Tuesday, October 27, 2009
China’s Antimonopoly Law—One Year Down: Part 2. China’s new merger review regime
Posted by Wentong Zheng
In my previous post on China’s Antimonopoly Law
(“AML”) (see here), I
provided a brief overview of the AML and the new developments that happened
since the AML went into effect last year.
Today I will focus on China’s new merger review regime under the AML.
Prior to the AML, an antitrust review process
was in place for foreign acquisitions of Chinese companies. No comparable process existed for mergers and
acquisitions among domestic companies.
The framework for a new merger review regime is laid out in Chapter 4 of
the AML. By not limiting its reach to
foreign acquisitions, as the previous regulation governing merger reviews did,
Chapter 4 of the AML brings within its purview mergers and acquisitions among domestic
More importantly, Chapter 4 of the AML
specifies a list of the substantive factors that will be considered in merger
reviews: (1) the market share of the undertakings (meaning business operators
or parties) involved in the relevant market and their ability to control the market;
(2) the degree of market concentration in the relevant market; (3) the effect
of the concentration on market entry and technological progress; (4) the effect
of the concentration on consumers and other undertakings; (5) the effect of the
concentration on national economic development; and (6) other factors affecting
market competition as determined by the antimonopoly enforcement agency. In the meantime, Chapter 4 of the AML
provides that a merger that otherwise would be prohibited may be allowed if it
has competitive effects that outweigh its anticompetitive effects. In addition, a merger that otherwise would be
prohibited may also be allowed if it is “in the social or public interest.”
Chapter 4 of the AML, however, only provides a
sketch of the mechanics of the new merger regime. The details of the merger review regime are
expected to be fleshed out in subsequent regulations. In March 2008, China’s State Council released
a draft merger notification and review regulation for public comments, to which
the ABA’s Antitrust Section and International Law Section responded with
extensive comments (see here—you
will need to scroll down to the middle of the document to see the comments in
English). The regulation that was
eventually promulgated in August 2008, however, was a stripped-down version
containing only notification threshold provisions. Separately, in May 2009, the Antimonopoly
Commission (the inter-agency body charged with antitrust policymaking under the
AML) issued guidelines on market definition under the AML, after soliciting
public comments (see ABA comments here). Four other regulations pertaining to the
other aspects of the merger review regime (including merger notification
procedures, merger review procedures, investigation of mergers not notified as
required by law, and investigation of mergers not reaching the notification
thresholds) are currently going through the rulemaking process.
What emerges from this hodgepodge of
regulations or proposed regulations is a merger review regime that in some
respects resembles those of Western countries and in some other respects does
not. On one hand, China’s new merger
review regime follows many of the common Western practices, such as the
adoption of the SSNIP test for market definition and the utilization of
notification thresholds based on the size of the parties to the
transactions. On the other hand, the
factors considered in merger reviews in China are apparently broader and less
predictable than those considered in Western countries. The factors considered in China are broader
because the merger authority can consider factors other than the effects of the
merger on competition, including the effects of the merger on “other
undertakings” (does it imply that China may want to protect the competitors,
not the competition?) and the effects of the merger on “national economic
development” (does that give industrial policies a role in merger
reviews?). The factors considered in
China are less predictable because the merger authority can consider any factor
that it may determine affects market competition, and factors as amorphous as
“social or public interest.”
As is true perhaps with every merger review
regime, what is more important than the texts of the merger review laws and
regulations is how merger reviews are actually conducted. The Antimonopoly Bureau of MOFCOM has assumed
responsibility for merger reviews under the AML. As of now, MOFCOM has blocked one transaction
(Coca-Cola/Huiyuan), and approved four transactions with conditions (InBev/Anheuser
Busch, Mitsubishi Rayon/Lucite, Pfizer/Wyeth and GM/Delphi).
The five merger cases that MOFCOM has blocked or
approved with conditions involve different types of merger: horizontal merger
(InBev/AB, Mitsubishi Rayon/Lucite, and Pfizer/Wyeth), vertical merger
(GM/Delphi), and conglomerate merger (Coca-Cola/Huiyuan). Unfortunately, the published decisions for
those cases tend to be very cursory. And
the decisions generally are focused more on remedies than on the evidence that
would support a conclusion of competitive harms. For two analyses of MOFCOM’s decisions in
InBev/AB, Mitsubishi Rayon/Lucite, and Coco-Cola/Huiyuan, see here and here. One thing that is clear from those cases is
that MOFCOM has demonstrated its readiness to impose both structural remedies
(such as the divestitures ordered in Mitsubishi Rayon/Lucite and Pfizer/Wyeth)
and behavioral remedies (such as the restrictions on the acquisition of
additional equity stakes in Chinese beer companies imposed in InBev/AB). But in terms of how MOFCOM would evaluate
available evidence to draw inferences about competitive harms, I don’t believe
that MOFCOM has arrived at—much less revealed—a pattern of thinking in the
decisions it has published so far.
Well, some believe that there is a pattern—a
pattern of using the merger review process as a protectionist tool against
foreign investors. This argument is
bolstered by MOFCOM’s decision to block the Coca-Cola/Huiyuan deal. You may also have noticed that all of the
transactions blocked or conditionally approved by MOFCOM involve foreign
investors. That surely smacks of
protectionism—or does it? I will offer
my takes on these issues in my next post.