Sunday, December 17, 2023
SWCASP & MWCASP Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals: SWCASP & MWCASP Joint One-Day Workshop
The Southwestern Consortium of Academic Support Professionals and the Midwestern Consortium of Academic Support Professionals are now accepting proposals for presentations at their Joint Workshop taking place in-person at the Saint Louis University School of Law on Friday, March 8, 2024. We welcome proposals from presenters in the Southwest or Midwest regions and beyond! While we are excited to return to an in-person workshop this year, we also will try to record the workshop for those unable to travel to St. Louis.
The theme of this year's Workshop is Practical and Innovative Techniques to Approach Teaching and Advising for the Next Gen Bar Exam and the Next Generation of Lawyers. The Workshop Planning Committee seeks presentations focused on:
- What we can do to prepare the students entering our classroom that don't have the same skills as previous classes;
- How to advise students in the face of the many unknowns that accompany the adoption of the Next Gen Bar Exam; and
- How to advise and support faculty in moving forward with their own teaching in a way that embraces the changes presented by the bar exam and legal practice.
Preference will be given to presentations that are both interactive and contain Lessons or Presentations in a Box (where the presenter provides all of the information and materials necessary for attendees to leave the session prepared to deliver the lesson or presentation on their own).
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with all acceptances going out by the week of February 12, 2024. To apply, please complete the proposal SUBMISSION FORM by January 31, 2024. The Submission Form requests the following information:
- Name and Email of Presenter(s)
- Title of proposed presentation
- Brief description of your proposed presentation (under 100 words)
- Desired length of presentation (25 minutes or 50 minutes)
- Brief description of the interactive elements of your presentation
- Brief description of the materials you will provide to participants to take home with them from your presentation
If you have any questions about your proposal, please do not hesitate to contact one of us. Information on hotel blocks and workshop registration will be forthcoming. As always, there is no fee to attend this workshop.
We look forward to receiving your proposals!
2024 One-Day Workshop Planning Committee
Toni Miceli, Saint Louis University School of Law
Steven Foster, Oklahoma City University School of Law
Megan Kreminski, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law