Thursday, January 7, 2010
Section 5 FTC Act Blog Symposium: Comments of Josh Wright
Posted by Josh Wright
Employing Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act to evade
Section 2 monopolization law is not a legitimate use of Section 5. This is, unfortunately, the only reasonable
interpretation of the Commission’s choice to make Section 5 the primary hook of
its Intel complaint. While there is no doubt that Section 5 of the
FTC Act was intended to allow the Commission to fill “gaps” in antitrust enforcement
under the Sherman Act, the FTC’s attempts to pigeonhole its Section 5 complaint
into this “gap” filling rationale is not persuasive.
Let’s start with the FTC’s joint statement in support of the
Section 5 case:
Despite the long history of Section
5, until recently the Commission has not pursued free-standing unfair method of
competition claims outside of the most well accepted areas, partly because the
antitrust laws themselves have in the past proved flexible and capable of
reaching most anticompetitive conduct. However, concern over class
actions, treble damages awards, and costly jury trials have caused many courts
in recent decades to limit the reach of antitrust. The result has been that
some conduct harmful to consumers may be given a “free pass” under antitrust
jurisprudence, not because the conduct is benign but out of a fear that the
harm might be outweighed by the collateral consequences created by private
enforcement. For this reason, we have seen an increasing amount of
potentially anticompetitive conduct that is not easily reached under the
antitrust laws, and it is more important than ever that the Commission actively
consider whether it may be appropriate to exercise its full Congressional
authority under Section 5.
The Commission essentially argues that because courts have
limited the scope of the Sherman Act, there is a legitimate fear that the
antitrust laws might not reach every bit of conduct that might harm
consumers. In turn, this narrowed scope
of the Sherman Act warrants an expanded use of the Section 5 authority.
Commissioner Rosch offers a more nuanced view of his
preference for Section 5 (to the exclusion of Section 2) in his separate statement. Commissioner Rosch contends that Section 5 is
the appropriate antitrust weapon of choice against Intel because: (1) in
markets with few players, like the microprocessor market, it is tough to
distinguish harm to competitors from harm to competition; (2) the reduction of
consumer (whether OEM or end user) “choice” warrants antitrust action even if
the that loss is not also associated with a reduction in output, increase in
price, or some demonstrably measurable competitive harm; (3) “course of
conduct” monopolization claims are like “invitation to collude” cases and are
therefore appropriate under Section 5; and (4) because the Commissioner
believes intent evidence is relevant in this case (and presumably most cases)
and some cases interpreting the Sherman Act restrict its use.
These arguments fail to justify use of the Commission’s
Section 5 authority in the Intel matter.
Further, these arguments provide only a thin veil for what appears to be
the more likely reason that the Commission is choosing to exercise its Section
5 authority against Intel – to evade the strict requirements of proof of
competitive harm embedded into Section 2 of the Sherman Act.
Section 2 jurisprudence has developed in a manner consistent
with the “error-cost approach” to the design of optimal legal standards and
allocations of burdens. That is, the
Leibowitz/Rosch narrative that the reduction in scope of Section 2 over time immunizes
defendants despite their anticompetitive conduct because of some sort of
aversion to private enforcement is simply wrong. Moreover, it’s wrong in
an important way. The fear that emerges out of Credit Suisse, Trinko, Brooke Group, and
Linkline is not merely that private actions are bad, but rather that
error costs are a real, measurable problem. In other words, the fear is
that: (1) it is very difficult to determine in the first instance whether
would-be exclusionary conduct is pro-competitive, anti-competitive, or competitively
neutral, (2) consequently, this raises the inevitability of Type I and Type II
errors, (3) as per Easterbrook’s The
Limits of Antitrust, the former should be of greater concern because they
create more substantial social costs (”error costs”). Given (1)-(3), the
Supreme Court has adopted liability rules that reflect the realities of the
economic technology available to distinguish anticompetitive single firm
conduct from pro-competitive conduct, and the asymmetrical costs of errors. The fundamental point is that rules that are
responsive to error-cost concerns are very much concerned with maximizing the
rate of return provided consumers to enforcement of antitrust laws.
While it is true that private enforcement can exacerbate the
costs of false positives, and that this aggravation has partially motivated the
Supreme Court’s analysis, Leibowitz /Rosch do not fit that observation into the
error-cost framework that the Court has adopted. This fundamental error, and particularly the
failure to understand the central role of the difficulty of identifying
anticompetitive conduct and distinguishing it from pro-competitive conduct in
the development of Section 2 standards, causes the Commissioners to see the
strict requirements of Section 2 as raising “technical” obstacles to antitrust
claims that do not go to the core of the antitrust mission --- and hence their
comfortableness with the gap-filling use of Section 5.
