s response admitted that no good rationale exists to exclude the presidency but that the language probably represented some unknown compromise. He added, “In a compromise, everyone goes away miserable,” but that we have to follow the text, which he claims supports his view.

That response seems wholly unsatisfactory, built, as it is, on speculation that deserves no credit. As Mitchell otherwise conceded, “one would think, of all offices, the presidency would be the one you’d want to keep out the Confederate insurrectionists. That’s the commander-in-chief of the Army.” Amicus briefs from history scholars established that the presidency was covered – and that no one supported a different view. Yet, Mitchell’s shrugging response got no pushback or further exploration by any justice. For a majority on the Court that usually insists on original public meaning, Mitchell’s explanation should have sounded hollow. The justices were similarly uninterested in diving deeper into the claim that it was impossible to assign a meaning to the term “insurrection.”

Jason Murray, who represented the voters who sought to knock Trump off the ballot in Colorado, faced a hostile bench. It is always difficult to respond to a Court set on reaching a result contrary to your position, even when the judges struggle to find a common rationale. Yet, one premise behind questions raised by Justice Kagan and Chief Justice Roberts required a response, where none was given. Both members of the Court stated as a fact that it would seem odd that the Fourteenth Amendment, intended to restrict the States, would empower a State to disqualify a presidential candidate, which then led them to raise difficult questions about state authority, which provides the most likely ground for reversal.

Murray did not challenge the underlying premise of their questions, however – and he should have. Certainly, to the extent that the Fourteenth Amendment imposed the privileges and immunities of national citizenship on States, required them to observe equal protection and due process, and, eventually, comport their actions with the Bill of Rights, the Fourteenth Amendment can be seen as restricting on State authority. However, at the same time, the Amendment empowered the state courts to enforce those same rights. A state court does not require congressional approval before it finds that a law or government action, federal or state, violates equal protection or due process. Why would that expectation be any different for any other part of the Fourteenth Amendment, including its disqualification clause? The Constitution always expected state judges and state courts to abide by the supreme law of the land and enforce its requirements. The extension of rights in the Fourteenth Amendment also necessarily empowered state courts to enforce it.

Moreover, as amorphous as the concept of due process remains after centuries of precedent stretching back to Magna Carta, why would state courts have any greater difficulty interpreting “insurrection” and applying it without congressional guidance. Yet, if congressional guidance was needed to assist with determining whether January 6 and Trump’s role in it amounted to insurrection, ample expression of congressional thinking, both at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification and today, exist. Briefs detailed the legislative history of the provision. And the January 6 Committee report was evidence in the trial on that score in a Colorado courtroom. Finally, a majority of Congress found that Trump’s actions on January 6 constituted an impeachable offense, even if the 57 Senators who voted that way were short of the two-thirds necessary for removal from office. Since only a majority is needed for the type of legislative guidance, which Mitchell told the Court was necessary as a result of Griffin’s Case, that majority, specific to the question in this case, existed, having heard evidence more comprehensively than when legislation is usually considered.

I have no illusions that this type of pushback would likely change the result. Much of it existed in the amicus briefs filed. Instead, simply as a matter of appellate advocacy, it seems important to make points like that in response to a court’s assumptions. It may have no effect, but it also could create some hesitation on the part of the Court to make sweeping but erroneous declarations in the opinion that is issued and create a precedent for what is too facile a reading of the Constitution.

N.B.: The amicus brief I filed largely addressed two issues. First, that the debate over whether Section 3 is self-executing misunderstands the inquiry. The Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment sets standards to be implemented. No State shall deny equal protection or due process, for example. And no person who has taken an oath to support the Constitution (which logically includes those who took an oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution) and has engaged in insurrection shall hold office. The next question, then, is not whether Congress, which cannot enhance or diminish the Constitution’s command, puts it into effect, but whether a mechanism exists to bring an alleged violation before a court of law. Colorado election law provides such a mechanism, according standing to voters like the plaintiffs in this case.

Second, the brief addressed misunderstandings about Griffin’s Case. The case, in which Chief Justice Salmon Chase wrote the opinion while riding circuit, addressed whether a judge, who had served in the Confederacy and should not hold office under Section 3, could issue a valid criminal conviction and sentence. Chase’s narrow decision found that such a collateral attack on the judge’s authority could not be mounted in this case involving a manslaughter charge without congressional authorization. It did not suggest state law would suffice, likely because the case arose in Virginia which, at the time, had “no legal state government[]” under the First Reconstruction Act. Moreover, as was noted at oral argument and in other briefs, the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment, as well as Chase, agreed that Jefferson Davis was disqualified without congressional action from public office, including the presidency. Congress believed so too, because it was argued that the Amnesty Act of 1872 was flawed because its removal of disqualifications would allow a party to nominate Davis to the presidency or vice presidency.

