Sunday, February 24, 2008
Towards a Differentiated Analysis of Competition of Competition Laws
Posted by D. Daniel Sokol
Wolfgang Kerber of Philipps of University Marburg - Department of Business Administration and Economics and Oliver Budzinski of University of Marburg - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration discuss Towards a Differentiated Analysis of Competition of Competition Laws.
ABSTRACT: Can competition of competition laws be a feasible concept that should play an important role in an international order for the worldwide protection of competition? The authors will introduce four different types of regulatory competition that allow for a more differentiated analysis of beneficial and deficient effects of competition of competition laws. Their analysis shows that most types of regulatory competition have a rather limited scope for application to competition laws. However, yardstick competition can be very promising and represents a powerful argument against centralisation. An important result of the authors' analysis is that the institutional framework of any competition of competition laws plays a crucial role for its workability.