To repeat, the fundamental problem with this approach is
that the development of Section 2 in response to error-cost concerns is a
feature and not a bug. Treating Supreme
Court antitrust jurisprudence as a mere “bug” that can (or must) be evaded when
convenient for the Commission’s policy preferences is neither a coherent nor
principled approach to Section 5 in general or with respect to Intel in
specific. The view implicitly adopted by
the Commissioners that the antitrust laws are somehow failing if they do not
reach “most anticompetitive conduct” simply contradicts the approach taken by the
Supreme Court. The gap between actual Supreme Court interpretation of
Section 2 and the Commission’s hypothetical body of antitrust law that would
reach all anticompetitive conduct is not one that is accidental or the product
of “mere technicality.” Rather,
existing monopolization law has evolved in recent years largely through
unanimous decisions in a manner consistent with error-cost analysis. Indeed, error-cost analysis has become a
mainstream tool in antitrust jurisprudence and the economic analysis of law
generally. The interpretation of Section 2 law required to justify the
“gap filling” rationale for application of Section 5 to Intel’s conduct is not
completely inconsistent with case law, but it also invites the application of
Section 5 unhinged from the Section 2 principles entirely. This, in my
view, is a wrongheaded approach that is almost certain to strip away the
protections for consumers embedded in the error-cost approach incorporated into
Section 2.
Commissioner Rosch’s arguments in favor of Section 5 fail
for related reasons. For example, the
view that Commissioner Rosch espouses – that “the oft-repeated admonition that
the Sherman and Clayton Acts protect competition, not competitors, and the
federal courts’ attendant disinclination to protect competitors in cases
brought under those statutes do not fit well” in markets like the
microprocessor industry with small numbers of competitors – implicitly rejects
the notion that the “oft-repeated admonition” has consumer-welfare protecting
value associated with it. As discussed
briefly above and elsewhere at length,
this is incorrect. The difficulty with distinguishing
vigorous competition that harms competitors but benefits consumers from truly
anticompetitive conduct is at the heart of error-cost analysis designed to
harness the power of the antitrust laws to maximize the welfare benefits
competition policy generates for consumers.
If Commissioner Rosch truly believes that in markets with only one
competitor, harm to that competitor renders harm to competition likely, let the
plaintiff prove competitive harm under Section 2. Instead, the Commission is taking the
position that in cases where it is really tough to distinguish harm to
competition from harm to individual competitors, we ought to ease the plaintiff’s burden! This argument turns the first principles of
antitrust on their collective head in a manner that makes the attempt to fit
this particular application into the traditional uses of Section 5 quite
More than anything else, Commissioner Rosch’s argument is an
appeal to the European monopolization/abuse of dominant position approach that more readily equates harm to competitors with harm to
competition. The fact that the US system
rejects this view is neither accidental nor a mere technicality to be evaded through
the novel use of Section 5. While I’ve
focused here on the incompatibility of the Commission’s Section 5 case with
established Supreme Court Section 2 jurisprudence, there are other major
problems with the Commission’s reinvigoration of Section 5 as the touchstone of
monopolization enforcement. A
substantial problem with this approach is that it offers business firms
virtually zero clarity with respect to forms of business conduct (including
conduct involving discounting, such as Intel’s contracts with OEMs) is
permissible. Of course, this problem is
exacerbated by the facts that the Commission has ruled for itself in all 16 of
the disputed Sherman Act cases it has brought and that the Commission’s
administrative decisions are neither binding on the Commission itself nor great
deference by the courts.
I’ll finish with a prediction. The FTC will ultimately lose under any
elements of the case brought under Section 2. To the extent that an
appropriate interpretation of Section 5 is at least informed by Section 2, the
FTC will also ultimately lose on its Section 5 claims (on appeal, of course,
not at the Commission). Further, the Section 5 enforcement action will
cost consumers (win or lose) in at least two ways. The first is that Commission will expend
significant resources litigating a case with Intel involving conduct that has
already been limited by a private settlement, exploiting resources that could
be used to tackle other (error-cost justified) problems. The second is
that the Commission’s invocation of (and awkward justification for) Section 5
will result in uncertainty which will chill some pro-competitive conduct,
including discounting behavior by firms in high-tech industries and across the
But most importantly, whatever one thinks about the
competitive merits of Intel’s underlying conduct, the Commission’s use of
Section 5 should be seen for what it is: an attempt to evade requirements to
demonstrate consumer harm under Section 2 that exist to protect consumers from
the social costs of false positives.
Such an approach is bound to harm competition and consumers in the long run because it gives the Commission the
option to apply its “watered down” standard to whatever business conduct it
views as potentially problematic. This
approach is a recipe for Type I error and should be rejected by fans of consumer-welfare
based antitrust policy.
Staying within the error-cost framework: I read the Leibowitz/Rosch statement as saying that the costs associated with potential false positives are greatly reduced with Sec. 5, as compared to Sec. 1 or 2, due to the lack of private enforcement.
To the extent that the threat of private enforcement has affected the error-cost analysis and resulted in heightened requirements for Shearman Act claims, why wouldn’t this cut towards more lenient requirements for Sec. 5 claims?
Posted by: George | Jan 8, 2010 12:58:20 PM