Moreover, claims made during the oral argument that Griffin’s Case served as the basis for the Enforcement Act of 1870 ignore that the Act was drafted before the decision in the case and that key provisions were reenacted from an 1862 Act that predated the case, thereby undermining Mitchell’s claim that the 1870 Act created statutory preemption for State enforcement (even though it was repealed in 1948).

Still, with the decision seemingly preordained, my hope is that whatever opinion is issued does not fracture the history or establish background principles that like early interpretations of the Fourteenth Amendment skew its construction in ways that creates problems in the future.

February 25, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Oral Argument, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Reflections on the Supreme Court’s Oral Argument in Trump v. Anderson

The oral argument in Trump v. Anderson indicated that the United States Supreme Court would reverse the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision disqualifying Donald Trump from the ballot.[1] In fact, the Court’s decision will likely be unanimous for three reasons.

1.    Affirming the Colorado Supreme Court's decision would enable states to disqualify different candidates and thus create a lack of uniformity among the states regarding which candidates voters could select. 

If the Supreme Court affirmed the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, then Texas and other conservative states could disqualify President Biden from the ballot based on whatever subjective definition of insurrection they adopted, while liberal states could likewise disqualify Donald Trump. Imagine living in a world where, for example, ten states prohibited its citizens from voting for Trump while eight states prohibited its citizens from voting for Biden. Such a result would disenfranchise millions of voters and, as Chief Justice Roberts stated, enable a handful of states to decide the presidential election. Nothing could be more anti-democratic, at “war with the thrust of the Fourteenth Amendment,” and anathema to a society that values free and fair elections.[2]

Indeed, the justices recognized that affirming the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision would be far-reaching and fundamentally anti-democratic. For example, Justice Alito asked Jason Murray, the respondent’s attorney (and an outstanding lawyer), whether a state court could exclude from the ballot a presidential candidate that the court did not prefer simply because the candidate was leading in the polls. Murray answered in the affirmative – and that all but sunk Colorado’s argument.

The justices also suggested that the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision was contrary to the Fourteenth Amendment’s original purpose. As Chief Justice Roberts emphasized, the Fourteenth Amendment was designed to expand federal power and restrict state power. Thus, to conclude that the states have the power to disqualify federal candidates – particularly where the disqualification is predicated on an ambiguous provision – would be incongruous with the Fourteenth Amendment’s original purpose. For these and other reasons, Justice Kagan and Justice Barrett suggested that the question of whether a former president is disqualified for insurrection “sounds awfully national,” which is consistent with Section Five’s text, which gives Congress, not the states, the power to implement Section Three, and with the principle that there be uniformity among the states regarding who voters may select for president.[3]   

2.    Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is ambiguous and should not be construed to frustrate democracy.

Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Jackson explained that, unlike the Constitution’s age and nationality requirements, which are categorical and unambiguous, Section Three was susceptible to different interpretations and therefore should not be construed in an anti-democratic manner. For example, Justice Kavanaugh noted that the word “insurrection,” is broad and that Section Three contained no information concerning the procedures needed to determine whether a president was an insurrectionist. Likewise, Justice Jackson expressed concern that the President of the United States may not be an “officer of the United States” because the plain language of Section Three does not include the word “President,” therefore suggesting that the president is not within Section Three’s purview.

Given the fact that Section Three is ambiguous, why, as Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Jackson emphasized, should the Court reach an outcome that frustrates rather than facilitates democratic choice? And how should the Court resolve the issue regarding a candidate’s disqualification if states adopt different definitions of “insurrection,” adopt different evidentiary rules, and adopt different standards of proof? Colorado’s attorneys had no satisfactory answer.

3.    Affirming the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision would enable one state to decide a presidential election.

