Appellate Advocacy Blog

Editor: Charles W. Oldfield
The University of Akron
School of Law

Friday, May 11, 2018

Appellate Advocacy Weekly Roundup May 11, 2018

Each week, the Appellate Advocacy Blog Weekly Roundup presents a few tidbits of news and Twitter posts from the past week concerning appellate advocacy. As always, if you see something during the week that you think we should be sure to include, feel free to send Dan Real a quick email at[email protected] or a message on Twitter(@Daniel_L_Real). 

Supreme Court Opinions and News:

Adam Feldman from Empirical SCOTUS writes about data and analysis of SCOTUS oral arguments--how much justices spoke, what they spoke about, and who spoke--from the past term.


Ilya Shapiro from The Federalist has this review of what decisions from the past term tell us about the newest member of SCOTUS, Justice Gorsuch.



Federal Appellate Court Opinions and News:

A 9th Circuit nominee apologizes for comments made in a Stanford newspaper back in the early '90s. 



State Appellate Court Opinions and News:

Justice Neil Gorsuch swears in Nebraska Supreme Court's youngest member, Jonathan Papik, stating "I can assure all of you, the job is safe with him." 




Appellate Job Postings:

U.S. Solicitor General's Office--attorneys 


GA Supreme Court--judicial law clerks


New federal law clerk hiring plan/process pilot program)


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