Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Polish Competition Law
Posted by D. Daniel Sokol
Mateusz Blachucki, Polish Academy of Sciences (INP PAN) - Institute of Law Studies discusses Polish Competition Law.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this publication is to present foreign readers with the first English course on Polish competition law. The book consists of three parts. First is a monographic presentation of the Polish antimonopoly law. The considerations are not, however, limited to the antimonopoly act in force. Presentation of the current model of the competition law is preceded by the comprehensive theoretical study laying down the origins and basic definitions of contemporary Polish antimonopoly law. The second part is a selection of judicial case law in competition cases. Its role is to provide a reader with a practical insight into how the competition law is applied by the courts and what are the most important issues developed by the judiciary. The last part brings basic legal texts. It enables readers to confront the theoretical background and the case law with actual wording of relevant regulations or soft law documents. A combination of these three parts aims at giving an overview of the Polish competition law. The three parts supplement each other and are cross-referenced. Such method allows avoiding duplication of certain contents. Therefore it is suggested to study all three parts in parallel in order to get the more comprehensive view of the presented issues.