Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Economic Activity, Market Failure and Services of General Economic Interest: It Takes Two to Tango

Economic Activity, Market Failure and Services of General Economic Interest: It Takes Two to Tango

The material consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic bring back into sharp focus the age-old debate as to the desirable balance between the public and private sectors of the economy. Whilst the degree of State involvement differs considerably as between the various Member States, the overall level of that engagement has declined since the ascension to office of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan in 1979. The European Union (‘EU’) has not been immune to this trend. 


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Respetado Doctor Daniel Sokol me permito escribirle con el animo de quesea ser compartido el articulo por favor. Economic Activity, Market Failure and Services of General Economic Interest: It Takes Two to Tango, debido que en la actualidad me encuentro realizado mis estudios Doctorales en la Universidad de Celaya en Mexico y este articulo es de importancia para la formulación de mi marco teórico muchas gracias.

Posted by: Javier Segura Ruiz | Jun 6, 2022 7:24:54 AM

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