Justice Kagan rightly emphasized that, if the Court affirmed the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, one state (or a handful, as Chief Justice Robers noted) could decide the presidential election. To be sure, some if not many states would subsequently disqualify Trump from the ballot, making the Colorado Supreme Court the primary decision maker in the presidential election. Additionally, imagine if a presidential election was remarkably close and would be decided by the outcome in one state, but that state had disqualified Donald Trump from the ballot. This would give the presidency to Trump’s opponent and disenfranchise every voter in that state who supported Trump. Of course, some state courts could decide to distinguish the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision and therefore keep Donald Trump on the ballot, but even under this scenario, there would exist precisely the disuniformity that would compromise democratic choice.

Ultimately, the oral argument in Trump v. Anderson suggests that the Supreme Court will unanimously reverse the Colorado Supreme Court’s silly decision.

What was most disappointing was to see well-respected constitutional law scholars, such as J. Michael Luttig, a former judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and Laurence Tribe, a professor at Harvard Law School, so vehemently advocating for affirmance of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision. Judge Luttig argued that the decision was unassailable, that Section Three’s text was unambiguous, and along with Professor Tribe, that affirming the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision was vital to preserving democracy.[4] To make matters worse, these scholars relied heavily on the Report of the January 6 Committee, even though the January 6 hearings included only committee members that were biased against Trump and even though the committee adhered to none of the evidentiary standards that a trial – and due process – requires. The fact that Judge Luttig and Professor Tribe relied on this report and championed a decision by the Colorado Supreme Court that, given the text and history of Section Three, was so obviously wrong, is troubling.

Lest there be any doubt, imagine a world in which states could disqualify candidates based on different interpretations of Section Three, different evidentiary standards, and different burdens of proof. The result would be to allow one or more states to determine the presidential election based on nothing more than disdain for a presidential candidate, and to disenfranchise millions of voters by prohibiting them from voting for their preferred candidate. That would be as anti-democratic as you can get.

Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized this and is poised to unanimously reverse the Colorado Supreme Court’s silly decision. Democracy depends on them doing so – and they will.


[1] See Trump v. Anderson, Oral Argument, available at: Trump's 2024 ballot eligibility being weighed by Supreme Court | full audio (

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] See, e.g., Enormously Important Protection of Democracy: Tribe and Luttig on CO Barring Trump from Ballot (Dec. 21, 2023), available at: ‘Enormously important protection of democracy’: Tribe & Luttig on CO barring Trump from ballot - YouTube

February 18, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Current Affairs, Federal Appeals Courts, Law School, Legal Ethics, Legal Profession, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Allowing Inexperienced and Minority Attorneys More Oral Argument Time

When I was an experienced associate at a large appellate boutique, and then of counsel in a large law firm’s appellate department, attorneys at my level often offered trial court motion arguments and non-appellate brief writing to junior attorneys who were hungry for experience.  While our offers were not always completely altruistic—like when we offered “interesting” emergency weekend writs to others—we were genuinely invested in helping junior attorneys gain needed experience to better serve our clients.

In 2020, three U.S. District Judges for the Southern District of Illinois, Judge Nancy Rosenstengel, Judge Staci Yandle, and Judge David Dugan, issued orders encouraging the participation of "newer, female, and minority attorneys" in oral arguments.  As Reuters reported, under the orders, “parties can alert the judges if they intend to have a less-experienced, female, or minority attorney argue a motion.”  See Nate Raymond, Republican US Senators Seek Info on Illinois Judges' Diversity Policies, Reuters (Feb. 8, 2024).   The “judges in turn ‘strongly consider’ giving extra time for oral argument and allowing more experienced attorneys to provide the newer” counsel assistance.  Id. 

Last week, Reuters, Bloomberg Law, and Law360 all reported that a conservative legal group and two Republican U.S. Senators recently complained about the three judges’ efforts.  See Raymond, Republican US senators; Suzanne Monyak,

Courtroom Diversity Orders From 2020 Probed by GOP Senators, Bloomberg Law (Feb. 9, 2024); Courtney Buble, GOP Sens. Blast Ill. Judges' Moves For Diversity In Oral Args, Law360 (Feb. 7, 2024).  According to Stephen Miller’s organization, America First Legal, the three Southern District of Illinois judges committed misconduct by discriminating based on race and sex in the standing orders.  Here is America First Legal’s misconduct complaint to the Seventh Circuit.  Following the America First Legal complaint, two Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senators Cruz and Kennedy, wrote to the Chief Judge of the Seventh Circuit asking for more information about the standing orders.  Their letter is here.  The gist of both communications is that the three judges’ standing orders give an illegal preference through a facially discriminatory policy. 

