Thursday, February 28, 2013

Determining disruptive innovation potential of multi-sided platforms: case of digital books

Posted by D. Daniel Sokol

Daniil V. Muravskii — St. Petersburg State University and Sergey A. Yablonsky - St. Petersburg State University are Determining disruptive innovation potential of multi-sided platforms: case of digital books.

ABSTRACT: In this work, disruptive innovation theory is applied to studying multi-sided platforms (MSPs). It is argued that a successful MSP is one that is capable of making products, which are likely to disrupt the current market. The authors develop a mechanism by which it is possible to determine the disruptive potential of an innovation. Its application is then demonstrated on the case of E-publishing and digital books. Based on the study, we suggest that determining disruptive potential should be a key strategic question, when creating and managing MSPs.

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