Saturday, March 26, 2022
Notice and Comment on NextGen Bar Content
The NextGen Bar Exam's preliminary Content Scope Outlines are out. The announcement is below. The NCBE is also asking for comments on the outlines. You can use the links in the announcement to provide comments. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to advocate for our students.
"NCBE is pleased to announce the publication of the preliminary Content Scope Outlines for the next generation of the bar exam. NCBE requests public comment on the outlines from our colleagues in the legal community by Monday, April 18. The new bar exam is expected to launch in approximately five years. Please feel free to share this announcement and request for comment with your colleagues in practice, the judiciary, and legal education.
The Content Scope Outlines delineate the topics and lawyering tasks to be assessed within the eight Foundational Concepts and Principles (subjects) and seven Foundational Skills established through the work of NCBE’s Content Scope Committee, a group of 21 dedicated legal professionals, including legal educators, deans, practitioners, and bar examiners. The focus of the topics and skills to be tested are those that are most important to the practice of newly licensed attorneys.
These subjects and skills are based on the input of nearly 15,000 members of the legal community who responded to NCBE’s 2019 nationwide practice analysis survey. The subjects to be tested are Civil Procedure, Contract Law, Evidence, Torts, Business Associations, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Real Property. The skills to be tested include legal research, legal writing, issue spotting and analysis, investigation and evaluation, client counseling and advising, negotiation and dispute resolution, and client relationship and management.
Thank you for your interest in the future of the bar exam. To submit comments by April 18, please visit the next gen website."