As we wait for the Seventh Circuit to weigh in on the First America Legal complaint and the letter from the Senators, we might see other similar policies challenged.  For the past six years, the American Bar Association “has urged courts to implement plans to give new lawyers courtroom experience,” and in 2023 “passed a resolution calling on courts to allow two attorneys to argue for each client to foster that goal.”  Raymond, Republican US Senators.  Most court rules following the ABA’s resolution are facially neutral, but not all.  See generally Buble, GOP Sens

Whatever the fate of the three Southern District standing orders, experienced lawyers should  work to be stronger mentors.  We can offer argument and writing time to junior attorneys and underrepresented minorities whenever it’s possible to do so while still serving clients’ needs.  In this way, we’ll help the profession, and we might avoid some of those weekend emergency writ-drafting sessions at the same time. 

February 17, 2024 in Appellate Advocacy, Appellate Court Reform, Appellate Justice, Appellate Practice, Appellate Procedure, Current Affairs, Legal Ethics, Legal Profession, Legal Writing, Oral Argument | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Judicial Ethics Beyond the U.S. Supreme Court

Concerns about the absence of any applicable judicial ethics standards to justices of the U.S. Supreme Court grew into loud demands for an ethics code last year. The result was the adoption of a code largely consistent with the one applicable to federal judges generally, although it contained some important exceptions and also lacked any enforcement mechanism. As a result, recusal remains an individual decision for each justice with only vague and voluntary guidance.

Even though the rules may seem more clearly defined in other courts, surprisingly, issues remain. In 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Caperton v. Massey, which applied the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process clause to judicial recusal. Brent Benjamin had won election as a justice to the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. Substantial independent expenditures by a party in the case likely helped Benjamin’s candidacy. He nonetheless refused to recuse and argued that the money did not come to him, did not necessarily help his campaign, and did not affect his vote in favor of his so-called benefactor. Disagreeing, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the “risk of actual bias” was serious enough “based on objective and reasonable perceptions” that recusal was mandatory.

Although Caperton seemed to establish a standard that erred in favor of recusal, high court justices often determine for themselves whether they should be recused and adopt a personal standard. In one case I had in that same West Virginia court, I asked a justice to recuse himself after he had campaigned on a pledge to uphold the law I was challenging in remarks during his campaign to the group that had lobbied in favor it. He initially denied the motion for recusal, writing a statement about how he had First Amendment rights. Subsequent press coverage, quoting ethics experts who agreed that recusal was warranted, caused him to rethink his position and agree to recuse himself.

Today, the recusal issue is squarely presented in a case pending in the Ohio Supreme Court. Justice Joe Deters joined the Court a year ago after a career largely spent as a county prosecutor. The Court heard oral argument in State v. Glover on February 7. In a bench trial, a judge found Glover guilty of aggravated robbery and kidnapping after a crime spree in which he forced individuals at gunpoint to take him to an ATM, where he robbed them. The judge gave an aggregate sentence of 60 years for the multiple felonies with consecutive sentences. An appellate court found error in the sentence, ordering it reduced to an aggregate of 25 years. The State brought the case to the Ohio Supreme Court.

Justice Deters chose not to recuse himself, despite having served as lead counsel in the prosecution of Glover just two years ago. Ohio Rule of Judicial Conduct 2.11(a) requires a judge to “disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” Among the specific examples of circumstances warranting disqualification are: (1) having “personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding” and (2) the judge “act[ed] as a lawyer in the proceeding.”

Even though the issue is now a larger one than the underlying case and concerns the criteria applicable to sentencing when multiple crimes are committed, any decision will determine the length of Glover’s incarceration. It seems clear that Justice Deters has “personal knowledge of facts in dispute” and “act[ed] as a lawyer in the proceeding.” Moreover, the case was argued by Deters’s former co-counsel, which also requires disqualification. Given that the appearance of impropriety suffices to disqualify, the decision against recusal comprises an affront to due process. At oral argument, only Deters asked no questions. His silence, however, does not cure the problem.

As with Caperton, the potential exists for this case to land in the U.S. Supreme Court. If the Ohio Court of Appeals is reversed, particularly if Deters’s vote is decisive, Glover’s appointed counsel could raise Fourteenth Amendment due process objections. No one should miss the irony of a Court where recusal is entirely voluntary deciding when it should be mandatory for others.

February 14, 2024 in Appellate Court Reform, Appellate Justice, Current Affairs, State Appeals Courts, United States Supreme Court | Permalink | Comments (0)